What's going on in Venezuela? How are you holding on...

What's going on in Venezuela? How are you holding on? I saw in the news that factory workers are being forced to work on the fields or something like that, but couldn't find it in English.


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Also how is Caracas for tourism? I've heard that the bolivar is worth basically nothing now.

I feel sick doing this but 5$ would help me to buy Rice for 3 days i don't have anything in my fridge [email protected] paypal

Time stamp a picture that you are really There and i will send some money.

They haven't been forced yet.

The decree says that the government now has that power, though.

You serious?

Things are not looking too good for them. Over the past few weeks, on the weekends, over 30k venezuelans were allowed to cross the border to get supplies for their families and, after that, they are no longer allowed to cross.

I've spoken to a few Venezuelans that had relatives here and fled, and it's awful. Using your ID card you are asigned a day where you can go to the markets and get supplies, and people who've been waiting since 3 am in line sometimes don't get any products.

It's gotten to the point where there's no incentive to work, because you spend more than what you earn. Hopefully they will remove Maduro soon.

I will hold on a second please

>only thing keeping us from being venezuela tier is being a u.s. territory

venezuela is kill

This is the goverment channel in my 1990 tv

Come back home.

Yes i'm the same person but my isp is garbage and it resets a lot

Are you

Show us your home. Your fridge too.

>Up to 50 animals 'starve to death' at Venezuelan zoo as crippling economic downturn hits food supplies


O Shit, thought you where faking it. I don't have a PayPal to be honest.but if its that shittie.. Any other way? Tell me your stort.

I see the news, you guys are just as fucked

I got you mate


Not really. You would just be hit by massive inflation, then things would slowly go back to normal. That is just Brazil or Argentina 2001-tier. To get to Venezuela level you need expropriations, import controls and state controlled exchange rates.

Yeah this.
To fuck up on Venezuela-tier you have to really, really, REALLY try.

so fucked up, don't forget closed borders, you're basically in a prision

leader of opposite party in prision due to ambiguous interpretations - accusations of encouraging to do crimes
tfw socrates got killed by democracy for "corrupting the young"

Venezuela murder rates are as high as any state in civil war


Man as a libertarian/humanitarian hearing this stuff makes me sick. I wish these lessons didn't need to be taught over and over for people to realize that only capitalism works and always will work.

I wonder why the people are not roasting zoo animals on the streets.

I will im sorry but i have like 1 mb left in my phone i'll try to rechrge 0.2$ to tale the pic

I'm sure the zookeeper is. No one else got food and this guy got 20 lbs of lion meat.

Chamobro how are people reacting to the whole forced labor camp that is coming?

Yes im the same person that posted that PayPal first i have 1 egg left at least i have water

Op, if you're begging, contact libertarian spanish associations, you might get in touch and get some help

What are some Spanish libertarian scholars/economists I can listen to? Trying to improve my Spanish.

fuck would be the point in letting the lions starve?
20lb of meat aint gonna make much difference to an entire population either way.

Ive been in Sup Forums for about 10 years and ive never done this before but the situation is insane right now

Statehood when brother?

>tfw you are Venezuelan but you also have money and can eat well

ya'll underestimate how shit we are


Fuck off. If anything you guys should leave the US and have fun building the socialist utopia that your politicians fantasize about. Have fun with that.

I would've sent you money if I had bro
Good luck

Somebody help this man, please. I don't have a paypal account or job/salary...

Gindate de un jodio palo asqueroso comunista.

Aren't they rationing food? Plus even $1000 will get you maybe 4 months of food at most if it's purchasing power is like here in the US.

Huerta de Soto, Juan Ramón Rallo, Miguel Anxo Bastos, for example.

Juan Ramón Rallo is very mediatic in Spain and Huerta de Soto is one of the most renowned Austrian economists at the moment.

Translate pls

how do you transfer the money from paypal to your local bank account? I once did that here and got raped with commission fees and taxes. i assume both our countries have the same crazy laws about money transfers

Thank you based Malta. Btw they speak Spanish in malta?

Rationing food just means there's more money to be made on the black market.

Purchasing power of $1000 is huge there. Inflation on their currency leaves it worthless.

he told me to kill mysef by hanging myself from a tree because apparently my belief that we will never be a state makes me a communist

you're based my friend
Miguel Anxo Bastos is the best, it's like a comedian, his accent is extremelly funny, might not be a great track to learn spanish but w/e, if you can follow him you're gonna have a fun time

Wtf. That's why I was confused.

We're a lot of Spaniards here, but official languages are English and Maltese, so nothing to do with Spanish.

