Let it burn to the ground

I've come to the realization that the normies deserve death and destruction.

We are Redpilled for the most part and see through the NWO plan. Hillary is their agent and she'll be propped up no matter the cost. Their pockets are deep...their influence is endless. Their slaves procreate faster than freethinkers do. We'll lose the ability to make any change to this system after this election.

If we do manage to get Trump elected, the cards are stacked so heavily against him that I'm convinced that his presidency will be a deadlock and not much will be done (that's even assuming he's as based as we think he is...not a given). What ever is being done now to artificially prop up the economy can easily be pulled away by the shadow government if there is any fear of them losing power.

And yet we can foresee the outcome. Death, destruction, slavery, world government, rations, population control, loss of freedoms... It's all on the table and it's all proven.

It's inevitable... So if that's the case, why not just stop this resistance, let the whole thing continue to prop itself up... Then watch it all collapse on them when it's clear they cannot stem the tide.

It's clear that armed conflict is the only way things will change in this country.

So I say let them have Hillary... Let them continue to subvert and burn this nation to the ground... And when everything has been reduced to ash, those patriots who have went into hiding and who have the means to survive outside of the demolished system can rise up again out of the ashes and start anew...

Decadence must be burned... Let it burn.

Let it burn to the ground and let the strongest survive

Wew lad!

Not a slide thread. Pls discuss

>I've come to the realization that the normies deserve death and destruction.We are Redpilled for the most part and see through the NWO plan. Hillary is their agent and she'll be propped up no matter the cost. Their pockets are deep...their influence is endless. Their slaves procreate faster than freethinkers do. We'll lose the ability to make any change to this system after this election.

The way I see it is if Europe doesn't get rid of the EU and go right wing and Trump loses. Then it will be the final nail in the coffin of the white race.

At that point I think I'm going to buy land out in the country, become self sufficient and watch the inevitable crash over the coming decades.

As long as we have our guns, the people will be willing to fight back. It's true that the subversion levels have been ridiculously high this past decade even compared to decades past, but the American people are getting sick of the way policy is working. There are definite things Trump can and probably will do to fight the NWO, two he's mentioned are nominating conservative constitutionalist justices and auditing the fed. The reason they fear Trump and are pulling out all the stops to keep him from getting elected is because the office of president has much more power today than it should, and with the knowledge he gains from the office there will be a good chance he will be the first president with the balls to tell the people how fucked the country is, and what we can do about it.

The only thing that makes me want future to be bright is my gf. She's the only one who keeps me alive at that point.

But if she dies or anything happens to our relationship, I wouldnt even care anymore. I think I could go full Breivik in refugee camp in Germany.

We should wait for ww3 and stab them in the back

why don't we kill the elites instead?

Fuck off. I'm not listening to edgy nonsense spouted by a TyrAnt.


This guy has it. All that executive action bullshit that Obomba has been pulling will bite (((them))) in the ass HARD if Trump wins.

They're only creating new protestors, new problems, new disadvantages, and new terrorists.
Things aren't gonna get any better. They're only going to get rearranged.
That's my prediction.

>being this retarded

What kind of mental gymnastics have you conspiritards done to think this way? You've convinced yourself that Trump is completely based in spite of him being completely irrational and hotheaded. Not to mention he just makes shit up. Exit the echo chamber, dumbfuck

Their infertility is their self-destruction. They have choosen to breed themselves out of existence, just look at their fertility rates.

To an extent the problem is self-correcting, but if they manage to brainwash enough girls to become career-women man-haters at war with their own uteruses then they can take all of White civilisation with them into the cat lady abyss.

You could exit too if you wanted. Why don't you?

You aren't achieving anything here, dumbfuck.

This is the right attitude, mostly. I'd say have hope for a Trump presidency. He will at the very least clean out a lot of rats and appoint some good scotus judges. And make for at least 4 years of incredible liberal tears and entertainment.

But, yes, also be willing to accept a Clinton presidency. It really will be what the country (and world, since EVERYONE seems to be counter signalling Trump) deserves if we vote her in. And all the horror that will come with it.

Canadian shitposting, especially CTR employed shilling, has gotten out of hand. Enough is enough!

From this moment until further notice, possibly after Nov 8 and longer, ALL LEAVES SHALL BE IGNORED! NO EXCEPTIONS!

DO NOT REPLY TO ANY LEAF POSTERS! Just pretend they don't even exist, NO MATTER how provocative their picture, how sound their argument, how correct their record, how big the bait, they SHALL NOT get any (you)s.

Community Enforcement: all non-Leaf flags replying to Leaves will get reminded once, then ignored and put into exile along with Leaves.

Apologies to Leaves that contribute positively. You'll just have to use a VPN or keep faithfully contributing, but without replies. Your work may still be recognized, just no (you)s UUUU.

I don't expect 100% compliance until the word of this memo has had enough time to spread. We will fight this 1 day at a time. After a week, that should be enough time to eliminate 99% of shilling from Dude Weeds. It won't be easy, but this will be a great exercise in discipline, for without it how can we be men, and especially not Sup Forumsacks?

"Sup Forums is not one person." But the hate for Leaves is now beyond universal. As the shills use proxies, we cannot block them all without the help of mods, or without risking censoring free speech, but we can and will adapt. For now, we will take one small but necessary step in the right direction.

May KEK bless you, and bless the United States.

pretty much this ive come realize even with a trump presidency we are already to far gone he might stall the inevitable collapse but he sure as hell cant stop it ive decided to move to alaska get a bunch of guns and supplies and train for the inevitable

The time has come to enable it to burn quicker! Race War now! I'm fighting for the white, are?

Kill a Jew, nigger, or muzzie today!

This is the most autistic thing I've ever read on Sup Forums

Seriously, kill yourself.