This makes Sup Forums faggots brain explode

This makes Sup Forums faggots brain explode

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Hey, what's with the homophobic slurs, bro?

you pc bro?

>5 or so men are doing it that means the entirety of Islam must be doing it

Also Iran is pretty relaxed as far as Muslim countries go iirc

Why should we care? Let leftism eat their religion from the inside.


Well yea their Persian and Shiite not Arab and Sunni. Dumb Gypsy.

>hashtag not all muslims

Persians are based.
I encourage them to continue this.

How is manifesting against their tyrannical Islamic government a bad thing???

The Ayatollahs are based. The Iranian opposition are all commies and liberals who want to make Iran just another puppet of the U.S. and Israel.

>Defending Islam

I don't care of a bunch of pig-fucking Muslim men decide to turn feminist, OP, it'll just help muddle their whole fucking turdfest of religion further as it gets a nice injection of SJW nonsense.

Best thing that could happen, actually. Once the SJWs have infiltrated Islam to where they can twist it into a deformed pretzel in the same way they have other things, it's all downhill from there.

Maybe we don't need to fight ISIS, and only need to start more #MenWithHijabs hashtag campaigns to win this one.

>male feminists in a country that actually needs feminism
What's the problem here?

If only all Muslims were like this we wouldn't have to ban them

persians are bro-tier. it sucks they are muslim, maybe one day they will shake their bullshit arab religion

Shouldn't you brazilian subhumans be dancing and behaving like the subhuman niggers you are instead of being butthurt at america and fawning over Iran?

We real Iranians and Persians don't give a fuck about liberalism, communism or Islam, we hate all these cancerous ideologies and religions, we just want to have pure Persian culture without Islam mixed with it and take from the west what we like.

We will burn down mosques within 20 years in Iran and impale and hang your "based" clerics of the Islamic Republic, god bless Vlad the Impaler, that is how you have to deal with muslims.

kek, these IRAN YES faggots remind me of the "green revolution" clowns. What a bunch of retards, instead of doing this clown activity, they should start assassinating clerics in the streets.

sage hide shill threads

Muslims aren't people and need to all be exterminated.

why would this make my head explode women not obeying their religion nothing unusual there.Christian women are suppose to wear that shit 2 it says so in the bible but they dont do it.Dont worry in your lifetime you will see muslim women completly stop wearing it muslim women will be the death of islam.Muslims will become just like christians today the modern religious person ughh yeah i dont go to mass every sunday butt that dosent mean im not a christian and going to heaven.Same thing will happen to muslims ugghh yeah i dont actually do any of the thigs im suppose to but im still a true beleaver why beacuse i say so.

That is a good thing, fuck Islam, fuck Christianity and fuck Judaism. All you abrahamic religious retards are mentally ill subhumans and a danger to humanity, all of you need to be killed and impaled in real life. Ancient gods are reclaiming humanity.

>Iran is the most based out of the Islamic countries
>USA is hell bend on destroying Iran

Huh, really makes you think

>criticize Brazil for being degenerate
>wants his own country to become more degenerate

Can't you see the contradiction in that? The Ayatollahs took Iran into space, and here you are wanting it to become more promiscuous and degenerate.

>My mother died and only her clothes are left for me as a keepsake. I sometimes put her clothes on

>women arrested for showing their hair
This is supposed to make us more comfortable with Muslim culture?

Iran is actually pretty progressive when it comes to transexuality. strange place.

no it doesnt, this is great, i love to see pushes for gender equality IN COUNTRIES THAT ACTUALLY HAVE SYSTEMIC GENDER INEQUALITY

It says right in your little info-graphic that Islam is arresting them...

Which is exactly why we don't want them immigrating.

>Jews are hell bent on destroying Iran.


You do know the US just signed a massive deal which has led to sanctions being lifted right?

Doesn't really square with my understanding of trying to destroy.


persians != arabs

I am not bigot. I strongly support "feminist" movements specially those in the middle east and other countries where women actually have shitty lives just for being women, and it is nice to see men taking part on it. Western feminism on the other hand is a joke, they have the same rights but they want shit easier.