Go hang yourself from a fucking tree disgusting commie.

they're rationing private bussiness' food kek

that's pretty much a whole new tier of commie shit

Ah okay. Are your living in malta for tax purposes? What's it like living there?

>private business
I thought profit was forbidden in socialist countries?

Thank you very much i have no words to describe my gratitude. I really really appreciate it.


Don't know if this counts, but this is a must.

lol cash it quick

Just a reminder that no more than 10 years ago every singe left-wing "intellectual" was praising Venezuela as the harbinger of socialism of the 21st century.

Now that it went to shit, they pretend they never supported it in the first place. This is very obvious here in Brazil, where the only reason why the ruling part didn't go full Bolivarian was the strenght of our conservative opposition. Now those "intellectuals" have changed discourse, now they speak of feminism, anti-racism and gay rights.

Don't let them go away with it. Every time a left-wing intellectual talks shit about any issue, just ask him "how is Venezuela, that colossus of socialism you praised to death in 2006?"

My aunt sailed down there with a boat full of food, vitamins, and pharmaceuticals to sell on the black market. She ended up barely making a profit since their currency is so worthless and she couldn't find enough buyers with US dollars.

Yeah I saw that. She has a very neutral accent and is very phonetic so it's easy to understand

fucking god dammit Sup Forums some where out there a hungry Venezuelan man is gonna eat some rice and eggs and think of kek.

Praise be with.

Yo delete the pic, you're showing his name

Lower taxes attract capital and capital attracts professionals like me, so indirectly I'm living here because of lower taxes and I understand so, unlike most Spaniards who go to Capitalist countries with no worker protection but vote commie shits for home.

Malta is pretty cool, it's a touristic island so the attitude of people is more open, people are willing to give a chance to meeting you and groups of friends are way more open than in other places. As soon as they know you're staying for more than a summer people start inviting you everywhere, although I mostly deal with foreigners, not many Maltese, but again I live in the most European part of Malta.

I made shitload of friends here and got a cute gf in a year living here, so best decision of my life to come here.

>mfw these idiots fought and voted for socialism and are now getting what they deserve

State Capitalism

Sent you what was left in my PayPal fàm, good luck.

Now they are flooding into Brazilian frontier towns to build food and medicine. We should close the border. Those who voted to live under socialism should die under socialism.

Damn I'm very tempted to go there after I finish my studies and get a degree after what you just said. Does everyone there speak English?

you should. Do it huebro

$20 CDN sent. Good luck! And keep us posted. We need a VEN thread every couple days... it is where the world is headed if we don't wake up and start throwing Marxists from helicopters.

Not real socialism eh? ;^)

Yes, there's some truth to that. The economy wasn't fully statized but what is happening now is the direct result of they trying to reach "real socialism"TM and failing hard in the process.

In other words fuck off.

Pretty much, hundreds of different accents but English is an official language here, so you should never have a problem being understood unless you go to certain areas on the southern villages where old people only speak Maltese.

Top work, son.

Can't you leave at all?
I could buy your plane ticket if you come here. You could find a job and eventually pay me back.

Haven't been following the news recently, but you guys are in Mercosur, right?

gfycat com/ZigzagDamagedBarracuda

Thanks mate! I'm doing well I just got mugged for 2 eggs and some water today x)

Ah okay. Thanks for the info bro. Cheers.

Sent now buy some rice mofo

Venezuelabros, hermanos, pueden ustedes por favor subir a este thread unos cuantos fotos de la miseria socialista que es Venezuela (y que no puedo descargar de la red). Las necesito para un folder de proofs.

Venezuela learn how to grow your own vegetables, and maybe buy some chickens. you use all your money to eat now, you wont eat in the future.

>go to the terrace to grab clothes that were hanging
>see terrace is a mess
>piles of dirty clothes everywhere
>phone charges on the wall
>sink is full of ice and meat with a paper on it that says do not touch
>go back and ask mom whats going on
>"a neighbor let a family of venezuelan refugees move into his old apartment he wasn't using. they don't have electricity set up yet so they're using the terrace"

USA please intervene in venezuela so they stop coming

what do you want to see exactly?

if anyone is intrested in something let me know :3/

well, i'd prefer some shop queues, people looting stores, protests, broken infrastructure, riots, living conditions like apartment complexes and hospitals. You know, the marvels of socialism.

pls respond

media is trying to shill and lie about everything,they wont be able to enforce those "forced labor camps" because barely anyone even trust the goverment now so I dont think they would have enough people to execute that order


Mis tios y una prima vinieron a Lima por un tiempo. Un tio que vive en los states quiere llevarse a la prima y a la tia. El tio por otro lado detesta EEUU, pero sobretodo es un alcoholico que no dejara su estilo de vida.

