How has no one been beheaded yet for this?
How has no one been beheaded yet for this?
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Muzzies cant get into murrika no more, thats why.
Why should anyone care about gays on a fantasy TV show. They have been disrespected in far worse ways than this. And religious extremists already have countless reason to hate the US.
this is how you know your audience is small
Because nobody cares about this shitty show.
>t. Abdul Mohammed
We banned muslims
Thank you Trump
Were they muslims? Where to djinn rate on the haram scale anyway? The whole show is probably fucking haram because its full of gods anyway, so having a couple of guys stab each others shit isn't gonna make much difference.
>Gay sex scene
>Characters don't spend 30 minutes each with enemas so it doesnt end in a literal shit-shotgun
heh heh heh
The bomb has been planted
Really activated my almonds.
Whats wrong with that? Muslims can be gay if they want.
Lagoon Lounge 3
Why does hollywood push the gay muzzie meme?
What's funnier is that one of the characters mention that they throw gays off of rooftops in Muslim countries.
>Were they muslims?
the skinny dude literally says allahu akbar in the last episode.
cringe show
to counter the sensible worry that importing islam by the boatload will have negative effects on the gay population
can't have people worrying about that sort of thing, gotta keep them happy and placid
I don't think the Djinn was Muslim. Just because someone looks Arabic it doesn't make them Muslim.
but isnt djinns a muslim mythological creature?
This is what these people think and why they scream racism if you criticize Islam. They don't realize Muslims are used to describe followers of a religion. To them Muslim=Arabic sand people.
Ifrits are created by allah, so they're part of muslim belief. No wonder they're fucked up.
Ifrits were created by allah, so they might not be muslim, but they're part of the allahu akbar crew.
The most realistic portrayal of muslim ''''men'''' on TV ever.
How long did it take you to come up with this damage control explanation? I see you polina SJW.
They are a part of Islamic myth, but not specifically Muslims themselves.
In islamic mythology jinn are said to be creatures with free will, made from smokeless fire by allah.
Wew lads another scene I just skip forward.
Seriously, nobody wants to see two guys fucking and sucking each others dick on TV
>Do as I say, not as I do
Are the jews behind this one?
>30 minutes
Wtf? How much do you eat?
member when that muslim guy slaughtered a bunch of gays?
How are they muslims if they are having gay sex? This is super expressly forbidden.
>be a gay Muslim
>immediately break religious law and become a walking contradiction
It's literally like being a Gay Nazi or a black KKK member or a white black panther. Makes literally no fucking sense.
You're telling me that both of these fags went home to their parents, like good muslim boys, and said hey mah we just filmed ourselves being butt pirates and that everyone was cool with that? Fuck off.
They don't seem to be very religious.
next you'll tell me theres no such thing as gay christians
Leviticus, which bans homosexuality, was only binding to the Israelites (because of their covenant). The New Testament has nothing against homosexuality.
The Qu'ran calls for the execution of all gays.
Gay sex is forbidden in Christianity, it is seen as a sin. Same and worse in Islam. It's like saying I can be a meat eating vegetarian. Or a pacifist serial killer. It's a contradiction.
>immediately break religious law and become a walking contradiction
people tend to be contradictory,its not big news.
get out of the basement and you will find out.
>it was an entire episode of hardcore porn
Never dropped a show so quick
The idea that "LOL ignore Leviticus, because it only applies to people who made up the sum total of the worshippers at the time it was written" is fucking retarded.
>From Iran
Trust me he has family in Iran and he's scared of admitting he's an atheist. His family in Iran could be targeted since he's a famous actor, Muslims in the U.S would disown him and white fags would accuse him of being an islamaphobe. I'm the same boat.
There shouldn't be a thing but there is because dumb fags don't study their own religion and think they can just make it up. B.bbbut God really meant this when he horribly genocided sodom and gomorrah!
The fact that religion needs to be interpreted proves that it's based on flimsy old myths. I just want people to be honest with themselves.
Leviticus was literally just for the Jews.
cause no one saw it
Fucking not gonna watch this now. If I wanted gay porn I'd be gay and go watch gay porn.
Hurrr let's put words into god's mouth and change our religion for whatever's convenient.
Absolute fucking garbage.
>l-leviticus isn't just for the israelites
“Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them...” Lev 1:2
“Speak unto the children of Israel, saying...” Lev 4:2
“Speak unto the children of Israel, saying...” Lev 11:2
“Speak unto the children of Israel, saying...” Lev 12:2
“Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them...” Lev 15:2
“Speak unto Aaron, and unto his sons, and unto all the children of Israel, and say unto them...” Lev 17:2
“Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them...” Lev 18:2
“Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them...” Lev 19:2
“Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel...” Lev 20:2
“Speak unto the priests the sons of Aaron...” Lev 21:1
“Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them...” Lev 23:2
“Command the children of Israel...” Lev 24:2
“Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them...” Lev 25:2
“Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them...” Lev 27:2.
Apparently he was a confused gay himself and a really shitty contradictory muslim who didn't know his own religion. Just like a lot of these fucks. Sad lonely fucks who just want virgin pussy. If you guy's weren't such racists, they'd probably be shit posting on here instead.
The Jews were the entire audience for the Old Testament. They were all meant to convert, and accept the new testament when Jesus came. They didn't all do that. That does not mean Christians are supposed to cherry pick the old testament. Prove me wrong with facts if you can, I am not a Professor of Theology or anything.
