This is literally the best superheroes movie ever made. Not Nolan's Batman, not Logan, not WW, but this. Prove me wrong...

This is literally the best superheroes movie ever made. Not Nolan's Batman, not Logan, not WW, but this. Prove me wrong, i'll wait

Protip: You can't

I agree OP, it's basically the fantastic four movie we should've got.

It's more like the movie Watchmen should've got.

what is the file size limit for Sup Forums
is it really 2400 X 2400?

>dat aesthetic
>dose themes

>file size limit
>posts a resolution

dumb frogposter

superior capeshit coming through

pixar's worst movie by that point
they've made far worse since though
wall-e,rattitouille, cars, up, cars 2, brave, monsters university, inside out, good dinosaur, finding dory
so all of them besides toy story 3

what is the resolution limit

>no frog

What did he mean by this?

I'm here for one thing, the webm of Mrs Incredible looking at her ass.

Love the movie too, him breaking his back fighting the omnibot always cracks me up.

there isnt one, it has a file size limit.
so if you are a wizard who can upload an 8k image in only 256k then go for it.

>james gunn
>that spacing

>Ayn Rand propaganda
Fuck off back to

i'm pretty sure the dimension limit it 10000x10000

>being a joyless cunt who has to politicize innocent kids' movies

>xd ebin trolling

>If everyone is special, then no one is
It is clear fucking propaganda you retarded Sup Forumstard

it would have been shit without elastigirl

>its innocent because i'm too dense to see a deeper meaning.

dont hate the movie, hate your brain

not necessarily. it was probably just some shitty bad guy line though of in 2 seconds. there probably wasn't much thought put into the fucking line
fags like you who have to always be looking for the 'politics' of things can fuck off

it is innocent though
see also nice reddit spacing

this movie was INCREDIBLE!

>some shitty bad guy line though of in 2 seconds
>t. retard who didn't understand the film

Dash had already said the same thing before. The idea is very present through the whole movie.

You know dick about cinema son.

regardless, it's probably just some shitty nonsense without a lot of thought put into it
don't be a political fag and ruin things
not that you can ruin an already shit movie but still

I can't remember anything except the scene where somebody gets sucked into a jet engine. All Pixar movies are like this. Things are happening but all you can think about is the focus groups and market research that carefully calibrated it for broadest appeal. Toy Story 1 (the best Pixar movie) is the exception, and that's only because they hadn't mastered the process yet.

The Rocketeer is the best superhero movie/

>the movies about lost fishes, insects problems and talking toys are good
>the incredibles is bad

Wanting attention, pal?

>implying superheroes are any more realistic and less childish than toys and fishies
wew lad
go jump off a building and see if you can fly

Is Jack Jack gonna fuck shit up in the next film?

The short showed what he is capable of as a baby. Imagine what he can do as he gets older and learns to harness those powers.

Why would Logan even be in the running? Is this a meme?

The next movie is going to be a fuck up regardless. The Incredibles didn't need a sequel.

It's a board by board basis I think