NY Thread

Old one got pruned WAY to quickly.
Lets get a decent thread going guys

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Whos upstate here and whos downstate?
Binghamton here unfortunately

I see daily retarded Florida threads wtf leave this one.

Florida is just a bunch of Cubans, Baby Boomers, and hurricanes.
NY is actually an interesting state

Should NYC separate from NY and become the new capital of the Free World, with Trump Tower becoming the new White House? I think so.

Saratoga Springs reporting in

>fuck track season

NY sucks, Jersey is better

Manhattan here

I grew up there. Hillcrest, actually. I miss the scenery, but dont miss the constant clouds and rain.

We could only dream of that happening.
Anyone got good ideas on where the border should be? Personally it should be somewhere west of the catskills
Fuck of Guido

Bridge and tunnel pls go

Cortland county representing

thats dangerously close to me.
I used to hate the rain and everything as a kid, but I dont mind the clouds and rain nowadays. Honestly, I would love it if the seasons shifted and summer got a month shorter

Orange County represent

How comfy are you currently lads?

As I said before
Long Island and upstate should be separated from the welfare queen known as the 5 buroughs.

A majority of the minorities and welfare fags love there. Long Island is one of the most taxed places in the USA. Our beaches are polluted with minorities. And the government allows affordable housing in our locations. Keep all your diverse subhuman trash in the 5 buroughs

sitting at my desk eating dinner in my comfy lit room, listening to the newest Stefan video and hearing the rain hit my roof. I'm comfy as fuck

Draw the line east and south from liberty and call it good

New England > New York

Rockland County reporting in


Subway series about to start

Only NH is better than my you raging liberal

ah mah gad im orange county too
i bet youre a jew

NYC is a giant shithole filled with faggot cucks like op.


Any of you guys do any /out/doors activities in the state?
Grew up camping a lot and I want to get back into it,v but cant really remember anywhere good other than some of the firetowers in the catskills.

Long island is nothing but like 3 good beaches without us you are nothing. If not for Sunken Meadow I would not care LI gets nuked.



Massapequa checking in

>Old one got pruned WAY to quickly.
Because this is some Sup Forums tier shit that's why.

nice fucking english, paco, I hope you drill into a gas line and the apartment that line was feeding collapses on you

sorry its not another "JOOS" thread

mad circle

So is New York going to vote for Trump this election?

You wish.
>only 3 good beaches
I'm pretty much convinced you're a Dominican or dirty Rican since that's all you faggots come here for.

The 5 buroughs are a parasite on NY state only because it houses all the subhumans.

Anyone with any level of success ends up moving far away from the nigger tier 5 buroughs. That's why high property taxes are worth it. To keep most of your kind out of here.

Long Island was the birthplace and home of one of the presidents on Rushmore. Teddy Roosevelt. It also houses many other successful people. It's a shame any tax dollar should have to pay for any of your welfare Arnoldo.

Fuck you faggot


Lockport here

Saratoga county here.

Its nice here in upstate NY if you have a decent job. You can buy a big house thats comfy but honestly everything is a bit far. I live in clifton park area but it takes me 6-10 minutes to get to the highway enough though I only live less than 5 miles from it.

Good if youre into outdoor nature stuff and dont mind a 3-4 hour drive to nyc.

Rogue borough of Staten Island, checking in. Only borough I can meet a fellow conservative. Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx are just marxist wastelands.

Nassau County reporting in.

Remove boroughfags. I'm sick of them coming here and shitting up our neighborhoods, stores, and traffic.

Fuck all you faggots

t. Massfag

get the fuck off of Long Island
get the fuck out of the US


Schoharie reporting in.

Kys nigger

>masshole talking shit about anybody

please stop going to the poconos. we hate you.

Hamptons? Though it's getting a bit new money lately

Out of our thread Potatonigger

hey man, you on the south shore?

been in nyc over a decade and am leaving at the end of september. can't wait to get out of here. the city is a garbage dump.

Man, I love downstate Pizza. Brooklyn makes the best pizza.

You're always welcome upstate, so long as you're white

hipster detected

why can't the L derail and kill at least a few hundred of you

Somewhat close to the south shore, but not really.

I'm ready for a possible chimpout in nyc

what are comfy ways to enjoy myself during November?

thanks but I'm heading out west.

Oswego County reporting in.