The Ayatollahs took Iran into space? kek, they took Iran in to your whore mothers nigger anus, that is where they took Iran.

If you were in front of me now I would break your neck on the spot, I've fucked up enough muslims and actually proudly killed 3 Iranian muslims back in 09 when I went to Iran.

Go mind your own cancer country, you have no clue how degenerate Islam is and I am not going to waste time explaining it to you. Go turn Brazil in to an Islamic Republic, become an Ayatollah yourself for Brazil, don't worry about us, we will take care of Iran and exterminate Islam once and for all. You are programmed by semitic abrahamic cancer morality, your opinion is dogshit.

WTF. I hate Iran.

seems to confirm that Iran are retards

Iranians, those in Tehran in particular, are extremely liberal and mostly hate their shitty Islamic government. They actually have a lot of aryan blood too. Stories I've heard from Afghans that live there is that they have routine underground parties where they drink and dance with women, listen to Western music, do drugs etc, mainly as a way to protest islam.

You can't compare :Persians to arabs. It disgusts me how our government wants us to be enemies with Iran and friends with shit tier countries like Saudi Arabia. Fuck arabs.

Or, you know, no one could wear them.

>A fucking Kraft Cheese

Why should we care about Muslims?

Solution: get rid of islamic rule

>internet tough guy making shit up on the internet

I hope you actually get investigated and your fat ridden 300lb ass gets v& for hate speech, even though the recognise that what you wrote is pure fantasy.

For you

already happened


I dont want my country brown pls


Too late.

>15 days later all 8 men involved were executed
keep me posted.

Explode? Why? I'm actually glad this is happening, real oppressed women being supported by their men. I see absolutely nothing wrong with it.

because they need to be removed

Once we real Persians exterminate Islam in Iran and impale all the mongrel clerics, we will clean our country from your degenerate cancer.

Every lebanese, russian, chinese, american, non-Iranian without permission will be executed for infiltration and spionage.

We don't want your cancer cigarettes you jew cock sucking americans, smoking will be banned in Iran, selling cigarettes will be punishable by death.

Alcohol consumption will be legalized, but limited to authentic Persian wine, a cultural heritage stolen from us because of Islam.

Fat people will be given a warning and a set periode of months to lose their fat, if they fail, they will be executed. People will be forced by law to be fit and healthy.

We will restore our culture and create a proper nation. Islam is the only thing that holds Persians back, 30% of Iranian population needs to be exterminated.

The EU and Russia had to push heavily for it to happen.
And yeah supporting all of Irans enemies and staging a coup followed by 30 years of boycotting sounds like a decent attempt at destroying for me.

Shit tier= shittier, fuck I'm slow.

No country needs (((feminism))) you faggot leaf

I know you autistic western virgins think everyone on this site is like you, but that is not the case, everything I've said is the truth.

The best feeling I've had in my life is when I slayed those Iranian muslims, they begged for their life, not allah, but me, they begged me and I eradicated them. You have no idea how big the anti-Islamic movement in Iran has become, there is a Persian renaissance coming and a total extermination of Islam and the clerical class.


>Shi'a aren't the ones commiting terrorist acts across the West
>fighting against those who do
>their clerics are liberals
>their conservatives are politicians

Gender equality and feminism is a jewish ploy to destroy the family you fucking tards and the fact its spreading to the most conservative place on earth is deeply troubling

>Urban Persians were always party animals
>modernization of agriculture displaced now jobless farmers into cities
>saw how HARAM everything was
>still no jobs
>cue Revolution
>most Ayatollah supporters dead in Iran-Iraq war
>people realised they were more free under Shah, even with SAVAK
>Ayatollah lied about bringing back Persian Culture
>people are progressive party animals again

the jewish meme is getting out of hand. Why would I want a woman who can't even fucking read? What will she teach our children?
They are not asking for specific pronouns, they are asking for the right to wear whatever they want without the risk of getting stoned.

