Really makes you think.
Really makes you think
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^seems to forget shillary standing in front of coffins from benghazi and lying to the families and America by saying a "VIDEO" was the reason for thier loss...when shillary was why those soldiers died...
Is he talking about Hillary and Pat Smith?
I really don't know if a human being can be any less attractive than John Oliver.
uh, no, Hillary was not the reason why they died. Ask the Republicans in Congress why they couldn't shell out the funding needed to keep them safe.
she said a "Video" was the reason...she could have sent troops to save them..she did not...she's a liar
Really makes you think
So, basically, "fuck the facts, I just want to call Hillary a liar"
>she could have sent troops
LOL this is what Sup Forums actually believes
your attempts to make this carrer corrupt criminal seem presidential have failed
fucking hell I bet this cunt would have been the first to slam the soldiers 5 years ago cunt
I hate british
Your attempts at offering anything of substance to this discussion have failed, miserably I might add. It's clear that you lack even the most basic understanding of what a Secretary of State does in addition to knowing nothing about the circumstances surrounding benghazi and who is actually to blame. Sad.
your blind willingness to suck the evil juice leaking from this criminal hole tells every1 you are a moron
That's not a presidential duty.
Don't look at us, we hate him too. He had to go to America to be anything more than a failed comedian who got invited to one panel show then never again.
>Oh, no, he exposed the fact that I have no idea what I'm talking about, and my lack of understanding makes it impossible for me to respond appropriately
>Oh, I know, I'll just call him a retard! That'll do the trick!
As commander-in-chief, it absolutely is. Presidents have been comforting the family of fallen soldiers since long before you were even born
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
>Le funny propaganda man telling us what to think haha
OIiver lives in a pasty white rich neighborhood with his family. What the fuck does the faggot have any right calling anyone else racist when he hides from the blacks and minorities he claims he loves?
Hm? Providing aid and comfort to a pusher of Sharia Law and hence an enemy of the Constitution is literally treason.
Trump didn't vote for the Iraq war, HRC did.
Trump didn't kill his son, the RELIGION OF PEACE did.
I dont know how Ted Cruz became "Rato" - John Oliver has way more of a greasy rodent vibe in my opinion.
Is he talking about Trump or Hillary?
Sounds like a courtesy.
Remind me which article specifies this duty.
>goyim, think with your feels, look, one muslim family who had a muslim son in the US army look goyim ignore all the bad shit they do
I bet that muzzo marine was an inside operative. He probably got other soldiers killed by subverting and leaking information or blowing himself up or something.
I bet the dads an operative too, if Hillary has wheeled him out.
Yeah, Hillary was real good at comforting the women Bill raped.
Ugh, I recently revealed that I like Trump and have had two people send this to me already today.
What's the Trump train like over there in New Zealand? Is it anything like here, where it's mostly bat-shit insane lefties?
So is he supposed to go around now and comfort all of the soldiers that Hilary has gotten killed, like in Benghazi?
Send them this:
You can literally put the shillary benghazi meme there instead of Trump and it'll still work. Why do people still watch this cunt?
Hillary Clinton is the reason they were in danger to be begin with. She was the most gung-ho of all about attacking Libya, when others in the administration were a little more reluctant.
Trump 2016
I literally know one person IRL who also likes him / his policies. Our MSM reports on him every single day in a negative light. Everyone thinks the yanks are insane for letting him get this far.
Every single person is a normie that gets all their news off goybook, and our media toe the line of whatever USA wants.
Please elect the god Emperor and lynch your media, we will be eternally grateful
The dad is confirmed an agent of Muslim brotherhood and has OPEC ties, rumour has it his son despised him so he joined the marines
God willing...
>comforting families
>presidential duty
The president has a job and it sure as fuck isn't holding hands.
I literally thought he was talking about Hillary before I saw the picture
And then in the same breath they'll say new zealand comes first fuck immigrants coming over here taking our houses and jobs.
The doublethink is amazing
I don't know how someone can be this retarded. I drop in population doesn't mean extinction in imminent. Hell, how does he even know if those estimates are accurate? A 10-15% drop in population over the course of 35 years isn't anything to worry about. Those number seems to be correlated to the unemployment rate, so maybe people aren't making babies because they can't afford it. If that's the case more people are the last thing you need.
Thanks for Correcting the Record!
>a pusher of Sharia Law and hence an enemy of the Constitution
How retarded are you?
>tfw you just wanted to skim pol real quick but end up getting woke for 20 minutes
He's a commander, not a grief counselor
What did Ireland get out of donating 5 to 10 million?
more syrians
This and most of rich Hollywood that support Hillary.
Incredibly, you are sitting down and getting your opinions fed to you by a damaged, narcissistic cuckhold who shills for leftist causes.
>you are sitting down and getting your opinions fed to you
Nope, try again. Unlike you on Sup Forums, my opinions are informed by my knowledge of the U.S political system and the role played by Presidents and their cabinet.
By the way, you've got some nerve sitting here on Sup Forums accusing anyone else of getting their opinions fed to them. People literally come here and ask you morons what they should think about things. It doesn't get any more pathetic than that.
>"Nobody on this stage loves Israel more than me!"
Wew, lad