ITT What went wrong?
ITT What went wrong?
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a lack of a soul.
Even a "girl" he looks like a fat soccer mom. Besides, without that filter he probably looks like the fat piece of human shit he is.
Attentionwhoring and 15 minutes of fame?
He's a dork and thinks being a woman would make his life easier and he'll get laid. He will end up an hero.
Is that guy still into the trolling business? It feels like he's taking it too far this time.
Just confirms it that men who turn tranny are just complete losers.
First Chris Chan now Ginger Boy? What the fuck is happening?
he has been retweeting gavin mcinnes for a while now
Where you from? (I'm on mobile )
Cultural Marxism.
Holy shit, this guy was clearly trolling and is probably trolling now but if he really went on HRT in order to troll people, well, that's dedication
Based arubaman knows what's up.
If he's trolling this could end up being the single best troll of all time
I bet the Jews did this.
nothing went wrong, just trolling like hes been doing since he started his channel
I see Gavin failed to save him.
How is Aruba? Are you on vacation or do you actually live there?
Holy shit, nice digits my friend.
Also thx for the update!
It is a troll, he did a runescape video a few months ago.
Cyberbullying inverts your gender.
Chris Chan became a girl.
Jessi Slaughter became a dude.
Die Cis Scum became a girl (she was pretending to be a boy).
Now CopperCab became a girl.
>He's trolling XD
This is the extent to which altright nerds are capable of fighting their supposed enemies. There is real shit going on in the world but these faggots want to keep going after these low hanging fruit tumblr feminists and SJWs.
Fuck Gavin.
Sabbatean-Frankists did it. They invented feminism.
First Chris, then Cosmo and now him? What is going on?
thats a fucking snapchat filter you stupid idiots
I once had my penis and testicles surgically excised and lived full time as a girl for five years as a prank.
>tfw the prank's done now but they can't reverse the procedure
I'm half Aruban, was born here but live in The Netherlands.
I come here every summer vacation, it's pretty great for that, not sure if I would want to live here though.
This fucking guy too?
Oh shit. Ice Cube is in Aruba? Nice.
lol this makes me so happy.
I used to tell people he was a faggot and he was being genuine with his faggotry.
Everyone on Sup Forums told me "no, no, he's just a troll, you're getting trolled. He's just pretending to be a huge fag".
But I was right. He was always genuine. All the butthurt, all the faggotry, it was always real.
I can't wait until he regrets chopping his dick off and kills himself.
Sup Forums happened
This is a perfect argument for transgenders having mental illnesses.
You need bigger ambitions in your life m8
I doubt that is the ginger kid.
He is red pilled and has been on the Gavin Mcinnes show.
This has to be a joke, he's probably not on HRT. Coppercab is a troll, he's just taking it up a notch, unless this is unrelated to his trolling efforts. Maybe this is just for extra attention? It can't be, r-right guys?
My life is thousands of little victories. Always being right about everything feels good.
>This has to be a joke, he's probably not on HRT. Coppercab is a troll, he's just taking it up a notch, unless this is unrelated to his trolling efforts.
He's red pilled.
dude check his twitter
that god sounds kind of like kek
you guys ever wonder if that ancient kabbalist shit is actually on point? The more I read about esoteric kabbalist/occult stuff, the more I think "wow maybe there's something to this"
I mean what if the condensed grape fruit of energy that was the universe pre-big bang was the unified god, and after its scattering into the pieces of the universe, it waits for entropy to bring the heat death and the big crunch to bring it back to a single being
what if it just repeats this endlessly because it gets bored of being a single unified being and wants to go back to being trillions of existences with varying levels of sentience because omniscience is more interesting than oneness?
that degenerate lifestyle the kabbalists pushed for is pretty chaotic in the end, and in a very miniscule, but still notable way causes more entropy in the end, and ever so slightly brings god back to oneness?
Man please don't remind me about Cosmo
>used to be based comfy speedrunner streamer
>constantly talking about new ideas, working on every little thing he could do to make his run better
>genuinely cared about his fanbase because he had one, and answered questions accordingly
>now a girl
>streams nothing but games (s)he has already played through or FUCKING NAPS OR SHOWS OFF CLOTHES AND SHIT
>gets pissy on social media when (s)he gets called out on the fact that most people watched the stream for the speedruns, but now that (s)he is a camwhore on twitch, nobody cares
>transitioning fucked up his hands, now can't play as well
>wont stop talking about being a faggot on social media/stream/etc
>never posts speedrunning
It sucks, fuck him/her/faggot.