>Saudi Arabia has morality police that will beat a woman in public if she is seen without a man
>media says that's their prerogative
>Iran has less harsh rules about modesty in public
>media explodes and starts hashtags

Goes to show the difference between Middle Eastern countries that submit to the Jew and those that don't.

This makes those men faggots. Headscarves are used to oppress woman, not for men!

>le SAVAK meme

There was nothing wrong with SAVAK, every competent country has their secret intelligence and security service, that is what SAVAK was.

SAVAK being evil or ruthless is a myth, if they were, the Islamic Revolution would have never been successful.

Even if they tortured Islamists and communists, there is nothing wrong with that, that is a good thing. All muslims and communists need to be burned alive or impaled in Iran and we will see to it, patience.

Nice thread, but I think it belongs on page 10 my dude.

So Muslims don't like being Muslims?
Holy shit it all makes sense now. They don't like thir own religion so they try and push it to everyone else because in their roach heads; if they suffer from their shit religion we have to suffer from it too. Thanks for that realization OP. My head did explode.

literally not all muslims
shia muslims are ok in my book

>I like to roleplay; the post

And to be clear, I am not a fan of religion in politics either. Its just you sound like a lying cunt.

If you are young, you will live to see what I am describing here, you will live to see mosques being burned in Iran, clerics being massacred in the streets, just wait :)

I am telling you the truth.

>Muslims make everybody suffer, even (and mostly) other Muslims
wew, really made me think

wtf I hate kuffar now!

That's not what I was talking about

>copping to double murders to impress strangers on a Balinese pottery enthusiast forum

Literally no one would ever do this

>you will live to see mosques being burned in Iran, clerics being massacred in the streets
Also, I think you are wrong. An assumption which is supported by my first assertion regarding your profound stupidity.

>rapefugee calling other people on degeneracy

whatever you say muhammad, have fun raping white women on europe or fucking goats

All I told you was the truth, not my problem you find it unbelievable, you are a mentally ill retard poisoned by semitic abrahamic slave morality who thinks killing people is wrong. Kill humans is one of the best feelings and deeds you can do, as long as you are in the right.

What you think doesn't matter, what you will live to see does, you will see, you will realize you were wrong and I am right, stay cucked slave.

I can't wait to kill muslims again, the best feeling of my life.

Even muslims are getting cucked now? There is no hope for humanity then.

>implying jews arnt behind the left wing degeneracy that is spreading across the globe

First on Sup Forums huh paco ?

>Why would I want a woman who can't even fucking read? What will she teach our children?
They are not asking for specific pronouns

Im not saying women should be illiterate im against female rights not education

>they are asking for the right to wear whatever they want without the risk of getting stoned.

They are taking steps against their prevailing cultural norms which is what marxist critical theory is all about first their taking off their hijabs then it escalates until you see what is happening in the west where divorce is skyrocketing and the family unit is disintegrating

I came here legally and I don't race mix, I have Persian reproduction partner, I don't have an Islamic name or identity.

Why are you defending a brazilian who praises Islam and Islamic people, when you obviously dislike them? Oh, because you are a brazilian yourself, a nation of nigger mongrels with low IQ, go dance in the street nigger mongrel.

>le ebil jew meme

No, the problem is faggots like you cucked by semitic abrahamic slave morality. Don't like the Jews, go kill them, simple as that. Stop blaming you fat weak virgin faggot.

>Also Iran is pretty relaxed as far as Muslim countries go iirc


if only these faggots would do something instead of posting selfies.
They all deserve to be put down.
this is also what happens when you let the muslim population grow.

I didn't say killing was wrong. I said copping to it on an inuit ice carving afficianado website indicates a profound lack of mental ability.

Even less than posting something like that and expecting it to belkieved.

So in fact I gave you the benefit of the doubt. If you were being honest you are even more stupid than I imagined.

