From 1 to Canada, how would you rate your country's cuckness?
From 1 to Canada, how would you rate your country's cuckness?
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gettin europe...
About Canada
Is this really that bad? He's basically saying dealing with Canadian summers is about as bad as a world without feminism. That's not saying much.
He's so fucking hot.
I wish he wasn't a bluepilled retard, he'd probably hate a redpilled wife like me.
I hope this is shopped...
What's worse is you elected that faggot. But I guess he's the lesser of two evils right? That fag needs his face smashed in with a hammer
i'd say something from 8/10 to 9/10
AC is the blue pill it was invented by Jews to keep people inside during the summer instead of being productive. What do people normally do in summer? Go camping, go fishing, go swimming, go out to the park, play sports be outside and enjoy the weather not cooped up inside.
I have never owned an AC and I never will
>ITT: there are no women on the interwebs
these fuckin' leafs man...
what level would be appropiate for a country that took in 1000000 shitskins and is now getting murdered by them ?
post the link to this tweet
Negative Canada
>this whole post
oh wow
Very nice! You be my friend!
Always Sweden.
Proof =
Right up there at the top with sweden.
At least it made more and more people realise it, so maybe there is hope left
about 8/germany but only because i don't live in the big city in which the green party is saying that having a german flag on your car during eurocup is le evil nazism and also we need a mosque in literally every city district to accommodate for the new german people in town
Pretty uncucked compared to the rest of europe. but we are moving into swedistan and germanistan territories pretty fast. yesterday it was our national day, and some fucking retard liberal are trying to change our national hymn text. Replaced by lyrics a 10 year old could write and taking out God hymn. So basically denying this country was built on christian values.
he was choking on something else previously
2 or 3 weeks ago I woke up to 94% humidity, shit gets fucked up
Now there friend. It seems that you forgot some 0's.
We're pretty bad, but we ain't Sweden, France and Germany tier yet, the ocean and not having women as hot as Swedish ones makes us less of a target than they are for immigration.
>I wish he wasn't a bluepilled retard, he'd probably hate a redpilled wife like me.
Toronto and surrounding areas - Full Canada
Rest of Canada - Probably a three at most. Everyone with an actual job fucking hates Trudeau and Toronto
Didn't one of your cantons just ban burkas and tell non-integrating immigrants to fuck off?
This has to be fake.
Please tell me the memes about this guy aren't for real.
AC just gives the hydro company more money don't buy one it's a waste
He's actually redpilled. He puts on a show, but behind the scenes, he's a ruthless 4D chessmaster.
That's off the fucking charts
Dunno, there's a good 4 of my dozen friends that love trudeau, and hilariously they are the ones working shit tier jobs or have degrees and can't get one.
The rest either don't care much or dislike him, I'm proably the only fully red pilled one besides maybe one other.
It's fake but nobody here cares. Just roll along
>He's so fucking hot.
Literally the only reason he won.
Negative Canada
What happens to someone to become this much of a cuckold?
Way to trivialize feminism, asshole
on a scale of Russia to Sweden.
I am vacationing in Kanada, and Id rate my country 11 out of 10 for cocked (US)
yes the italian part, but they still can wear it and get a fine. and some rich algerian guy who lives here said that he would pay all fines for them...
I think this vote was also done in other parts but it didnt get accepted, because "people need freedom to dress". Votes like that are useless on cantons that have big cities, cause big cities are full of young liberals and they will outnumber other voters.
I guess the biggest advance we had is back when we banned the construction of minarettes (the mosque towers).
Canadian summers lol!!
Try doing all that shit in texas summers
All Neubürger till now times 8
Oh shit damn son 35 degrees celsius is so cold damn
>there wasn't a lot of demand. We need to raise prices.
>there was a lot of demand. We need to raise prices.
Fuck this gay country.
hungover-morning-after/10 levels of cucked
Welcome to every day on the gulf coast.
Ask me on November 8
Try 43 with high humidity and get back to me. You'll be begging for your "jew" air conditioning within an hour
God damn your PM is such a fucking fag. Literally an instagram attention queen leading the fucking country. Be ashamed of yourselves.
