This is the man you want running your country? A man who is unaware of one of the biggest geopolitical events of the last decade? He's a genuine retard:
TRUMP DOESN'T KNOW RUSSIA IS IN UKRAINE. Please try to defend this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Ukraine was part of Russia
>NATO helps stage a coup to """"free"""" Ukraine from the ebil Russians
>Russia tries to take back what was theirs
>muh Ukraine dindu nuffin
He's fucking clueless about foreign policy. What's so hard to understand.
Technically the parts of Ukraine Russia took are part of Russia now. But Drumpf is literally a pantshitting, mouthbreathing retard, so yeah, we should crap on everything he says.
There's no direct evidence for Russia being in Ukraine
Just some military equipment
He's just trying to keep us out of WW3.
Are you willing to risk nuclear damnation over Ukraine?
He meant Putin wouldn't go further into Ukraine when he is president retards
He does know Russia is in Ukraine. He just has a healthy sense of Ordnung und Disziplin, so he doesn't mention such self-evidence.
Putin isn't in Ukraine now
Crimea voted to join Russia
t. Putin shill. You realise Putin only likes Trump because Trump will be amazingly easy to manipulate, right? How can he conduct negotiations about defence and trade when he has no idea what's going on in the world? He couldn't name the leader of ISIS, didn't know what the Nuclear Trident was, said the Geneva Conventions were a "problem" and that the US needs to commit war-crimes (collective punishment by killing the families of enemy combatants). If you have a functioning brain surely you can see he's actually unironically retarded.
*Nuclear triad
Clinkskin, keep up! He's already clarified this. Also, he can hire the best foreign policy advisers.Read this. Being the president is not a job you can truly be prepared for.
Which makes this all the more a non-story the MSM is using to distract from Clinton/DNC corruption
Yeah, and if he rolls over and lets them take Crimea, do you really think they'll stop there? They'll know the US is weak, and they have a lot of other potential claims to territory. It'd also send a message to China that the US won't intervene if they start going HAM over their claims in the South China Sea. Trump would be an absolute calamity - Clinton may be an soulless warhawk, but at least she has at least some idea of what's going on in the world, Trump literally makes it up as he goes.
Shitty journalism and click bait article name
>"DONALD Trump mistakenly said Russia has not rolled into Ukraine"
>followed up by a quote from Trump where he clearly states Russia will not go further if he gets elected
THIS. While the "Donetsk People's Republic" might be backed by Russia, and there might be Russian soldiers who join it, it's no different than the U.S. giving money to "Syrian rebels" and having a couple soldiers on the ground supporting them.
Um yeah, you mean the referendum that happened under the auspices of a military occupation? It was a total sham:
>le no political experience maymay
You realize running a company isn't that different from running a country right? It's just on a smaller scale.
Remind me when the US sent tanks and armoured vehicles into Syria?
Russian economy is struggling rebuilding Crimea to russian standards alone because Ukraine is so fucking poor, 2-3 times poorer than Russia. Putin can't annex more of Ukraine, it'll be waste of money. He'd need to make all new regions russia-tier too to avoid uprests (hohols literally care only about gibmedats, that's why they're pro-europe, to get free stuff) and that's impossiburu.
Fuck your mothers cross you east-beast.
what's ukraine?
Yep that's the one. The one they had after thousands of radicals from Kiev threatened to come teach Crimeans a lesson for daring to protest against the overthrow of the democratically elected president
Russia was in Crimea before the west led coup. Why should they leave? The Crimeans want to be annexed because they don't want to be ruled by the US and EU. Now go suck your kangaroo's balls Dundee
>referendum that happened under the auspices of a military occupation
Yeah it's not like Ukraine cut electicity, water and food supplies to Criema to punish people for voting YES or something. I bet everybody there is super pro-ukraine.
What, I never mentioned political experience? All I talked about was GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, something every normal person should know. If your president doesn't even know the name of leader of ISIS, how can he possibly come up with effective strategies to defeat them? If Trump doesn't know what constitutes a war-crime (top Generals had to tell him they'd refuse his "kill the families order), how can he possibly be in command of the US' armed forces? Trumpettes have been taken in by a retarded simpleton, it's that easy. There's 2 different sorts of right-wing leader - an intelligent one with misguided ideas ala Farage and Le Pen, or a genuine retard who has no knowledge of the world around them and just says whatever pops into their head ala Trump and Pauline Hanson.
If you actually watch the entire interview he clearly knows what he's talking about.
