How much longer till the loud house ets merch? Its the buggest hit in ratings for nick in a long time...

How much longer till the loud house ets merch? Its the buggest hit in ratings for nick in a long time, and i really want a lucy plushie to cuddle.


Pan, come on man, this is pathetic

did you mean a lucy daki

Im not a deep weeb, whats a daki?

Body pillow

why does Sup Forums harbor pedophiles? no other boards allow as many people to do this without calling them out



Sup Forums would like a word with you.

Out of all the boards, Sup Forums has the most amount of normies.

Maybe Sup Forums has more normies thanks to the spooky internet bogeyman meme


To Catch a Predator threads say otherwise, with pedophile sympathizers getting called out

The summer is real.

Moot said that summer sees very little increase in traffic, if anything it's regular faggotry.


He was a con man

Yokais made him do it

Sup Forums God, you fuck

>Le summer meme.
Go back to Sup Forums

A tripfag.

Cute uncut shota dick.

You first, fagtron.

>I know you are but what am I??

>Le cringe
Go back to Sup Forums.

There he is. There he goes again.

You mean the "this is entrapment" general?