As you know Correct The Record, a pro Clinton group, has been behind the amount of shitposting in recent days. They have no plans of slowing down at all.
We need to discuss ways to stop them, as right now mods are doing nothing about it
As you know Correct The Record, a pro Clinton group, has been behind the amount of shitposting in recent days. They have no plans of slowing down at all.
We need to discuss ways to stop them, as right now mods are doing nothing about it
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought that shit was just a joke like the JIDF. But nope, both are actual fucking things. Can't make this shit up
just report them...
I prefer to just take a break from 1/2chan for a while.
eventually they'll run out of weed and get bored and go back to tumblr.
This is going to exceed $10m by the election times. They are literally trying to overwhelm everyone with information so they don't think.
It's not going to slow down. We need fucking Hiro and the mods to step up
So I posed a question last night in a Trumpgen that Never got answered, here I go again.
Do the CTR and the Google goonsquad get paid by the hour or do they get commission pay by the amount of activity they have to shitpost against?
If Sup Forums were to make a concerted effort to step thread production and turn around, not only would we possibly be attracting more dialtones to be redpilled and join in, but would we be potentially draining the coffers of these hirelings' faster than their masters are willing to pay.
We would also be debunking their feckless, factless bullshit at the same time.
Feedback and tweaking appreciated.
We need to spam more anti Hillary and pro Trump threads. No one is doing that
Threads like these are one of the best remedies out there. The ctr people are scared of being found out, because if their boss happens to see a thread like this one, that means their cover is blown. Think of the samefags as poor people that need to convince their bosses that they need to stay on the payroll because they are "making a difference".
Keep posting threads like this OP, it hurts them far more than it appears. inb4 derail
Its easy. We simply continue being Sup Forums.
Everyone who spends time here is eventually red pilled.
Libcucks have come here for years to try and stir shit up. Then they start reading shit. At first they just ignore it. But eventually, it gets to be too much. They start trying to refute things. They see an image pointing out that blacks are massively over-represented in homicide and violent crime. They decide they're going to prove it wrong, and they go looking up statistics for themselves, and...
Sup Forums
Then it happens again. And again.
Then some terrorist attack happens, and the race of the attacker isn't mentioned for hours and hours, and Sup Forums cynically comments that the longer we don't know, the more likely its a muslim... and they join in. Not wholeheartedly at first. But they admit to themselves what the truth is. They admit to themselves that this latest attack is probably islamic terrorism. And they admit to themselves that the media is downplaying it to push a narrative.
And then the walls around their mind really start crumbling.
And they start thinking maybe there is some deeper problem with black american culture. Maybe globalism and multiculturalism isn't all its cracked up to be. Maybe being opposed to open-ended immigration isn't racist. Maybe... maybe Trump has a point.
This has been happening on this board for years. Many of you probably experienced something very much like that story yourselves. No... we don't need to do anything. We just need to keep being Sup Forums. Hillary thinks shes paying people to disrupt us. No... shes paying people to break free of indoctrination and turn against her. She just doesn't realize it yet.
Elrod, Adrienne | Communications Director - HRC Texas Communications Director 07-08
Ritzman, Sam | Research Director
Strider, Burn | Senior Adviser
Wright, Isaac | Daily Operations Director
Cohen, Elizabeth| Treasurer
Morgan, Michelle| Assistant Treasurer
Elizabeth Shappell Communications Director
Elizabeth Price | Deputy Communications Director
Ritzman, Sam | Research Director
Strider, Burn | Senior Adviser Executive Vice President American Bridge 21st Century
Wright, Isaac | Daily Operations Director
Cohen, Elizabeth| Treasurer
Morgan, Michelle| Assistant Treasurer
Susie Tompkins Buell | Fundraiser
Connor Shaw | Special Projects
Benjamin Williams | Research Associate
Ryan R. Migeed | Digital Writer
Camden Weber | Assistant Press Secretary
Amanda Taylor | Karpay Digital Team Lead
John Newman | Digital Strategy Manager
Daniel Wssel | Press Secretary
Elrod, Adrienne | Strategic Communications Director for HRC (previous CommsDirector for CtR)
Keep exposing these shills.