Could you imagine his tantrums in that new body?
Jesus christ, how horrifying.
If i was twisted and into twink though it would be fun to overpower him while he screams like a stuck pig.
There is another line of thinking where they are trying to turn everyone into sinners who don't believe in god so he is forced to return.
That Jewish sect I cant think of the name of believe that.
He's just trolling :^)
So this guy wasn't just a dedicated troll?
toppest of lels
Sabbateans and Frankists. And yes, the Frankfurt School were definitely influenced by them. Critical Theory is modern day Sabbateanism.
I don't give a damn about SJWs
I just want civil war in Europe against the Arabs and Turks.
ITT underage shit posters get saged and reported.
Is that the guy who was on Tosh.0?
he has a history of trolling, but i'm genuinely surprised he took it this far.
I don't get this, you'd think if he spent so much time trying to emulate female sexuality he'd at least look up a tutorial on how to fucking apply make up.
Being a fag is bad but at least we can keep it to ourselves, many real homos hate these trannies but can't say anything publicly because they don't want to seem sexist or whatever it is that applies to these disgusting degenerates.
I will not call him a woman regardless of how much people tisk at me and I'm largely protected because I'm on the special snowflake privilige ladder so I feel bad for straight people who refuse to give in to this retardation.
He's been caught trolling red-handed. He used to milk his youtube fame for cash, selling shirts reading "GINGERS HAVE SOULS".
Does ANYONE have the new interview between him and Gavin Mcinnes from today?
>2 heavily photoshopped pictures
>"Will be posting a video next week"
y'all niggers getting trolled
That's what I'm saying nigga. I want that too. But Gavin and friends has people dressing like women to "BTFO SJWs" XD instead.
He has a big megaphone to get people to actually do something but he wastes it on this.
>Die Cis Scum became a girl
She was always a girl she just stopped being a retard.
very interesting video
thanks for posting friend
Do we have proof of him actually being on HRT? He could just be gussying himself up for photos after watching a drag tutorial.
>just say you're a homo
>free pass to do whatever you like
WTF! but i thought that coppecab was just a troll or an actor?
This; there's maybe a small percentage it's not true for, like a few of the porn stars.
>What went wrong?
Modern Medicine.
He was born
Spread the video and the henrymakow article everywhere. We need to get the word out about our true cultural demise.
He's a troll you mong
It's worked in the past when arguing it's basically like that pedo game where he gets off because his friend says that he's jewish.
>omg you're so homophobic
>my bf goes on a rant about how some fat white girl calling me homophobic is so offensive and that she should be ashamed
>she literally spends 20 minutes trying to apologize
My grandmother was actually a Jew you better believe I will pull that card too if I can :^)
He might turnout quite cute actually
All of these people are going to end up killing themselves eventually.
Strange how nature works..
He didint show the estrogen medicine to Gavin in todays show, I think hes faking it
jesus christ. did gavin mcinnes actually beat him out so hard he needed to turn himself into a woman just to feel human again?
>people on Sup Forums don't know copper cab is a troll
Fucking summer, i swear to god
I feel that's the wrong way to think about it
its not the medicine its how it is prescribed
the blame should fall on modern day (((psychology)))
a psychologist would not tell a schizophrenic person to go along with their delusions, so why are they all for catering to delusion when it comes to (((gender dysphoria)))?
I don't have social media, and most of the people around me are either too vehemently apathetic or liberal to see this sort of thing as anything more than mad conspiracy theory
that said, I'll share it with those who have an open mind and who would find it interesting
you have to realize how crazy jewish blood ritual magic tier shit sounds to a normal person
Do you have any proof that he is a troll?
Here's another one for you. I'm amazed this isn't blocked in my country.
shh they need it to validate their expertise on the internet. don't ask questions, only memes now.
jewish influence on his mind was succesful
he messed up his rant on Gavin's show multiple times and started to laugh then caught himself. Gavin even mentioned that he "went off character"
Wow Aus, you have some good ideas. I am Jewish u cannot disagree with me I am also gay. If you disagree with me you are a homophobic antisemite Wew lad
If it is him, it' most definitely satire.
You guys are so fucking stupid it is unbelievable
The power behind my bantz comes from being unassailable in the mind of the SJW.
How do you think Milo survived this long?
>can't handle being ginger
>becomes woman
Another reason gingers should be exterminated.
I'm surprised he did. I liked him for a while, but lately it seems he's being an asshole just to be an asshole. Not good for his brand, imo.
>you will never possess moot's Sigourney Weaver aesthetics