Remember this next time you get a $15k bill for your broken arm at a hospital...
Jews demand $5 billion per year from US
Other urls found in this thread:
(In case you don't feel like reading it, $5 billion isn't enough for them, they're trying to extort more and have it paid directly so US companies building free arms for the Jews don't even benefit. Someone explain again why we attacked Iraq and not this fucking psychopathic land of scum again? This literally makes me feel murderous.
if you let trump in have fun with more isreali overlords
read me
t. mr security
>getting $15k bills from the hospital
well go catch a plane and murder him you faggot
israel is our money launderer for assorted western influence projection affairs. they also buy a lot of tech. at least they quit the "acquisition" programs, but we all watch each other, after all. at every turn, they invoke the holocaust threat, which belittles the actual event. the military runs the show, and the knesset is the stage where retired generals speak up and form coalitions to undermine their pm at his/her weakest moments. every military action is years planned. nothing is an accident since the 60's. the only thing to take them by utter surprise was the first intifada and the intimate enemy. when actions fail, they blame the biggest target, and the otherwise contentious cabinet comes together and holds hands until the storm passes over. the media reports on exactly what they're allowed to report. the settlements are just sticky enough to fuck someone, so they stay absolutely quiet until they make grand shows of any action to pacify their opposition. the settlements then become de facto idf responsibilities. a two state solution will not materialize without massive reshuffling, and the single state cannot work in their favor if palestine knesset seats are perceived as a 5th column by the jews, and perceived as show ponies by the arabs.
all of that said, i still like israel. it's a messy kind of feel, but they endure and rarely apologize. here we are, deal with it faggot- this should be their motto.
>not having private, personalized insurance
>not having the best care money can buy
>waiting for months to get treated
We need to start boycotting Israeli made products.
Lets make it happen lads.
more moshe please
Their time will come, it always does.
When are we going to eradicate these rats? How dare this putrid race of fucking filth give us commands? I shall cleanse this worthless race of shysters if it takes me 100 years.
he's a personal hero. dude drank heavy, womanized, collected artifacts, fought hard... i would bet that he regretted not dying young in a blaze of glory. instead, he fizzled out, but he had a good time.
We'll just send them more money to make up for it, retard.
I like your spirit leaf. I want YOU on my side of the wall
What's with the eye patch?
>There is a tax form any company that boycotts Israel has to file with the IRS.
I wish I was making this up.
fragmentation from his binocs, bullet. ww2, "operation exporter"
Blacks take way more.
why dont we replace the liberals leaving with leafs like this one
And Clinton means war in Syria and a confrontation with Russia.
Fun times.
you better pay up goys aight?
Nuke the kikes already
I'll be pulling strings all over the world from a nice white haven. We're going to make western society white again. Or die trying. You should all get serious, train your minds, bodies, and emotional control. We're going to need all our strength to cleanse these rats.
>he's a personal hero.
mine too. that whole generation - who grew were born and grew up on the kibbutzim - were based af during their time.
She also wants war with Iran
you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about. Probably a rapture bunny apologist.
fucking kikes
>not having private, personalized insurance
yes, big man, someday you will move out of mommy's basement and have to get a job in NYC, which has the highest deductibles on earth, and no matter how much you pay United each both, you still get fucked.
You come to Sup Forums to act like a bigshot. I hope your mother is raped and murdered by her nigger boyfriend tonight.
i'm not even going to google that. does it hurt to know that i don't give a fuck about your memes
You fucking Jew, you must literally fucking live on this site, with a South Afrian proxy, the nation your tribe wrecked and then left like a sinking ship to let the Boers fend for themselves.
Die you greasy, leering, hook nosed kike.
a lot of them were fist fighting arab's that would role in on camel back and harass their village. the brits taught them all about disproportionate response. the detonator policy runs right back to the 'fighting jews' in the 30's and leveling a village to reprise an ambush. still at work, see gaza
>'m not even going to google that
yes dickhead, rapture bunny is a Sup Forums meme...not a term in common usage. you're a genius.
People like you deserve to be sucked dry by the Jewish parasite:
"In response to this massive windfall, Netanyahu is angry that he is not getting even more. For some time, “Netanyahu was holding out for as much as $5 billion a year.” Also, Israel has been opposed to efforts to direct more of that aid to U.S. military contractors rather than Israeli ones (so this “aid” package is as much a transfer of U.S. taxpayer money to weapons manufacturers in both countries as it is to Israel itself). Moreover, “Israelis are also said to be displeased with a U.S. position that whatever amount of money they agree on will be final and that Israel will not go to Congress requesting more money.”
>a lot of them were fist fighting arab's
the likes in the Irgun blew up the king avid hotel and waged terror agains the Brits with their "fists?"