David Brock used to write anti Clinton shit in the 1990s. He was so good he got hired by the Clintons to shill for them. He is the boss of CTR.
These guys have spent $6 gorillion on your opinions so far.
When you heard about sexist Berniebros that was his doing.
>Sup Forums
>sending CTR people to an overwhelmingly right-wing site
The posts here are just regular shitposting by people trying to upset you. They're not going to waste their resources on a site that's 99% right-wing. They're doing this shit where normies dwell (Twitter, Facebook, etc).
>tfw you ultimately realized correction doesn't imply factuality
Think about how bad the election must be going for the wrinkled old bag of shit Hillary that she has to pay these CTR faggots to come here and try and convince a Ugandan Urethra Sounding forum to vote for the demofaggots.
I larped as a bad CTR shill to expose these Orwellian creeps.
>160,000,000ish women in the US
>this is the one you select to represent your party
>somehow, you're proud of this
Also the convention was a fun unifying experience when you correct the record.
They also wrote a 140 page book about Benghazi in which they proved that Shillary dindu nuffin. The real bad guys were the Republicans holding the investigation.
Anyone who thinks CTR does absolutely anything here is retarded. CTR would never waste their time here, at least not longer than it took them to realize how hopeless their efforts are.
CTR is for normie shit like Facebook and k
Leddit. Which really should be way more of a concern for anyone than if they were shilling anything on Sup Forums.
it's definitely CORRECT THE RECORD and not individuals who have their own thoughts and opinions! remember, everything you don't like is CTR, Reddit, cuck, numale! hahahaha fucking retards
These people are ruining every last free space on the net, just like they have done with the media. I just watched the NBC news and no mention of the downing of a Russian chopper carrying humanitarian aid to the people of Allepo. And this was more than likely carried out with a man-pad given to these assholes from the Clinton State Department. Either these people don't know or don't care what kind of trash they are supporting.
They shitpost here for a few dollars when peoples lives hang in the balance.
>In dark corners of the internet, Hillary Clinton is a crook and a liar. Facebook groups— “Stop Hillary Clinton in 2016,” “Americans Against Hillary Clinton”—malign the former first lady and current Democratic presidential front-runner. Twitter accounts signal disdain using hashtags like #NeverClinton, #NeverHillary, and #CrookedHillary.
>At least some Sanders supporters say that just knowing the effort exists makes it harder to have civil conversation online. “I think the most dangerous part was that after it was announced so many of our users started being very cynical and suspicious of people,” David Fredrick, a co-founder and moderator of Sanders for President, a pro-Sanders group on Reddit with nearly a quarter of a million subscribers. “If anyone criticizes a Sanders supporter online now there’s doubt over whether it’s a genuine exchange or if it’s something that Correct the Record is behind.” Fredrick added while “there’s no evidence that anyone from Correct the Record” has tried to infiltrate his Reddit group, he believes the effort will only serve to tear people apart. “They might say it’s positive messaging, but it’s really set people on edge, and that’s divisive.” (“Barrier Breakers accounts are always identified as Correct the Record,” spokesperson Elizabeth Shappell said, adding: “We are focused on breaking down the barriers that stand in the way of progress, like Donald Trump’s agenda.”)
They sow discord and division in Clinton's enemies. It's what they do.
Why are you replying to shills ...
Sometimes you get them to sperg out and say something that blows their cover.
Really though to keep the thread alive. The best way to run a thread like this is to LARP as a shill so people keep the thread bumped and lurkers can follow the links.
I long for the day a candidate I support will pay me to shitpost for them, but the only candidates who do this are part of the establishment (ie. the ZOG oligopoly).