Bueno estan aqui por un tiempo y lo que pude entender hablando con ellos es lo siguiente:

>Venezuela tiene una super-inflacion tipica del comunismo
>Siguen expropiando empresas para luego scrappearlas
>No hay comida
>Las personas hacen cola de horas por viveres
>Existen grupos armados que te matan si te ven con oro o un paquete de conservas
>Se practica canibalismo en ciertas partes de Caracas
>Se matan a personas con recursos economicos mejores que otros en los campos
>El petroleo es practicamente gratis, pero no hay repuestos para los carros
>Los carros son como en las peliculas zombies... parcialmente violentados por buscar piezas y el que funciona es seguido por otros para robarle en la noche
>Las motos son la unica via comun de transporte pero cada vez escasean mas, te disparan por robarte una operativa
>Las empresas de petroleo tienen grupos paramiltares que protegen su propiedad de civiles
>Los militares tienen comida solo en los cuarteles
>Cada vez el real vale menos en el mercado negro
>Las universidades dan titulos a jovenes ignorantes, ej: titulo de medico a un chico que vio videos de medicina por tres años
>hay menos trabajo
>cada dia matan a un conocido por que si

Esto viene de la tia y la prima. Ellas aceptan que es una dictadura. Pero el tio... el tio dice que es UNA GUERRA ECONOMICA. Que la oposicion quiere tomar el poder al PRESIDENTE y que el sistema socialista dio propiedades a por doquier y ahora la gente no quiere pagar al sistema despues de beneficiarse. Que Cuba manda medicos y por eso se le paga, que los de la derecho hacen complot. Y que la oposicion tienen mucho dinero de las empresas que tienen licitaciones con el Estado

Dis cheeky venzoolvalian fellar seems a bit spooky to me doe m8s wot it this chode has a studio setup with an emptry fridge begging for donations on 4chins gofundme etc etc desu famalam brb buying an emptry fridge and declaring myself broke top kek faggots 4chins really is crawling with dyel virgin neckbeards back to /fit/

Why is global media so quiet on this, are they shut down to get informations out of the country or is global media just shutting up to enforce marxism meme.

Ok man, that was sounding pretty scary like full blown gulags.

Hope you make it user.

Holy shit, that's really fucking sad. Don't worry, when Bolsonaro gets elected or if shit blows up sooner we will support you in the coming civil war.

allah akbar.

puta mierda, eso parece el infierno en tierra

Aunt jew

sorry dude i dont speak arabic

>on Pakistan
Bullshit. Women using that would be put on a honor killing list.

I'm onto the lies and you can feel it in your panties now isn't that correct, Timmothy?
>pic related

Keep funding this con artist ya mega fairies

Mi opinión es la siguiente: Maduro esta usando métodos sovietos de propaganda.

Si la oposición tiene dinero, las empresas licitadoras solo piden dolares y no dan nada... pero ellos son parte del aparto de gobierno. Acaso no pueden ver? Todos los que tienen poder son parte de una o otra forma del partido. Actores de una narrativa.

Agarren un libro de historia sobre la Union Sovietica. Uds estan pasando por lo mismo y lo unico que sucede es que los estan controlando para que no haya una revolucion 2.0 y derroquen a la dictadura. Maduro como Castro vive en un palacio lleno de oro y lujos... y uds son los cubanos que se van a quedar sin nada exepto carros viejos, un papel moneda sin valor y una delicuencia profunda.

Esa es la izquierda que los pobres tanto anhelan por decadas hasta que ya nadie tiene una economia para crecer. Me dan ganas de coger a golpes al tio que hace apologia al socialismo y pone un sin fin de excusas para como esta la situacion menos señalar a la nefasta dictadura COMUNISTA, por que lo es.

Da pena, Venezuela deberia ser abudante en clase media con tanto petroleo y/o tener alta produccion de insumo quimicos para el mundo pero no lo es.

Mi prima y mi tia casi lloran cuando las llevamos a Makro,un supermarket que vende al por mayor, y veian como las toneladas de uvas se podrian, cuantos edificios se estan construyendo, el insoportable trafico de autos nuevos en Lima. No es broma, ellas quieren quedarse hasta que les salga la visa a los states. Y el tio dice que se siente peruano... pero que Venezuela esta bien solo esta pasando por una "Guerra economica.".

im not even the one who posted that paypal you stupid mudslime shit

Unbelievable how far Venezuela's fallen. Now you're getting Venezuelans trying to sneak into Guyana of all places illegally.