>the people of crimea want to be apart of russia
Stop listening to the lugenpresse and spreading their propaganda.
Who is the leader of ISIL without looking it up?
When there's only a 30% turnout, as there was for the Crimea """referendum""" then obviously there's some crazy intimidation and voter suppression going on. The yes vote is utterly invalid. But you wouldn't know that, as the media in Russia is completely in lockstep with Putin, you're literally being brainwashed. If a journalist or politician errs from the party line, they get murdered, simple as
Hillary knows what constitutes a war crime, she commited them in at least two times
I'm sure Trump is not a "genuine retard", nor lacking knowledge. He surely is an absolute authority on real estate, beauty pageants, and screwing over people who want training in real estate.
(It is however doubtful this will help him much when confronted with Vladimir Putin.)
This isn't a gotcha question.
Crimea isn't Ukraine.
Crimea left after the US backed coup in Kiev.
Al Bagdahdi mate, not like he's been in the news for the last 3 years straight or anything LOL. I, a stoned 21yo Australian Uni student know more about foreign affairs and policy than the potential President of the US. Sad! Fyi for bonus points I also know that "killing the families" of enemy combatants is a war-crime too, unlike Trump.
You realize that as the nominee of a major political party, Trump gets the same intel briefings as the President does right?
He knows what is going on.
Calm down.
Trump is playing 13D chess and you're still playing tic-tac-toe
Exactly, it's amazing that Americans think the rest of the world is as insular and ignorant as them.
How can Russia be in Ukraine?
Crimea is a peninsula. It can't "leave".
>You realize that as the nominee of a major political party, Trump gets the same intel briefings as the President does right?
Obama probably actually pays attention though.
>Trump is playing 13D chess and you're still playing tic-tac-toe
Why is he pretending to be uninformed and incompetent?
How is babby formed?
Maybe he'll come back with "the SECRET leader of ISIS is lizard Jew Shillary Clinton".
>German thinking countries cant "leave" areas.
Nigga, do you even learn about WW1?
Yeah, and a lot of good that seems to have done to him.
Trump: "Russia will not move into Ukraine on my watch!!!"
Interviewer: "Umm, they've been there for 2 years now"
Trump: well, that's cos Obama was weak! But I also might support Russia's claim. Which isn't weak cos I'm the one doing it".
He is a man devoid of logic, knowledge or integrity.
>30% turnout
Corrupt state says it was 80%. Filthy pro-UA muslim on american payroll says it's 30%. A tough choice indeed. You'll forgive me if I doubt both?
>you're literally being brainwashed
if only I had internet to find out news myself. Then i would know why same muslim filth blew up ukranian electricity line to Crimea while ukranian authorities just watched.
You just want us to elect Hillary so we will have an ugly old woman as our leader because you have that piece of shit Merkel
Chinese CTR shill, please go.
We don't want to outsource more jobs to you.
Don't you mean WW2 m8? That's the one that was preceded by all the annexations.
>Crimea can't just leave
Your a couple years to late, it's already happened get over it. Recognising Crimea as part of Russia and forcing Ukraine to accept it is the only way forward.
>can't defend retarded candidate
>reverts bizarre conspiracy theories
I expected nothing more desu.
>Your a couple years to late
Crimea didn't leave. Crimea is a peninsula.
The Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, however ...
I want you to elect Hillary so your economy doesn't completely fall apart. We need somebody to buy our stuff, and if you're all poor, that's bad for our trade.
Everything he said was correct Ukraine is an Obama policy failure.
>if only I had the internet
If only you had an internet that wasn't being censored by the Government more like:
"Later, the law was amended to allow the blockage of sites containing materials that advocate extremism[2] or any other content subject to a gag order. These regulations have been frequently abused to block criticism of the federal government or local administration." LOL.
Sorry, not falling for your chink tricks.
Every day it's the same shit. You keep pretending to be a leftist while shilling for TPP and outsourcing. You pretend to give a rat's ass about Putin because he suddenly became a threat to Hillary's campaign. It's not so hard to see that you just morph you opinions to the current DNC shilling line when you've been posting on Sup Forums for months. Yes, I know you.
Russia occupying a lot of shit, and nobody ever recognize any. Jap islands, Georgia, transistria. Correct me if I wrong, but evev balts annexation wasn't recognized back then.
It have no sense, if western ally losing a claim. Who knows where wind will blow decades later.
Gaining control over 40 mln Russian clay is failure?