I'm gonna call this number on Google Voice and record it lads
A) How do I record a google voice call and
B) what should I ask him
anyone else shill ironically? I do it all the time just for the (You)'s and reactions, surely I cant be the only one
>Do the CTR and the Google goonsquad get paid by the hour or do they get commission pay by the amount of activity they have to shitpost against?
I tend to agree with you, I think no way they're wasting their time here.
Then I see shit like this and I'm not so sure. It's not like the state of Hillary's campaign inspires confidence, she clearly has no idea what she's doing.
Call to report an error that needs correcting.
CTR shills use canadian proxies to avoid campaign laws
weird huh?
Pretend to be Bill, demand to know what your wife is spending all her allowance on.
Fuck yes.
Thread theme.
You fight a group like that by going after their funding. Expose the people involved who write the big checks. Boycott their businesses. Etc.
Copy and paste. It's a start.
Abandon Sup Forums
Shitpost other boards instead
The entire website is too diffuse for CRT to raid or at least it will make them waste more time/money
The mods. They do nothing.
All Sup Forums mods are SJW leftist neckbeard NEETS who revel in our suffering.
alright I'm gonna do this
I'm downloading audio recording software now and watching Bill Impersonation videos
Weird how these articles never mention Sup Forums.
We know they are here.
Mods are fine, they simply cannot show bias to the public, otherwise they're gonna get kicked from the mod ranks. For starters, report the Occupy Democrats threads that literally contribute to nothing other than sliding, those threads always have images straight off fagbook (even the file names) and are 100% baits.
>Literally post 24/7 Shilling threads (as in organized twitter/social media raids) for an entire fucking year
>Accuse others of shilling because they don't agree with your Hug Box
Sup Forums isn't your safe space, get over it. People have different opinions.
>how to stop them
dump gore until they leave
There was a janitor a little while ago who exposed a massive shilling effort linked to Australians and /r9k/ he was soon let go.
We do what we did on Sup Forums years ago.
Shut it down. DDoS ourselves. Keep it down for 24 hours.
$0,2 added to your account! thanks for your support.
We're going to hunt you down in literal death squads once Trump is elected, shills.
We already found the tax returns for CTR with all the employee SSNs on them.
Enjoy your last few months of being alive.
Shut down CTR or Sup Forums?
Shekels deposited into your account. Exe
Sup Forums
They're not going to pay to shill on a board that doesn't exist.
We can just turn Sup Forums off for a few hours whenever they get too thick and take whatever discussion we're having elsewhere.
We'll have to agree on start times and durations since we won't be able to order a stop over /po/ when it's down.
Moot now works with google. you think he's apart of CTR?
Do what Sup Forums would do. You all know what that means.
I think if we DDoS anything it should be CTR. It would be easier to self-slide Sup Forums by spamming cuck porn and Sup Forums BTFO bait if we needed to scuttle the forum for a day.
Almost going mad out of fear, he now tries to strike the monster down he has created, he will fail.
>Pursuant to 52 U.S.C. § 30109(a)(1), the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) submits this complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC or Commission) to address violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 as amended (FECA) and Commission Regulations by Correct the Record PAC (CRT PAC), 455 Massachusetts Avenue Suite 650, Washington, DC 20001.
>On May 12, 2015, CTR PAC announced that, using unlimited personal and corporate contributions, it would fund a rapid response and research team to support Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in full coordination with the Clinton Campaign.
>The relevant question is not whether CTR PAC engaged in a “coordinated communication” with the Clinton Campaign. Rather, the relevant question is whether CTR PAC’s funding an entire research and rapid response staff working in full coordination with the Clinton Campaign is something of value to the Clinton Campaign, and as such, constitutes an illegal in-kind contribution. It is beyond doubt that it does.
You thought
>$0.05 has been deposited into your account
was some kind of meme?
We can't DDoS CTR, CTR has a website but all we could do is take the website offline.
