Black lives matter are demanding reparations among other things.
Black lives matter are demanding reparations among other things
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Since only 1 out of 100 whites owned slaves..I just don't see it happening.
As of December 31, 2013, there were 1.5 million inmates in state or federal prison. Of the 1.3 million in state prison, 37% were black. 56.8% of black inmates were in for violent offenses (rape, murder, aggravated assault, etc.) 16.4% were in for property crimes (burglary, vehicle theft, fraud, etc.) The percentage in for drug possession? 3.8% (the same rate as white inmates and slightly lower than hispanics, 4.2%.)
As of 2015, there were an estimated 42,000,000 blacks in this country. That same year, police killed 300~ nationwide, primarily in self defense or accidental (high on cocaine/meth and tazed isn't a recipe for success.) Doing a little math, that comes out to 0.7 per 100,000 (or 7 per 1,000,000.) This 'open season on black men' narrative that the left is pushing is based on nothing but lies and misinformation ('hands up, don't shoot.')
Also demanding free tuition and student loan forgiveness for all blacks
When are they going to pay us back for the shit they destroyed from every chimpout they caused from the LA riots til recent?
of course they want gibsmedats, it's what the always want
Has been said before, but they already get reparations through welfare
Sure, that will happen. Just like with Greece and Nazi Germany. Any time nau.
I wouldn't hold my breath if I was Greek either.
Are EBT & SNAP & Government assisted housing not reparations?
They don't even deserve that.
Dubs quads check'd
Go for it. Nothing makes a race kill itself faster then the idea of being a neet. Black and white women will refuse to sleep with any loser black man because he sits at home all day watching DBZ. Literal easy pickings.
They already got it. It's called Liberia.
reparation for what? Most of them weren't alive when slavery happened.
How about none.
These niggers have it better than anyone else in the fucking world. If they don't like it, they can go fucking move to africa. (they won't) because they're fucking spoiled bitches.
Son you best be joking.
I'm black and I find the idea of getting paid free money because of the work some of my ancestors did to be laughable, economically impossible, stupid, and irrational.
If these black lives matter faggots had 1/10th of the work ethic our ancestors had, they wouldn't need reparations. They're lazy unskilled professional whiners that provide no value to the world beyond being black.
Even if for some absurd reason the federal government decided to start throwing money away like this, it would fucking disappear from the black community within a year because they would spend it on stupid bullshit.
Whats with niggers liking stereotypical shounen anime like DBZ and Naruto?
This has always boggled my mind.
>Even if for some absurd reason the federal government decided to start throwing money away like this, it would fucking disappear from the black community within a year because they would spend it on stupid bullshit.
This 100 times. I can't even begin to imagine how many Cutlasses and Caprices on 24 inch rims that we'd see.
hillary's all about BLM. she should be made to address these demands
gibs muh dat n sheeeeiiittt
I want niggers to stop being violent chimps, until then, fuck off coons!!!!
Nobody will ever really care about black people, not even other blacks, do you think they realize this?
Please tell me there is someone spamming their KO game on innocent at most BLM posts on social media
1. End the war on black people.
2. Reparations for past and continuing harms.
3. Divestment from the institutions that criminalize, cage and harm black people; and investment in the education, health and safety of black people.
4. Economic justice for all and a reconstruction of the economy to ensure our communities have collective ownership, not merely access.
5. Community control of the laws, institutions and policies that most impact us.
6. Independent black political power and black self-determination in all areas of society.
>forgetting about the '68 Chicago chimpout
Invest in Wal-Mart, Cadillac, Nike and Yum! Brands if this ever happens.
Sheeeiiit niggah muh grandmother wuz a slave and she wuz whipped to death when she was only six years old. I finna get paid.
Deep stuff
They've made demands before, just no one listens to them because those niggers don't realise that all the blm-loving politicians don't give a shit about them, they just take their support for the negro points.
Their whole "movement" is a joke to everyone but them.
But, that's racist...
So they want a bunch of free money and their own piece of the USA to govern for themselves. Whites and Blacks fought to end segregation and now they want nothing more than to segregate again. Top kek.
>demands XYZ
Or else what?
What if EVERY white person just declared themselves to be trans-black? Then they couldn't be labeled racist.
>So they want a bunch of free money and their own piece of the USA to govern for themselves.
And don't forget, we should just give it to them because they say so.
What a fucking joke.
This is actually true as fuck, and is the reason why BLM will fail.
The few black people that are able to block out he toxic environments they'd been raised in and become successful themselves HATE niggers. We hate niggers more then you guys could even imagine. When you're black and you get money (not drug/crime money, money you actually earned) the FIRST thing you'll do is get the fuck out of the hood.
And not just because you're in danger of being violently murdered everyday, but because everyone around you is a massive piece of shit that will literally suck you dry and still have the audacity to beg for more.