At this point i cant even tell if this tweet is fake or not. But im also scared to look it up and find out ...
Live in the white mans land stupid nigger spic
The Canadian prime minister actually taking a selfie like that, posting it to the Internet and still getting elected is what is contemptible.
Even without the made up tweet no respectable world leader should be posting such emasculated , juvenile, attention-whoring , vain selfies like a fucking 16 year old girl or faggy 16 year old boy.
Canada - 3
>Literally an instagram attention queen leading the fucking country.
Yeah it's much better to have a twitter attention whore.
Thanks for proving my point neckbeard. Texas alone makes almost as much as your entire cuckold country
Texas gdp gross: 1.4 trillion
Canada gdp gross: 1.8 trillion
A 2 I guess...
Nice projecting cutlet spic cunt fuck off
I would say it's a solid Germany
What a robotic tweet. It's like literal programming. Who talks like this?
So blatantly obvious you're about 12yrs old. So start relaxing kiddo I'm sure it's close to your bedtime. Maybe your mommy will make you a hot pocket before bed
I'd rate it french canada.
I'd say about a Canada
dump trudeau
Fucking finally. Thanks.
No he isn't the lesser of two evils, there was nothing wrong with Harper.
What rate do I give a country which is already so BLACKED its basically Nigeria?
Kill yourself.
Probably quite low. We told the EU to fuck off. Don't take any shit from Germany, and will renew our nuke submarines. Merkel told us that we should take more rapefugees. Hahaha. Lol. No chance. We also have secure borders because we're a group of islands.
British mentality is very arrogant. We don't give a shit what other countries think of us.
hurr durr im a woman i cant keep my legs closed
Kill yourself, whore.
I don't know what hot pockets are
i would say pretty bad
This happened right before Brexit. Your country really is a mystery user. Some days you seem like hardcore anti-SJW nationalists, and other days you apparently let tumblr feminists write your laws.
You are always welcomed to visit some of the US's urban deserts.
Women who voted for Trudeau:
>He's so hot and progressive
Men who voted for Trudeau:
>dude weed lmao
Im not a Muslim I live in lush green lands with millions of acres of forests and blue lakes and rivers.
>Don't know what's worse; a world without feminism or our AC not working. So hot.
God fucking damn it. Cucks, so much cucks, so much cringe, please make it stop, I a literally dying.
>Feminist lover
>Muslim lover
About 5 and dropping despite establisment still shills the EU here
I voted green party because all the candidates were shitty. Holy fuck I didn't realize my mistake until the day after the elections. My vote for harper would of been a lot more useful even if I hated his guts, god damn I miss him right about now.
Wtf I hate the prime minister of leafland now.
Since I'm in Quebec, let's go with a bit more than Canada.
>be American
>have black president
>vote to have black miss USA
>pay out majority of welfare to blacks
>produce the most cuckold black on white porn in the world
>lose entire major cities to blacks
>be the birthplace of black terrorist groups demanding reparations and rioting
>replace Andrew Jackson with a black women on the $20 bill
>have affirmative action that gives blacks seats in university and careers they didn't earn
>black on white crime is rampant but no one says anything cause "das racist"
>there's literally a 50/50 chance I'm not even white
>but we're not cucked. We have machine guns and Trump has a minority chance to win.
Get fucked USA. You're the most cucked country on earth. A million times more than Sweden, Germany or Canada.
He actually looks pretty attractive in that photo...
He fucking won because of dumb bitches like you
Why do canucks hate Harper? I thought he was based?
I live in Brampton. BramptonWhitey on ghosts third hour chat if anyone cares. I love Canada though.
6 right now
9 if HRC wins (assuming Congress still clit blocks her)
10 if HRC wins
3 if Trump wins (no way he can fix all of America's problems in 4 years)
Planet of the Apes/10
I'm going to have to ask you to stop objectifying politicians. He is the leader of a first-world country, not just some sack of meat for you to oggle!