They have some other internal system they use to actually correct the record, probably an email server they use to send out orders to organizers and then on to the shills.
We could be fags like anonymous was back when they DDoS'd and thought it meant the FBI's intranet was down if that's what you really want.
Someone could take a crack at the server.
>We need to discuss ways to stop them
Shills are the bane of web forums, but like using lemons to make lemonade, shills can be harnessed and used to find the elusive Redpill.
1. Begin by posting about a politically incorrect topic on a popular forum. At this point we are not yet able to ascertain if we are uncovering a Redpill, but we have begun the process of searching for it by figuratively digging a hole at random to see if there is anything of value in it or not.
2. Wait for the shills. Shills are sort of like truffle-hunting pigs, they root around on web forums in search of Redpills, but instead of digging them up, they seek to bury them. How many shills are there? How hard are they shilling? This will help you determine the size of the Redpill you have uncovered. Shills do not idle long where there is no Redpill to be found. If your post does not attract any shills after awhile, its because the Redpill you seek is not there. Move on to a different topic.
3. Call them out on their shilling. Exposing a shill is the best way to hinder and prevent them from covering up the Redpill. Once they have located the Redpill for you, they are no longer needed and must be shooed away. One method of identifying the shill is in the use of scripted postings from thread to thread. This will let you know they are likely paid by the same handler. Correct The Record is a primary handler in the current political climate.
4. When the Redpill is sufficiently revealed, screencap and circulate for others to see.
Note: For identifying a shill, refer to the COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of an internet forum screencap.
Pretend to be a dumb CTR shill and make them all look bad. They don't have strong arguments, they try to demoralize and ever-so-slightly blend in. They all look bad when one of them stands out. That same faker should also respond to the authentic shills and bring them in.
If it's made obvious they're shills, they will whittle down soon, unless there are clearly more of them than you. They typically don't argue, they demoralize and try to distract.
I have quite a few ani-hillary memes. But the ones that got the biggest push back is the rape allegations. And it makes sense. Even if they are proven false, accusations of rape still do damage. Shills know this.
It may not necessarily be CTR, but there are enough people on their side who are emboldened and see this as their own special way of supporting their cause. It's a thing now.
This x100%
>good guy / bad guy
You are so.... so blind. The number of pages in a report mean nothing. A lawyer worth their salt can spew thousands of pages on demand, and it does not impress anyone here. SUBSTANCE matters. Yes, there may be probable political reasons behind the number of Benghazi investigations, but I was not there and cannot judge the appropriateness of them. Neither were you, despite what the media wants you to believe.
They DID, however, reveal significant wrongdoing in the handling of classified information in the process of investigating Benghazi, and it is disturbing how nonchalant the administration is about it. Organizations and governments with poor record-keeping and procedures are much more likely to become susceptible to cronyism/corruption, and people are starting to be revealed or thrown under the bus for their participation in it. Voters who have worked with these systems or understand the merits of checks and balances in organization structures are likely disturbed right now.
The mods just deleted the other CTR defense thread.
This is very good to know. Thanks for your research.
Whatever they can't censor everything or the rest of us will move to double chan.
>it's easy, we do nothing at all
fucking moron
>Is moot with CTR
Probably, just lets look at it pragmaticaly
>What is moot good in
Except for ""managing"" an anonymous mongolian woodwork imageboard that was pretty much self""managed"" he fucked up two buisnesses (Canvas and Draw Quest), got cucked by probably femal SJWs and three letter agencies.
>What can he do for jewgle
Making like he would ""manage""/""analyse"" anonymous user for Shekel.
>Why would he do it
He is a massive faggot, shekel and boi pussies
Oh man.
I really thought that Sup Forums was just nostalgia tripping.
That is how you create legitimacy on an anonymous loli porn board
y'all could flood them with /cfg/ memes from
>tfw never managed to unlock Nitros Oxide
was he not a playable character after all? my ass still hurts from all the nights spent trying to get those damn platinum thingies.