He said it was a failure of Obama that Russia was in there. But then he also said he would accept Russia's claim. But ALSO said that Russia wouldn't set foot in Ukraine. What has happened here is that Trump simply didn't realise that Crimea is part of Ukraine, hence why he contradicts himself so much. Because he's a retard.This is not a man who could run a country. Fucking Robert Mugabe is more switched on than Trump.
Depend if you class starting a civil war and returning US/Russian relations back to cold war levels as a failure.
Sigh. Aussie, I speak english. I can go to Sup Forums or watch CNN. I can use proxy to access those sites even, it's not a crime. But sure, some dude from Australia know better about waht happens in this region then me.
Hillary is all but threatening to start a world war with him, any sane leader would prefer Trump in that situation.
Exactly this. People get mad when Trump doesn't follow America's official conspiracy theories about Russia like muh Ukraine and muh killed journalists, but none of it has been firmly proven.
There are more proofs that the USA created a coup in Ukraine to oust the elected president to fuck Putin out of having a friendly Ukrainian government, but somehow the media doesn't want to talk about that so much.
Nah m8, I actually fully support Tibetan independence, and I also support the Green Party both here and in the US. I just also happen to see that Trump is completely ignorant of the world around him, and is literally making shit up as he goes. See also: his ever changing positions on the minimum wage, the extent of his Muslim ban and his views on gun control (for a while he advocated for the right of intoxicated club-goers to carry guns, even the NRA had to shut him down on that). It's utterly embarrassing how he's fooled so many people into thinking he's competent enough to run a country.
ty 4 CTR! ! ;D ;D
Well now he knows those things. I don't see what the problem is.
His opponent is still pure black evil. I mean that's still a reality, regardless of Trump's geographic knowledge.
The current situation in Ukraine is a partial Obama failure, he clarified that he meant Russia won't go further into Ukraine and recognising Crimea as being part of Russia in some form is a logical step forward.
>for a while he advocated for the right of intoxicated club-goers to carry guns
That right exists, whether Trump says so or not.
>even the NRA had to shut him down on that
This may come as a surprise to you sniveling little cucks in far away lands, but here in America, the NRA is a moderate, wishy-washy organization, and not the pure champion of Second Amendment rights that communists like to portray them as.
Civil war in Ukraine was started by russia, and in which way us suffering from it?
Going full bitch and literally annexing part of another state is daddy Putin choice.
Well i believe crimea is a part of russia.
Russia believes this.
Crimea believes this.
Russia was ALREADY in crimea and the crimeans asked russia for more support.
So in my opinion russia didnt enter the Ukraine they Stayed in and defended russian crimea from a globalist coup inteded specifically as an assault on russia.
Based Putin had the balls to do what he had to to defend his interests.
Now you globalist scum quit trying to instigate ww3.
Anddd any site that is known to criticise Putin will be blocked for you! The fact is that you're regurgitating the official Kremlin line on Crimea verbatim. Do you really genuinely believe them? I'm skeptical of most things the Australian Government puts out, and they're far more transparent and accountable than the Russian Government. Do you really think that a free and fair vote was held in a place under occupation by foreign and foreign-backed military forces? That'd be like me pretending that us going into Iraq really was all about "bringing democracy" to them.
Thank (((you))) for correcting the record.
There is nothing more pathetic than Putin cocksucking Polish subject.
It was in the Soviet Union. All the Russian People who live there were transplants
>There's nothing I need to know about other than the greatest thing on this green earth, it's the United States of America, and Crooked Hillary and the immigrant Obama Hussein is going to take her away from us, from you.
Yeah, them going into Crimea has completely fucked their economy, while the US continues to grow. If anything it's a US foreign-policy success, as Russia has been significantly weakened by the results of their actions in Crimea. Whereas if the West had simply acquiesced without resistance or sanctions (as Trump appears to have suggested he may do), then there would be none of the sanctions and international pressure that has led Russia to the weakened position it is in today. Now can you see why Putin loves Trump? Before he's even voted in he's proven himself to be manifestly incompetent.
The civil war started as a result of a western backed coup against the democraticly elected Russian friendly government.
If you had understanding of Crimea's history you'd understand that its been defacto part of Russia far longer than Ukraine has existed as a country.
Of course there is: a fucking leaf.
That's literally chemberlain level of toughness.
Nobody expect marines to fight in Crimea, just not being pathetic pussy, what polacs embracing so enthusiastically.
t. faggot living on Death Island that didn't even watch the fucking interview
Stephanopoulos was trying his dick off to gotcha Trump, and failed. At no point did Trump even imply "lol idk did Russia annex Crimea?"
