Other urls found in this thread:
Someone was BTFO lmao, but it sure as hell wasn't us
wtf i love black intellectual kangz noa
There has been no white rule in most of Africa for fifty years now and it's still a shithole. Try again, sweetie.
Kek based on fucking what. What in modernity or history has given her this notion?
It would look like bad video game cg?
then why did the europeans find a bunch of savages when they first visited sub-saharan africa
twitter needs to fold. yesterday.
Does her parents know she's on the brink of mental illness?
This thread again
Then why is 90% of Africa a shithole?
Yes, yes they are actually buying the narrative
>someone says some dumb shit
>people make fun of it
Wakanda is literally the story of black people who developed awesome tech and instantly said "share this with other blacks? Hah fuck no, they are fucking savages" LMAO.
3/10. Tired meme retort.
Do people actually still believe that nonsense?
we wuz kings and shiteeee
Dubs and OP gets stage 5 cancer
Tire of these we wuz threads
And even then they only developed it, because the country has the entire world's supply of a miracle element.
Do you see liberals making threads about every stupid thing republicans say on twitter?
Memes and Sup Forumscuckotry aside, how would indigenous Africans realistically be off if they kept most of their continent's resources?
>that shitty image
>using ms paint to poorly edit the title
>not just using f12 to change it and take a screenshot
never post that disgusting shit again
no because we've been making fun of republican stupidity for 20 years now, its not funny anymore
Nigga he obviously did use inspect element... C'mon now.
Why is your battery 95 percent but it's yellow not green
>making fun of a literal who's tweet
>if they're not famous you cant make fun of them
This is already worse than the fucking feminists for Wonder Woman
Go to leddit if that's what you want you fucking retard
Even more, most of Africa's history has been free of white interference, and they hadn't even invented the wheel by the time the Europeans started colonizing them.
>making fun of completely random people's views has any point
You could find retarded tweets about anything by anyone, what's the relevance if the person is irrelevant. It's not even like it's a popular retarded hashtag or anything
do you think they'll leave in the part where the magical meteor landed 2k years ago and made them all smarter than your average ape?
They'd still be behind everyone else. They had free access to their resources before Europeans started colonizing them, and they never made use of them. It was the whites who built their infrastructure and *attempted* to civilize them.
>ms paint
Fuck off, newfag.
t. aut right mangina
>tfw walked my dogs, did laundry, cleaned my place, made lunch, and will go golfing soon instead of wasting my Saturday in threads like these
You all need to try it.
Just go and make your bed, lads
of course theres no point you absolute mongoloid
where do you think we are
someone said some retarded shit and we're making fun of it
thats the point
turns off functions to conserve usage
Can I save this rooney
I love these threads and I love watching all of the arguing. And im about to go to work to deal with retards for 6 hours.
all yours my friend
Your forehead is the landing pad of oppression.
That shit is on every form of mainstream entertainment. Even the President Show miraculously came out of retirement for Trump's term.
so i guess every black person tweet about this movie is going to have its own thread
Wanna know how I know you're a newfag?
>advocating pure Sup Forums shitposting
Baneposting and JUSTposting I'd understand but you need to go back
>make your bed
>not cleaning your room
cool this is the same exact thread posted on Sup Forums
please leave this board
It's the movie we need right now, user
The pyramids were built by slaves
If thats true why so many fucing ghettos with blacks in them? why can't they integrate into socety?
Most of Africa hasn't been colonized in decades. In the same time Africa has been independent, countries with similar colonized histories or poverty-stricken conditions have vastly surpassed all of Africa. S. Korea and Japan are, for example, first world countries, despite once going through awful economic conditions, suffering terrible wars, and in addition, far fewer natural resources than Africa.
Guys what does it mean when 55% of your tinder match demographic is black women?
How is Ethiopia going?
This is because I figured out this person was posting their tweet on Sup Forums
The frankfort school..
hotep/afrocentric thought
you're retarded
I mean, just take one look at Africa to see just how untrue this is.
What's really funny is in many places Europeans left fully functioning railway infrastructure in place when they left and the Africans just ran it into the ground instead of learning to utilize it in any way opting to just laze around and drink booze. I watched a whole documentary of it.
>please stop
>can't stomach your hateful memes
>except those 2, u know, which i deem funny xD
quite literally kill urself
Why do ameriniggers suddenly care about Africa?
Ameriniggers could have gone back home anytime they wanted since they got free but prefer to be annoying brats to us white people in America till our sun blows up.
Could it be that gasp ameriniggers dont want to build their own state and improve it?
Friendly reminder about Yakub
The genius black man who was too smart for Arabia and went to Greece and created the white race with a eugenics program where they were exiled and lived like savages and then Moses came to them and attacked him so he blew them out of the caves using Dynamite (not just explosives, specifically DYNAMITE). However this failed because the whites had developed 'Tricknology" and enslaved the black race.
Has anything changed?
Power save mode
Keith Ellison believes this
he denounced the Nation of Islam
to stay alive politically?
Well we've got about 10 months til the movie comes out, so yah I'd say so
>be genderqueer/trans nigger
>shill about africans are superior when most of the continent homosexuality is illegal
i don't even
electricity is yellow not green faggot
This thread needs more Empire of dust memes
Africa had 50,000 years of civilization and never independently invented the wheel. THE WHEEL. It's like the second thing you invent in a game of civilization.
I don't mind them pretending they were civilized before whites almost literally had to drag them out of caves and trees and show them basics ways to function as a society. It's embarrassing. Anyone would be ashamed of their past. I mean they have nothing to be proud of historically and have literally contributed NOTHING to the modern world and the advance of science. But them getting louder about this KANGZ fantasy is just so fucking absurd. It's beyond laughable.
means youre a pajeet and need to fuck off you poo in the loo scum
Means you should move.
>Africa had 50,000 years of civilization and never independently invented the wheel. THE WHEEL.
neither did the Americas.
Only the black nationalist equivalents of Scientologists say that shit unironically. I assume there's not many of them, but I have no idea how many of them there are
North Africa and the Horn of Africa had the wheel
She was "raised" by some degenerate hood rat crackhead cunt like every other black.
Americas had slopes to deal with. Africa is largely flat.
Fuck you too
Africans and indigenous American Indians are the only two groups who never independently invented it.
Why do white "people" ruin everything?
she's not wrong
These "people" DO exist!