You fucking rapture bunnies...I need to keep away from here in summer, bc if I had you near me I'd literally choke you until blood came out your eyes.
do you shitpost for sport, or is it an impulse
there will never be two state solution. there are too many right wing parties that want to turn israel to a religious welfare state.
the whole idea of settlements is simply subsidizing more territory for potential votes. since when does a government pay to build houses? its just a way to make affordable housing for special populations that will have 10 kids anyways. they want to create a society within a society that only propells one side and fucks over the other.
when you look at it from this perspective, the israeli right wing is actually leftist. because it created a welfare state which is separate from general population
is there any nation more cucked than america ?
israel had ultra's? i can't believe that (lebanon, jordan, israel, egypt, syria) had those, ever. you should tell someone about that
stay mad goy.
yeah, they molded the future generation - great tacticians too. what baffles me is that they became a bit softer in their older days - arik encouraging settlements in his youth and doing a complete 180 in his last few years, moshe too. still champions.
gas yourself
I have returned a hunter. An Assassin of sorts. Death is eazy you sweaty Cuntz
what would a better option be? that land can't be lost to the arabs.
Probably not. Maybe Sweden or Germany
you're forgetting that we decide who gets gassed these days - not you.
yeah, that's the case. the settlements are political ammunition. there's a long term plan at work, and it doesn't much care about what anyone has to say. they're passive for reasons.
Sup Forums, I'm looking to enlist in the military, but only if there's a war to fight in. I've been wanting to enlist now for over a year, but there's no actual war going on, and no real chance of seeing any action.
Will Hillary really send us to war? And, when Trump goes on about destroying ISIS, does he really mean it? Who will we invade? Is either candidate guaranteed war, or is this speculative banter?
I really, really want to go to war.
i think the 180 was more grandstanding for political gain. following lebanon, it was pretty clear to the entire country that the military couldn't solve every problem, then the officers all signed for peace and there begins the movement. even likud leaned
its just a giant blindfold operation by the government
"the arabs" are just bunch of people that are living close to the bone and pose no real threat to our country.
the arabs don't really want more land,what more land is going to do for a population that mostly is living in poverty? the opposition (hamas) tricks them into thinking that if the Palestinians had more land and freedom to maneuver it would make it better for the Palestinian people. they control gaza in the same way a somali warlord controls somalia.
the solution is simple but ts not wanted
Don't care much against who, I'd rather it be muslims or North Koreans, but ill take whoever.
o wait...
join the YPG, but you might wanna think twice about it
The Jews will never stop. People are too stupid to take care of the Jewish problem in WW2 and today with information we can find anywhere online.
yeah i get that, but there's a massive population completely unhappy about that - bibi even took a sabbatical afterwards. it's still israeli land and israelis not having "control" over it is a bit of a pain, not to mention that we'd eventually need it again. that's just my opinion - i'm a bit of a fatalist.
ideally, what would you want in terms of land distribution? getting gaza "back"? slowly pushing the arabs back and back until it's minuscule? 2 state?
Trump doesn't support Israel. He has constantly said Israel is a threat to our national security.
>I really, really want to go to war.
why, if i may ask? normally people want to go to war in order to fight for something they believe in?
The more you stare at the jew, the faster he jewes you
i suggest to annex gaza and give the Palestinians a little breathing room. enough to last for another 60 years.
im not talking about a whole lot of land, but enough land to that they can fertilize or build houses on. maybe make a large village.
the first step to the solution would be to stop guns coming to gaza. for that to happen we need to encircle it. the next step is to replace the regime. the first step is to incentivize the population so they will stop to riot
this is the 21st century. there are plenty of ways to do this
>>Blacks take way more.
doubt, this is only the amount that you send DIRECTLY them still have what you spend on wars and coups created only to serve Israel's interests
well kind of. that kind of backchannel cash gets filtered from other shady shit to stay off the books. one op feeds another op feeds the goal. iran-contra. it's only fucked if you get caught out
it does sound like a good plan, but will take a long time to pull off. i'm just worried about the demands that will come with it. they'll still get pissed about not having their own airport (don't see that happening), freedom to use "their" waters without hassle, roaming in and out freely etc. but like you said: incentivize them slowly but surely.
> the first step is to incentivize the population so they will stop to riot
"kill me or leave" is a tough start for negotiations. it's funny that 30 years ago the world saw that argument as a purely israeli problem. then it became an intelligence race during the cold war. then it became a hot war about a dozen times. now the west groups all the arabs into the same pile. it's almost like someone meant to do it.
I love it when tax-paying Israelis hate on the Yids. They're ruining our government too, Chaim. Can anything be done?
>5 billion
Doesn't sound real, they always round to the nearest number starting with a six.
>putin's closest friends and business partners are jews
>putin has called on all the jews of europe to come to russia if they feel unsafe
>putin helped create jewish museum in moscow
>putin made syria return a tank back to israel
>putin's been flying in and out of israel doing lots of business, admiring both lieberman and netanyahu
there's a reason people are calling putin the crypto-jew. the man know's whats up. check this speech he gave at the jewish museum - pretty much showing that he can differentiate between jews, bolsheviks , zionists, globalists - unlike the stormcucks who box everyone together.
>do Israel's bidding for the last 30 years in foreign affairs
>give billions every year
>supply weapons
>fight Israel's wars for them, sparing precious and rare jewish troops
>elect Israeli politicians
>base economy on Israeli-owned products and services
>only 2 civilized countries to practice circumcision (Israel does so for religious reasons though)
Why, exactly, aren't the USA a puppet nation for Israel?
