Jacob and Bella : the Patrician choice

You know it to be true

it's he like 5'6"? how short is she lmao?


Isnt he like 5'11? I saw some pics of grls towering over him

how weird is it that all the actors from Twilight went on to be serious actors

Holy fuck she's tiny

Google says she's 5'5" of penis pumping power

damn, both went downhill hard

wtf he looks better

Kstew is smol. She doesn't look it because she's skinny and well-proportioned as fug.

Most guys look better in their late 20s early 30s.

Could a guy pull off this exact haircut?

sure, hed be gay tho, most likely.

LOL you trollin.


>gay man
>buzz cut

Literally never

what if hes balding?
check & mate

Did he get taller?

Unoriginal faggot

Nah it's not totally a buzzcut. Look at the ends of her hair. It shows up better under her toque.

you know women wear heels yes?


the pic you posted proves they can

quite small indeed

How low

I prefer Edward and Bela.