Is there actually anything fun to do in Manhattan? I've lived in queens all my life and living in the "greatest city in the world", Always felt like I was missing out on something.
Hell I was there a few hours ago.
>Looked at a few buildings
>Checked out the girls
>Saw people paying +12$ for ice cream on a waffle
I usually walk around in cirlces only to find expensive stores, expensive restaurants, and really nice architecture but thats it.
Where is the "fun" that I am missing?

>Our beaches are polluted with minorities
>Went to jones beach
>Saw 2 hispanic families and one black

Are you one of those people who sperg out when they see a minority? I never understand how you guys can be so freaked out by seeing one or two people different from you.

oswego is nice and the drive up to the lake isnt that bad, but I can assume the college draws in way to many libfucks

I don't live in north brooklyn, thank god.

Im from Chautauqua. Its a pretty sweet area. Jamestown has alot of nogs and spics though. Thats where all the meth and dope can be found.

University is nice, can't say the same for much of the city but it's ok, lot of beggars and dilapidated buildings make it seem worse than it probably is. Looked into its crime statistics and it's gotten 5 to 10 percent worse in much of the crime in the past twenty years, home ownership is down and wages aren't going up. Sounds like many a city in parts of NY.

>mad circle

Oswego county reporting in

who /ComfyQueens/ here

we just had a drug bust last week here in Bing where I think $100,000 + in drugs and eight people including some nigger "kingpin". all of them were scum from NYC

shit like that is because of Cuomo refusing to acknowledge that NY would be better off as two states, simply because hes a corrupt career politician who's only interested in keeping his job and making the overlords happy

I hear the taxes are low there, Albany County here.

Highly doubt it. He could have more GOP votes then there has been in a long time coming out of NY this election though. There are alot of Trump supporters here.

>2 Hispanics families

Yeah right. Field 4 and now 6 look like Corona park. Unless you're a lido beach person I don't believe you. Lido beach because you actually need proof of Nassau county residence.

Let me guess, you're some Indian from Hicksville/Broadway (107) so don't mind more shit skins around you

Dude you guys too? SOOOOO many fucking nigs and spics come to my area from the bigger cities thinking they are going to be able to run shit and get away with anything. Its fucked up.

Seneca County reporting in.

there would have to be another 9/11 for NY to go blue

NY does have a real chance of going Republican this year. It's a stretch but I think Trump is going to win in a landslide so if he can keep the Democrats from cheating he could win NY.

westchester county represent.

I guess I had a good upbringing because I grew up here, but I really am not close to my parents at all.

heroine here is fucking awful. at least its killing off the scumbags who use it
NY would go red if it was split like it should be

lol how does it feel to be literally worse than Troy?

Chenango Forks reporting in.

Who /845/ here? Specifically, PB?

So then why do u fags keep moving here?

This guy gets it.
Fuck this god forsaken cesspool. NYC is full of liberal sjw cumstains that gets offended by anything. Wage slave dindus everywhere will give you an attitude because they never met their father and flunked out of community college after failing remedial math. The roads are always in despicable shape, with miles of bumper to bumper traffic.

>celebrating a state that Hillary has a big lead in
fuck you I hope you get hit with a dozen dirty bombs

607 or die nigger

I cant speak for retirees, but I dont ever plan on moving any south of where I live currently. I want to live more north. White man needs to take the northern hemisphere back

Whitney Point reporting in

Non 212, 917 or 718 master race here

Fuck the buroughs

damn, I didn't realize there were as many Sup Forumsacks here in Broome

Im going to come looking for you guys in my life turns to shit, I've just decided.

He really courting western/central NY voters with his anti-TPP stance. Check his Rochester rally: youtube.com/watch?v=NqRMaD3HWHo

I'm sure most of us in this thread have more in common than just living in NY, so go for it man

Rochesterfag reporting for duty.

Bing university student here


central buffalo hello

Yeah, let's not try to organize a way to change that and throw up our hands.

Go back to your 3rd world shit hole Haitian spic

Brooklyn here

I told you I went to Jones Beach
Its 100x better than Coney Island or Manhattan beach. But you make Long Island beaches sound like the ghetto.

I also said I am from queens dude
Any body from Utica I am going to college there in a few weeks. How is it?

Bronx here. Please save me.

>tfw I live on the border of Spring Valley and Monsey
>tfw I'm the only white Catholic family for miles