Warren Buffet just endorsed Hillary Clinton

Warren Buffet and Mark Cuban just endorsed Clinton. What does Sup Forums think of this?



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billionaires supporting the candidate pledged to helping billionaires

not a surprise, dems are the current ball cupping party of the elites.

Don't forget all the finance millionaires and billionaires that not-so-secretly support Hillary. Hillary is Wall Street's candidate.

I literally work on wallstreet you couldn't be more wrong most of the brokers love Trump. If anything it's the guys running these firms that maybe support her.

Buffet is a greedy piece of shit with a great PR team.

>"Oh no, look at me. I'm just an old man who innocently made a bunch of money."

My mom really likes Warren Buffet .

Did you know that Warren Buffet was against the Keystone Pipeline because he has a lot of investment in the railroad companies that current transport the oil that would suffer massive losses if they built the pipeline?

Now you know.

Mark "Cuban" (Chabenisky)

Wow, all these billionaires supporting a certain candidate? She must be a great candidate!

>What does Sup Forums think of this?
A spic and e hippy pedophile endorsing Hillary?
That's just another day in the office

How many times a day you jerk off?

A South Dakota poster, wow nice to meet you

Hey friend. How are you?

I just fucked up my 4chanx settings when I thought my quick reply window had focus. Now my header is autohiding and it's pissing me off...

Oh look, another billionaire endorses Clinton. Meanwhile Sanders is accusing Trump of taking billionaire's money for the campaign.

>globalist billionaire supports Clinton

Ya don't say.

Im not sure if you heard the news yet but Red Hot Chili Peppers will be creating a new album soon and word is it will be so good "your asshole will tingle". I am contacting you in regards that they are in need of a cuckold for their cover to spread their ass cheeks and show the twitching ass hole. If you are interested please let me know.
-RHCP PR team & Flea

Two cucks walk into a booth and vote Clinton. Big whoop.

I am fine, I hate new jersey, how is south dakota?

If you haven't noticed by now, Sup Forums is where are the fat unemployed lazy white neckbeard virgins hang out and blame minorities for their own lack of competitiveness.

These people don't idolize or aspire to self-made success at all, the last thing they care about is the opinion of self-made successful entrepreneurs.

Buffett has gone senile and hasn't made a good decision in the past year. No one listens to him anymore.

Why can't these fuckers just stay out of the political spotlight and vote quietly these propaganda fuckers.

Selling out the West and it's people for globalism is now a championing cause of the Democratic party. Who would have thought this only 10 years ago?

Love it here. Freedom as far as they eye can see and plenty of outdoor activities like hunting and fishing and hiking if you want. I don't think I'd ever want to move.

>Have a major problem on your hands because much of the party liked Sanders' positions
>Go out of your way to cozy up to billionaires
What is her end game

How is the cost of living there? Job opportunities?

>How is the cost of living there?
Really low. One of the reasons I love it so much. As far as job opportunities, you might have to go to Sioux Falls or Rapid City, unless you work for the State like I do. You should be able to find something depending on what your field is.

Buffett has endorsed Democrats for the past three presidential elections, I don't see this as part of some masterplan or involvement by the Clinton campaign... this is just Buffet doing what he has always done. Nothing surprising really.

Both Republicans and Democrats have been doing so since Reagan.

Where have you been? Oh right, Canada.

>Work for the state?


Software Engineer for one of our Bureaus.

Oh cool, well I am interested in law enforcement so. Also how are the women there?


This would probably be the place to get into the police force. Worst the police in my town have to deal with is drunken injuns.

>how are the women there?
In my town.... meh. Growing up there were ton of qts but they all turned into degenerates who had kids when they were still teenagers so I don't even try anymore. The bars and stuff in the bigger cities are legit though.

Oh cool, I will keep that in mind since I am state shopping if you know what I mean. Are there any liberal parts of South Dakota?

>Hillary has the 1% vote

its over. Hillary won. she has the media and elites supporting her

Billionaires supporting their crooked puppet so moguls can continue to hand their orders down to Washington. What a shocker!

>Are there any liberal parts of South Dakota?
Not off the reservations where the injuns always vote for more gibs.

Don't go to the reservations.

Is that rosebud in the bottom left. Ive gone prairie dog shooting out of winner before, had to get a license to shoot shit in the injun land and everyone i saw lived like inner city niggers

I will, how are the gun laws?

That's Pine Ridge. Rosebud is two counties over on the bottom of the two blue counties. Sometimes I drive through Rosebud on my way to Nebraska to float down the Niobrara with my friends. I always chamber a round because you are 100% right about them living like shit.

You only have to submit to the federal 4473 to buy anything that isn't otherwise restricted by the feds. (of course not if you buy private then you can just go buy it from a dude). Open carry is permitless and concealed carry is shall issue. No other laws outside the federal laws. Can even carry on campus if you feel so inclined.

Neat, and I am assuming the white population is the majority in SD

Yes sir. I believe we're 85% white, with injuns making up like 8%, a little over 1% black and the rest random others like Asians.

o nice, I want to find a qt white girl and breed with her, cant be a degenerate liberal tho

its like you can just feel the machine being kicked into overdrive with all the recent press

Buffet endorsed her a long time ago, he's a Democrat

Don't ask us. Ask the Berniekids.

Most aren't, especially if you find a farm grill, but the same degenerates I told you about earlier are bluepilled grills I went to high school with. Unfortunately, TV and the msm reaches even South Dakota. If you come in you could find a decent girl.

Mark Cuban backing Hilary was obvious, he's a tech billionaire, Trumps policies cut his labor force.

Buffet endorsing Trump, now that's a lot more interesting. He's the opposite of Cuban, he's a notoriously tech adverse billionaire.

James T. Kirk//THIS...is shocking.....OP//James T. Kirk

Reminder: 99% of billionaires support Clinton's globalist agenda.

all that money she has and now it's open season because there are no authorities - hillary is the authority. 100 days til election my ass.

>my interests are the same as a billionaires
how do people not take this as a giant red-flag?

lets hope she doesn't make it to her final coronation

he's a succesful businessman faggot go back to your wagecuck job

Okay so how would voting for one make it better then?

Makes me want to vote for Clinton.

Trump is literally a poorfag compared to some of these billionaires.

Yeah farm girls sound nice, i dont want a stronk girl

Get a room

Not an argument

Frig off, Randy. Sorry for having a slightly off topic conversation in a thread that doesn't seem to have too many participants.

I guess I need to be Correcting the Record, I suppose that'd be better.

Yeah, well, it's not as if the employees matter or have a say in what happens to the company. Trump is a threat to the establishment, they can't buy him, they fear him. And he keeps up his belligerent rhetoric, this is highly disturbing for them. He paints them as the enemy, they can't have that. They want people to worship them.
I mean, this is his latest ad:

So many shills today

>That ad

I love seeing the Democrat Party transform into the party of champaign socialist plutocrats.

Limousine liberals endorsed Killary. Shocking.

They're getting nervous tee bee aytch. The Trump generals earlier when I was watching the rally were fucking annoying to the point where I had to filter by unique ID.

I like Trump Tower better than those Hillary Towers desu

this is true.