In this thread we discuss the greatest state in the world New York.
I went to stop and show today and picked up a banging chicken tendie sub for like 5$. Shits so cash.
In this thread we discuss the greatest state in the world New York.
I went to stop and show today and picked up a banging chicken tendie sub for like 5$. Shits so cash.
Our shit better go red, but who am i kidding I'll probably leave because cost of living is not affordable for young people.
Westchester here.
Shit is hopeless, bros. NYC has us cucked eternal blue. Wish we could be a separate voting district or something.
ADK here
fuck downstate
fuck the APA
fuck the safe act
fuck taxes
get out of the cities. I have 2 bedrooms and a yard in a very nice area for 700/month
In the UK now but I'm from Huntington.
>living in NY
>going to Stop and Shit instead of Wegmans
Where? I own my own apartment in Astoria it isn't much, 700 square feet 1 br but I own it and it's worth $260,000
lol, westchester also. Too many spics and niggers not to mention the amount of jews. We are fucked bro.
Rochester all the way over here. Pittsford Wegmans is amazing.
NYC is cancer
NYC controls Albany
Albany controls NY
Therefore NY is cancer
Get me out of here please
Long Island for being its own state here.
Would love to tax all queen and 5 burough fags coming here to our beaches and parks
where's that at my nigga?
I lived in CT and I like NYC to visit but too expensive to live. Also how much does it cost to get a train into the city?
I wish NYC was a district, they literally ruin the rest of the state.
Oh please there are like 3 beaches that are ok and Rockaway is taking off due to hipster scum.
Saratoga Springs baby. This place is hell in winter
Who /StrongIsland/ here?
This, we would probably go red during elections as well. Problem is half of our state would still commute to NYC for work
I'm not a hipster fuck face. I lived with my parents here as a kid finally bought my own place with my own money. Fuck off.
I live in western NY. Heavy Rust Belt area. The nigs and spics are starting to turn everything to shit.
Queens guy in Woodhaven. So many trans here. A dude in drag approached me asking me what I was looking for. Halp!
not sure about train, the bus is 30 something
>Disgusting minority is triggered
We call sunken meadow sunken ghetto because of you spic/nigger hybrids
NYC fag here. Making $130k a year and I can barely afford this shitthole.
East Meadow here where you at
We have a shitload of Muslims nowadays, thanks Obama
Adirondacks could be awesome place to live
Unfortunately goddamn liberals and hippies don't actually want anyone to live there
We are controlled by faggot hikers who think all humans should be gassed
ADKs could be like Switzerland except faggots have turned us into redneck rustpit wasteland of nothingness
I hope you faggots are voting for Trump this state needs to go RED
Mohawk Valley here.
What He said My house is 1300 square feet with a full basement, small attic, freestanding garage and a nice little creek in the small backyard, It cost $42,000 and the taxes are about $600 a year.
We need to Secede from the State of New York, they can keep the fucking name, its poison anyway. We can be New Germany, or New Ireland, or Adirondack or whatever.
The field all the way at the end is filled with white people shit head
Wegmans is the dope shit. My buddy works there. Subs, Pizza, and even the soup they serve there is so good.
Damn I need to leave queens