Is this cable tv? Because pretty sure torchwood had full on anal cowboy between harkness and that other guy.
>Apparently he was a confused gay himself
thats not true. Thats just a story that popped up to push the confused gay faggot narrative.
>Gay sex is forbidden in Christianity, it is seen as a sin
isnt protestantism literally about interpretating the religion the way you want and not caring about what any church says?
Yeah...because that's literally the only people who were of that faith when it was written. That's like saying IKEA assembly instructions from when they were only in Sweden don't apply to constructing a table in America.
Protestantism is a heretic religion and should be ignored
Yes, I mean I think all religion is a load of bollocks so I like this "oh i'll just pick and choose what sounds good" is a good way to show people who fucking stupid sky men who hate where you put your dick is as way of living your life.
I cringed
I love how conservacucks get all triggered when you bring up that most people who despise gays are a little gay themselves
That's a tired argument isn't it? No basis in fact other than anecdotal BS.
>God is real
you realise that muzzies all fuck little boys right
>Homosexuality is punishable by death in islam
>Nuh uh there were 2 gay muslims on tv, you alt right mra white supremacist.
Ignore the liberal, the "hate X must be X secretly" defense is a joke of an argument
Sup Rick Sanchez.
>t. user with his t.
No basis in fact? Literally retarded or trolling, people with gay hatred have been scientifically to have latent homosexuality and Conservative anti gay politicians are routinely caught buggering boys.
>"Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies."
You are a faggot bro.
19 closeted self haters here. and this was the latest
Conservacucks a fucking shit. You live in the richest country in the world with access to all of humanities knowledge at your fingerprints and yet you're still an ignorant waste of potential that can't do your own research on a topic.
>those "sources"
fucking new fag shit. 4channers in the early 2000's were racists and assholes but they at least considered other viewpoints instead of acting just as stupid as the people they were trolling.
no uuuuuuuuuuuuu
Huffpo? NYT? hahahahhahahahahahahah Are the sources "anonymous"?
>implying Muslims don't constantly shitpost on Sup Forums ranting about Israel and JIDF
Sweet summer child
Why would a Muslim or even a practising Christian browse Sup Forums? It's full of big black cocks and inane trolling.
Because Isis knows truth is most Muslim guys are gay due to women in bags.
Also movies and TV shows are haraam in Islam. Real Muslims have never seen a show or movie. Hence no form of escapism other than radical Islam
>Peer reviewed scientific journals aren't good enough for me.
>I'll just rely on Alex Jones who's admitted in court that he's an entertainer and not a journalist and "tide come in, tide comes out, you can't explain that, bill o'reilly"
I've tried Sup Forums. I've been so fucking patient with these conservitives. As they fucking spit venom at me and call me a big city liberal that want's to socialize their helathcare, I've patiently explained scientific research to them and all I get is this dog shit.
Fuck it, can we start the culling already? I want a left wing version of trump. Round up all of these dead weight dixie welfare mooching hypocritical, self rightous, dumbfuck tell it like it is cunts and dump them into a fucking volcano. We'll be colonizing mars within a year after we get rid of them.
>Religious people are hypocrites?
How can she slap?
Bin Laden's computer had porn on it. I bet Pope has some sketchy shit on his too
>too fucking stupid to see the studies they link
>Misses the fucking link from scientific american and the study itself from the national center of biotechnology forum.
ALSO I FUCKING LOVE HOW YOU CAN'T POST A SINGLE STUDY SHOWING that homophobia in closeted gay men is a lie. You're making the stupid claim and yet I'm being genrous enough to provide research to refute you? Do you have anything other then memes you stupid fucking frog?
>this post
lmao nice "argument"
I hear a truck approaching in the distance
you have to do several enemas in order to get your entire rectum totally clean. if you only do it once or twize all you'll achieve is that your partner will have diarrhea-looking slime on his cock instead of clumps of dried brown paste.
No one is getting funded to run such a study because it doesn't fit the narrative. for the record, I am not a homophobic person, I have no problem with gay people, or gay marriage, or any thing like that. I just happen to think tackling people who are homophobic with "lol you gay yourself! look a study with 20 people in it says so" is fucking stupid, tired, and lazy.
truck of peace?
jfc you don't need an enema, just shower properly and wipe slightly invasively, maybe don't eat for or a day or get down straight after a bowel movement. Unless your diet is shit (no fibre) you barely need to do anything
t. experienced top
more like little KIDS
get it
LoL this is the nastiest thing i hear since a while in Sup Forums.
Do we have any data that doesn't indicate that? No we don't. We do however have crowds of self rightous conservitive politicians bleating about how much they hate gays only to get caught balls deep in a rent boy the next day. It's literally become a meme at this point. Maybe if you faggots weren't so fucking hypocritical and obnoxious about it, people wouldn't rag on you so much.
That's it? You've already been defeated faggot?
I think so. They don't like humour at the best of times, they certainly don't like you taking the piss. Someone will probably die over this shit.
Muh anecdotal evidence.
Reminder that this scene comes directly from a book published 16 years ago
probably because no one watches this shit
don't do enemas at all and you won't have this problem
>inb4 fake pauline epistle like Timothy
Israelites were the only children of God, so God was commanding all the children of god then
haha like an goate
>Gay Nazi
which was fine if you keep it to yourself in Nazi Germany
Where is the webm family?
No. It's about getting back to your roots from the Catholic bullshit.
i think you're confused