Canadian shitposting, especially CTR employed shilling, has gotten out of hand. Enough is enough!
From this moment until further notice, possibly after Nov 8 and longer, ALL LEAVES SHALL BE IGNORED! NO EXCEPTIONS!
DO NOT REPLY TO ANY LEAF POSTERS! Just pretend they don't even exist, NO MATTER how provocative their picture, how sound their argument, how correct their record, how big the bait, they SHALL NOT get any (you)s.
Community Enforcement: all non-Leaf flags replying to Leaves will get reminded once, then ignored and put into exile along with Leaves.
Apologies to Leaves that contribute positively. You'll just have to use a VPN or keep faithfully contributing, but without replies. Your work may still be recognized, just no (you)s UUUU.
I don't expect 100% compliance until the word of this memo has had enough time to spread. We will fight this 1 day at a time. After a week, that should be enough time to eliminate 99% of shilling from Dude Weeds. It won't be easy, but this will be a great exercise in discipline, for without it how can we be men, and especially not Sup Forumsacks?
"Sup Forums is not one person." But the hate for Leaves is now beyond universal. As the shills use proxies, we cannot block them all without the help of mods, or without risking censoring free speech, but we can and will adapt. For now, we will take one small but necessary step in the right direction.
May KEK bless you, and bless the United States.