What can we do about the shitskins flooding this board with capeshit and the liberals that protect them?
What can we do about the shitskins flooding this board with capeshit and the liberals that protect them?
Mind you they're protected by redwood who is also a nigger
just ban it back to Sup Forums
pretty simple haha
A cyber wall
Stephanie pls be my curry gf
unironically this
>browsing ig fanpage for some pretty girl
>read pajeet comments
>"you princess very beatiful"
>"mm sexy"
>weird poem
like they don't even understand that they are on a fanpage
>search Sup Forums on twitter
>thousands of results
why do people do it? a cap of a thread sure but why a link?
Welcome to 2017, this is our board now
>and the liberals that protect them
Got anything to back that up other than your persecution complex?
Now that's a filthy ugly man, holy shit
>those lips
>the state of Sup Forums is insecure Marvel drones DDOSing people after being called Pajeets so many times
Holy fucking shit
>caring about capeshit company wars
Kill yourself
Then why are you here?
>the biggest defender of capeshit posting and bvs is an actual Indian
The absolute state of Sup Forums. Even pusy poster might be an actual brownskin at this point
Great question
>He doesn't know pusy poster is a pajeet
tourists need to leave
just take a look at some of the pol meetups and realize at least of 30% the people here are brown.
I thought it was that retard bellatap
Why don't nonwhites realize they aren't welcome here?
this is unironically the state of modern Sup Forums
Based pusyposter
To insult the untermensch and slave races and eat candy. And I'm all out ta candy.
>ww is a success
>homecoming and we wuz panthers look like shit
>Sup Forums makes fun of it and disney shills seething hard
Nice try Pajeet
Sup paki
What the fuck is "pede" supposed to mean anyway
I fucking told you faggots for like 2 years that it was spics shit posting forced memes like JUST and Pestposting and Kino. I fucking spammed EL JUSTO JAJAJAJA in all those shitty threads for hours and even got banned for it while the shitty forced redditor meme thread stayed up. I warned you about Dannyboytbh and the subhuman Mexican redditors. But you wouldn't listen. You fucking cunts.
The Black Panther embarrassment has them seething. DC just made a female-lead film without it being SJW and now Disney is dropping their shit all over the place.
*american Sup Forums
>linked on /qa/
Looks like someone's scared he's been shown. Also this is what you get for making easily consumable memes which attract meme parasites. You have no one but yourselves to blame
Apparently is a reddit thing but leftards keep posting this shit here.
Prove that you aren't ugly.
Based nonwhite poster!
Who frasercabeza here? jajaja
>waaah some shitposters aren't white :'(
Embarrassing, how old are you? Sup Forums is your safe space, y'know? You can go back anytime.
why would you defend subhumans posting on our board? really gets my neurons firing
What can we do about the Sup Forumscucks flooding this board with shit and the mods that protect them?
I know it's from the Donald subreddit but I have no idea what it actually means
Nobody takes you seriously. Nonwhites come here in the same way you go to the zoo and watch animals fling shit at each other. It's good for laughs, not so good for serious discussion or any variety of discussion at all. Arguments on Sup Forums and other such boards aren't debates, they're like normal people cackling as they provoke the autistic kids to shriek and scream at them.
He's a shitskin
You're a tourist.
I love how Sup Forums tries to pretend that the board was good before the election and the flood of newfags are responsible for all the terrible underage reddit-using shitposting. I was there at the beginning and Sup Forums always attracted the loud mouthed teenaged kiddies with shit for brains giddy about their first taste of political discourse.
you weren't around for anything, newfag
Sup Forums also thinks they single-handedly won the election
No one cares faggot
Why is an r/the_donald fag bringing up reddit?
ive been using Sup Forums since meximoot was posted on ytmnd back in like 2005
what about you?
pede is short for centipede
I have no idea why magafags call themselves that
How is "pede" pronounced anyway? Like the end of centipede, or like Pepe with a "d"?
Can you prove you were here before me? 2009
DC Pajeet """education"""