>be ausfag
>believe American media lies about the American election
now go outside and die
What if Trump actually acknowledges Russian troops in Ukraine but he simply doesn't care? This is actually a reason to support him even more
No such thing
I actually support Stein, m9. I just know abject incompetence when I see it. Tfw your candidate
>doesn't know what constitutes a war crime
>doesn't know the leader of ISIS
>doesn't know what the nuclear triad is
>doesn't know Russia has been in Ukraine for 2 years
>at various points thinks that the Fed. minimum wage is both too high or too low, or indeed shouldn't exist at all.
Trump is an absolute joke.
crimea is russian now, even the most indoctrinated of bandera hohols know they're never getting it back. if they actually wanted to incorporate eastern ukrainian oblasts into the RF they would have done it in 2014 but they won't because they're less than worthless
>american education
Fuck some kangaroos bitch
The Crimea Defected to Russia. It's never going back. Get over it.
>Anddd any site that is known to criticise Putin will be blocked for you!
Russian Sup Forums replica, has Sup Forums analog too. Around 1/3 of topics there is how Russia is fucked, Putin is an idiot, government is bunch of thiefs, economy is shit, we will lose Syria. It even has /ukr/ board for ukranians to bitch there. Not blocked.
>you're regurgitating the official Kremlin line on Crimea verbatim. Do you really genuinely believe them?
They lie a lot but on this one basically yes. There's no fucking way Russia could just annex a piece of land with anti-russian population, Putin could only do it with locals' approval. Crime was always know as a very pro-russian region, people always voted for pro-russian parties there. And if I go to ukranian sites it's hurr traitors we'll purge them when take back what's ours. So yeah.
Crimea river
Its more deep consequences than just economy. Its finalisation of splitting Ukraine from Russia, hardly imaginable shit since forever.
I watched it. He said quote Putin is "not going into Ukraine, just so you understand, he's not going into Ukraine". He is then told they've been there for 2 years, at which point he said "oh yeah, but that's Obama's fault" even though he's previously said he supports Crimea being annexed. He literally didn't know that Crimea was part of Ukraine, that's the only explanation. Now, you may think that even Trump isn't that retarded, but consider this: this is a man who doesn't know that killing the families of enemy combatants is a war crime and had no idea who the leader of ISIS is. Makes complete sense really.
>I took your land, and claimed it as my own
10/10 flawless logic
>hardly imaginable shit since forever.
It's not like Germany annexed DDR in 1990 or something.
So what do you propose? Continue to pretend that Ukraine has full sovereignty over it's Territory for the next 50 years hoping that Russia will just get bored and go home?
Recognising at lest partially Russia claim to Ukraine in exchange for normalising relations and removing military support for eastern rebels isn't a bitch move.
>and I also support the Green Party both here
Get the fuck out of my country.
Sorry about that extremist shit poster but most australians are posters of peace.
He does NOT represent us, the moderate australians.
This would be minor unrest if not Crimea occupation, manpads, tanks abd shit. If you sincerely, honestly think that Obama wanted this war, and Putin just react - go fuck yourself, retard.
And just for reference. No matter how long who own what. Only papers signed and international recognition matters. And US, as a world order security have no option to just let it go. Trump is right there it's a weakness and you'll be pissed again and again. China have much more impressive military and shitload of claims. And they are watching.
Pol faping on russkie to hard and to long to think about this, but US president have to.
Tfw I'm a Greens member. I just wanted people to justify Trump's immense dearth of ANY sort of general knowledge or the world around him. Do you think it's acceptable for major party nominee to advocate for war crimes, torture, the rights of drunk club-goers to carry guns and claim that vaccines cause Autism? No other country would accept that level of ignorance. We have a candidate just like Trump, and she got a massive 1.6% of the House of Reps vote last election. That's the sort of support Trump should be getting.
>Crimea occupation
Russia has had a massive military presence for over a hundred years there.
>Minor civil unrest
So the overthrowing of a legitimate government is considered to be minor?
>And US, as a world order security
That's main problem with international law. Russia can't break it, but if USA and it's goons feel like it sure why not. It's literally pointless to obey laws if others won't.
you're fucking clown and know nothing about russian internet and media
How does it feel that the most educated areas of Australia are also the areas where Greens support is the highest? While Hanson-voting regions are literally the most retarded in the country. Feelsgoodman.jpg.