>putin made syria return a tank back to israel
thats not correct.
the tank stood in russia for decades in a museum.
it was from 73 war in syria iirc, since then it was in russia.
I don't have a problem with jews, or israel, or any of that shit generally. But this South African jew that's been showing up in threads lately really pisses me off. He sounds like the whiniest little faggot in the world.
south korea isnt civilized?
I suggest we put you back into the oven and keep the shekels.
Forgot about them, point taken. Doesn't matter too much. And I'm not too certain of the answer, either
Also, I found this on my dad's things, can you tell me what it says?
What do people say in the comments?
>stay mad goy.
Jewboy, you are going to be the one nuked. You are on here, openly admitting to using a proxy because you are either a. banned b. too ashamed of your own kike nation.
It's happened 109 times-- expelled EN MASSE-- but this time, this time it will be different! We cannot lose. IF shillary wins, her entire staff will be pro-Palestinians.
If Trump wins? You really think Trump--who keeps saying the US is 21 trillion in debt-- is just going to hand over 5 billion plus a year to you fucks, when he is talking about ending NATO?
Once you likes lose the money you support from the US you will be utterly finished. You got the Iraq war, you didn't get the Iran one, and you needed it.
within 5 years, Iran will have nukes. Syria already has the S-300, which means Hezbollah has it too.
"Stay mad..?" This is why likes have been despised since ancient Roman times, before there was a Christianity. People have internet access now, there aren't as many rapture bunnies anymore, or else Cruz would have won.
And we--with AMERICA FIRST-- will sit back and watch the likes and arabs fight it out to the death. Going to be a beautiful sight.
>You are on here, openly admitting to using a proxy because you are either a. banned b. too ashamed of your own kike nation.
>he doesn't recognize South Africa Jewboy
Enjoying your first day here?
If you believe everything you said, you're in for some unpleasant surprises, friend
Good news. The Messiah must be returning in the next century.
>South African jew
As a Boer, this really pisses me off. He's an ISRAELI. HE can'r speak a word of Afrikaans. His tribe destroyed South Africa and then left it like a sinking ship.
Slovo, Oppenheimer, Zille, there's a list a mile long. Here's a stat for you-- since 1994, 86% (!!) of South African Jews have left.
They even let a South African jew write The Goldstone Report (which laid out Israel's war crimes and crimes against humanity). After about 2 years, the Jews made enough threats against his family that he "recanted."
See Norman Finkelstein's book "Goldstone Recants. It would be like a judge finding a Mafia boss guilty, then getting so many threats he decides to vacate the conviction 2 years later.
Read the report. It's fairly long, but worth eery minute. If any other nation of the planet behaved that way, they'd be invaded by an intl coalition, have their leaders removed and tried at the Hague, and be under UN peacekeeper control.
The beautiful part is, the Jew's behavior is pathological-- They an't stop themselves. You'd think, knowing the US has a 21 trillion dollar debt, the Jews would be grateful their free money isn't being cut.
Instead? they want more. I read this stuff, and it makes me murderously angry that our traitor politicians get away with this.
>you're in for some unpleasant surprises
Historical recesses reach a tipping point. They always do. Even the top Jews like Steinlight have known this and have tried warning their fellow Jews.
Their behavior is pathological. Dr. Scheuer has not been wrong in 20 years:
lol, like you create enough hatred here for yourself and your tribe each time you open your mouth, don't worry.
I love when you post, bc each time you do, the more people start hating jews.
its an out of circulatuon coin.
got a nice shape to it.
People have been making some variation of these cartoons about Jews since men could draw. "pure coincidence."
nothing to do with jew behavior, of course. Just sit back and watch them self-destruct.
why are gentile american candidates suck way more jewish cock compared to american-jewish candidates
>this is what Americans believe
First world countries don't suffer that shit nigga.
Here in straya you can go to any private centre and you would be taken care of like any other customer it just happens the government pays the bill.
(with your taxes)
Whether you have private or not both get treated equally in the same amount of time and quality of care.
need to add the bailout
They're not exactly getting it for free
Still my fav of all time. It's called "international fellowship of christians and jews," but guess who it benefits? That's right, only jews.
This is a true kike's kike. Robbing the pension of some senile old rapture bunny. THIS is why ppl hate Jews, in 1 minute:
That's literally how world war three will start. Arabs and Israelis destroying each other. The whole world will go up in flames over this and honestly I can't wait mate. BRING ON ARMAGEDDON!!!
Another. A Israeli Jew begging for shekels for Jews in Russia (!!!), where they made up 80% of the NKVD.
Cannot make this up:
Goldman Sachs payed Clinton $225k for one speech so how is this accurate?
you act like hillary isnt going to spend way more on the military fir the sake of making jews happy. she has openly said recently she will declare war on asaad.
the jews threatened syria 2 times with a military strike that never happened then they said they would storm the place and remove isis and it never happened
here is greasy, fat slob john hagee (who has a private jet and a private chef), preaching to the rapture bunnies to give shekels to help former NKVD members get to Israel to void prosecution: