Doesn't matter. We already won the culture war. Leftists are fucked.
Remember the bookies odds on brexit as well? :^)
It's extremely funny how the polling organizations decided to literally switch around how they poll (by including more democrats and etc) just after the DNC.
It's nothing but damage control.
I fucking hate poor people
>chances of winning swing wildly 40% in just a week on nate silver's site
Wow so it changed radically 1 week to the next but I'm sure from now on these figures are accurate and should be paid attention to.
>We already won the culture war
This or "it was all rigged!" are what the responses are going to be from now until after Hillary wins.
Brexit hasn't happened (and won't happen).
>Brexit hasn't happened (and won't happen).
FUCKING ONE person on pol gets it.
Brexit didn't matter.
He'll be fine.
Yes, Sup Forums won the culture war. Gay marriage is illegal, no states offer LGBT civil rights, marital rape is legal, and 99% of women are housewives.
Oh. Wait. None of that is true.
>Trump was leading about a week ago
>Now he's got only 17%
You're saying that the DNC was so impressive to Trump voters that more than 50% of them decided to switch teams in a heartbeat? Stupid murifats in charge of polls, or anything that involves basic math.
Not all Trump voters are of the Sup Forums mindset. Many of them are easily swayed.
>Implying we want any of that
I was going to vote Hillary seeing she's up so big, no need to
>We already won the culture war.
Gay marriage is legal
Say it with me..
Op is a faggot.
Hillary Clinton is polling at 99.99% in polls, with .01% undecided and a -6,000,000% for Trump!
Hillary will surely win this time around, and if not, we know it must be Russian voting booth hackers which woul justify an all-out war with Russia.
Tune in tomorrow for tips on eating ass and cuckolding your husband, goodnight goy.
>Nate Bronze
and that's why you lost....
I know right? All those rednecks in trailer parks living off the government dole while they smoke meth.
1. Trump's feud with that Muslim-american family
2. Bernie supporters "getting over it", holding their noses, and supporting Hillary
3. Trump asking Russia to hack Hillary's email
Brexit is happening faggots. I'm amazed you guys are still in the denial stage. The old and new PM have said Brexit will happen. It would be political suicide not to go through with it now.
I can't wait till November to see how badly you dumb cunts handle Trump winning in a landslide. It will probably take all of Trump's 8 years for you to accept it.
The pendulum is swinging faggots, no amount of denial will stop it.
ty 4 CRT! ! ;D ;D
they wont be here in November that's the problem they are just shills comming here to fuck up our board.
>Florida blue
>North Carolina blue
>Iowa blue
Nate Silver is a fucking moron. Also sage this CTR thread.
100% agree with this
we just need to remember to keep this in mind next time trump swings ahead
the polls lie