Niggers will never get up and find a job or even just read a fucking book, so it's no wonder these worthless BLM cunts, (who ironically are mostly middle class privileged college kids), think they need reparations. They're wastes of life.
was replying to
We already did this over 100 fucking years ago and they chimped out in the 60s, so we did away with segregation. Now they're chimping out that they're not segregated again. You just can't fucking win with these apes.
Send they monkey asses back afrika...
Reading theur demands is hilarious theyre conplaining that not enough blackpeople vote and felons should be allowed to vote
>their own piece of the USA
Pretty sure they want it all.
oh you mean the anniversary of the completely justified shooting of a violent criminal that attacked a cop and tried to shoot him with his own gun?
Jesus these people are pathetic.
Not one American alive today has benefited from slavery.
Blacks don't vote, ergo politicians don't give a shit about blacks. It's really not that hard to understand.
The same reason why politicians don't give a shit about edgy adolescents who bitch and cry constantly, but can't be bothered to haul their ass to a voting booth.
I mean, for fuck's sake, we even set votes here on holidays or Sundays, and anyone at work is legally allowed to leave work to go vote.
Millennials are so fucking entitles. I bet if our entire voting system was on the internet and all it took was 1 click, they STILL WOULDN'T VOTE.
We should gas our generation.
>Government assisted housing
You mean prison?
He means section 8, Tyrone.
Anyone know the dindu site for the WE WUZ KANGZ shit. my brother doesnt believe me
So they want segregation?
My native american friend of blacks and reparations, and I quote:
"We got our white guilt money, or atleast our corrupt tribal elders did. They use it to develop land which gives them huge kickbacks and gives the people almost enough to stay drunk all the time.
Whenever it runs out they dress thier kids up in turkey feathers and fake buckskins and have them do a stupid little dance and song somewhere in front of reporters to get more. If you gave blacks reperations it would make them totally dependant.
Give them reparations and in a generation they would be dressed up in nylon zulu costumes dancing for thier supper in front of the capitol."
"Free" money is a poisoned apple designed to make minorities dependant and keep them voting democrat.
>6. Independent black political power and black self-determination in all areas of society.
What is NAACP, BET , Black Miss America, UNCF, affirmative action, Black History Month, the POTUS, the Attorney General, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson all Black Athletes, Singers, Actors
There are nothing wrong with any of these demands
I don't care, let them have it. Let them have Alabama and Mississippi and be done with it. Then, they get no more. Maybe they all move there. Give them Georgia too. But when it's done it's done and when it looks like Magadishu they still get nuffin unless Kanye and Lebron and puff a daddy want to do something about it. Give them separation or give them a noose. No more black bullshit.
and once Hillary wins you are going to pay them too
better get the wallet ready
Yep, because Detroit is what they want for all blacks.
>Independent black political power
so they've outted themselves as black nationalists / separatists
The only smart thing is to do what
Dump the stocks when the nigs spend their last dime and put their hands out again. Then they can starve in a nice car. Gotta look good for the Reaper.
Nigger Sharia is real.
I agree and I'd say we're not far off from the natives in that aspect.
The welfare system turned us back into slaves and the super rich rappers out there glorifying poverty and violence make it ok to be a broke, stupid, "real nigga".
Is that man's shirt in fucking comic sans?
wouldnt be surprised if she had a child before the age of 6.
Invest in black education?
We already hand out free-ride scholatships to D and C black students, a tiny fraction of which even try to use it and even tinier amount ever graduate.
Weve been dumping money at them and thier education for two decades and they refuse to use it.
When are THEY going to pay you reparations for wasting so many tax dollars to keep them housed in prison?
No invest in Newport, Old English 800 and Popeyes
>Why do people who solve their problems by shouting and punching things love shows about people solving their problems by shouting and punching things?
Lol police brutality
Then let them have a section of America and see how long until they cry for whiteys help.
You get reparations, you get your ass deported to Africa. It's fair.
Zyklon Ben does it again
Maybe we should resegregate? They wont have to blame us for their problems. They would be happier then right?
they want even more free gibs
I actually have some guilt for the Native Americans, only because they actually have it the worst
Thank god Bernie didn't become the nominee. You just KNOW he would have caved to this demand.
That's exactly what they want to do: It sounds like a fair course of action to me.
We've ACCEPTED their demands!
>Releases demands
>Like the dirty scum sucking terrorists they are
The day of the rope can't come fast enough.
I heard some BLM street preacher calling for black only school. We never wanted your black coon asses in white classrooms in the first place, get a fucking clue. I can't stand a fuckin nigger I swear to christ
>collective ownership
Here we go...
They'll go on strike obviously
What about the progeny of English indentured servants? Chinese railroad laborers? Irish factory workers? These people faced equally harsh conditions, I don't see their descendents begging for reparations.
I also don't see the "legacy of slavery" ravaging those people. In many ways, they had it worse than slaves.
Of this would happen i would buy jordan related stocks.
If they want segregation, all they have to do is ask