Automatically sage CTR threads. It's a artificial community of Millennials who are paid pennys to make it look like there are Clinton supporters even though it's just them babbling amongst themselves.
There are Clinton shills here like myself, but you have to be a mouthbreathing retard like Drumpf to think we're all paid.
Tell me, where can I sign up for this incredible opportunity to make money supporting the ONLY sane candidate in this race? Will they still pay me even as I call racist assholes every fucking name in the book, and remind them we are going to have sensible HATE SPEECH laws enforced in this country after Hillary appoints 4-5 liberal justices? Do I still make money when I beg right-wing pantshitters to follow through on even 1/10 of the stupid threats they make with their little popguns? America is waiting for another McVeigh so we have every excuse in the world to crackdown motherfucking HARD on the guntards.
No, neo-nazi trash, YOU created more HillShills than you will ever know. You did it by shouting down Democratic 4channers for years. You did it by calling us cucks, inflating this sick orange freak to a national stage, and supporting Putin's brutal dictatorship while he hacked off another piece of Ukraine.
Fuck you for being blind, heartless, and cruel. I am here to humiliate you while Hillary hits Drumpf so hard he goes down covered in his own racist vomit. I am here to remind me that you are fucking DONE after this defeat. We are going to make it so you never, ever get another chance to elevate a sadistic white power demagogue to this level again.
Beating Drumpf isn't enough for us. Not anymore. We are going to chase you like wolves while you hide under your "free speech" blankets and rip your fucking throats out.
We will not be satisfied until the alt-right is dead and gone. We will not stop until it's a crime to shit all over Muslim Americans. We will not quit until black people punch you in the face for laughing about their dead kids. We will never go away until Drumpf is locked up, has all his wealth confiscated by the IRS, and his stupid entitled kids are on food stamps.
Fuck you, Sup Forums, and your bloated orange god.
Here's their FEC filings, their quarterlies contain info on what they spent money on and their salaried employees, including names and addresses. I suppose if one wanted to investigate Correct the Record they'd start there.
>shills on the offensive with threats of taking down the nazis on the internet.
You sound as dumb as the "MUH JEWS" crowd.
Already debunked, copy pastas on Reddit can be found here.
How do you know if they aren't just users with different opinions. You never hear them out and always reply with "SHILL SHILL SHILL". The Bernbots at least used Reddit Moderators to help control the infighting.
((Spoiler Tag))Help with website, new here and too hard to navigate unlike reddit((spoiler Tag))
You forgot to turn off your proxy dingo.
You describe the truth.
But you do not see the danger.
Thats the problem CTR has created themselves. Honest and genuine Hillary supporters have their intention tarnished by the very fact it exists.
I've been spending more time on twitter than pols cause of these faggits
Can anyone fill me in on CTR? I have no clue what it is. . .
Because last election Sup Forums outed a ton of DNC shills and one Sup Forumstard actually doxed like 75 og them from University of Chicago
How about starting a regular CTR general thread like this one where we can identify and link to actual shilling threads?
Then cross-link in the shill threads back to the general thread just so everyone can see what's going on as we call them out.
Use the general threads to keep abreast of their methods and discuss them.
Wtf user? Jpeg is tiny.
Fug I loved that game :DDD
>Shit all over Muslims
That's India you downy.
We could do it old school. Call their people to waste time. Send them on wild goose chase for false info.
The best way would be to use hillarys money against her.
We all sign up to be paid online shills, all profits are redirected towards Trump campaign disclosuring where the income is actually coming from so our work can be used in the future to blindside Hillary so record keeping is of importance
We also needs recognisable pop culture code or ten to implant into our shilling, something like the line from The Wire 'my tummy hurts' which shows coercion. Work these lines into shill posts somehow and in a few months it will be easy to trace the amount of shilling when publicly exposed.