And with this level of cognitive retardation, it is not only safe, but also logical to reject whatever other batshit crazy bullshittery you post here.

>hurr durr you cant point out whats wrong to people you should just start randomly killing them
yea cause shooting up a synagog without giving a comprehensive reason why is sure to bring make people side with me i mean what better way to convince people you have a good point with random violence
>No, the problem is faggots like you cucked by semitic abrahamic slave morality
Well im sorry we cant all be as euphoric as you retard oh also im agnostic
>Stop blaming you fat weak virgin faggot
Thats some real nice projection you got going on there ahmed oh by the way raping a goat doesnt count as losing your virginity

I always tell the truth, only the weak fear telling the truth, because they lack the power of dealing with potential consequences of telling the truth.

I have killed 3 Iranian muslims in my life, I am happy I did it, it was one of the best experiences of my life and I will gladly exterminate at least 30% of Irans population.

I have an IQ of 133. I shit on Islam daily here in the Netherlands and have defended my self agianst muslim attackers.

It must suck to be an inesecure fat virgin subhuman beta male weakling who can't live as a free man, saying what he wants, when he wants and being able of defending himself.

You are a subhuman slave of abrahamic cancer morality, even if you do not follow those gods, you are still shackled by them.

Ancient gods inspired me to break those shackles and life has never been the same ever since.

How long have you fags been explaining this shit? when will you take action? fuck off weak cunt, the weak deserve everything they get, now go cry some more about he le ebil jews are cucking you.

Real men take action.

I hate Islam, I hate muslims, I've killed 3 so far. What have you done for your believes? How have you affected the reality around you? Think uppon that, it doesn't matter if you are agnostic, you are still shackled by the morality of abrahamic cancer gods and their slave morality.

Start praising ancient gods and sacrifice your enemies to them.

based persianfags will soon get over the arab sandnigger cult and will return to based aryan zoroaster faith

fuck islam

>making stories up about killing
>making up IQ scores
>chosen by pagan gods
>doing all this to impress strangers on a indonesian batik-work fanciers website
>other people are fat and insecure

Loving. Every. Laugh

Someone doesn't get the bantz

That is the first step. There is no getting over Islam, as long as it exists, it will return to try to dominate you again. Once a nation is free from Islam, it needs to prepare to take the fight to the enemy, Islam needs to be completely eradicated.

I don't see anything wrong with this.

Men are objecting to that stupid law by pointing out how stupid it is.

They don't really have the means to vote it out, but this starts the ball rolling in the matter coming to a head.

Everything I've said so far is the truth, I do not participate in your autistic meme culture, or board culture, the only reason I am here is because there is no moderation on anti-Islamic speech here, elsewhere on the internet, there is. In real life, there is also no moderation, because I am strong enough to defend myself. Nobody will stop me from shitting on Islam and killing muslims, my blood and life is fueled by hatred and my gods thirst for muslim blood.

Not really faggot. Radical Islam tearing itself down from within is OK.

Men do not demonstrate, men do not object by being faggots, don't call these clowns "men" you fat americunt subhuman ruined by abrahamic slave morality.

Men kill, men destroy and create.

Do you really think anyone is buying your weak bullshit?

Pics or it didn't happen.

You know what, forget it. Have fun making shit up on the internet.

>im against female rights not education

Maybe you should be.

You're right, humanity might go extinct!

I'm pretty sure it's you bro.

Pics? I am not of your autistic generation, I don't take pictures or participate on social media attention whoring, my experiences are stored in my biological computer, my brain, I don't take pictures or videos of my experiences in this reality like an autistic faggot, I am superior to you and your generation, I don't own a smartphone, because I am smart, I am not stupid, stupid people need a smartphone, stupid people like you.

All I need to do is close my eyes and think and I remember, I see their faces, I hear them begging for their life, I see the looks on their faces when I killed them, when they realized their god is false and that I was their lord and master.

Nothing wrong here. If they elevate their women enough they will self destruct, as we did.

Ultimate proof that iranians are white.

They are degenerate faggota