> Conservashits will always defend this piece of flaming shit con artist Drumpf
Conservashits will always defend this piece of flaming shit con artist Drumpf
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wow really makes you sage
What has Hilary ever sacrificed?
good goy, die for my wars
I did not know that he skipped on Vietnam....
What a faggot.
>faggots around here will excuse that
Let us not forget why that man's son died -
Crooked Hillary!
trump came from a wealthy family. they're not wasting his blood in a war where one can spend the white trash and niggers
this shit is as bad as fox news...
Trump wants to ban the Muslims who killed that guy's son, who probably didn't die so shitskins could Allahu Akbar all over the U.S.
>Wanting to die in a war started by a false flag that you lost anyway.
Trump is based for skipping.
So is CNN and all of the rest of the mainstream media outlets
really makes you think..
why the fuck would you run at a suicide bomber? just shoot the guy like any other person would
>i must give him hugs! its the only way!
You shills can try but you'll never take over,
heil hilter
your point?
I don't need RM memes to tell me that.
Still better than Shariallary in my opinion
Fox News is the absolute worst tho as far as right wing bias
Women are always the main victims of war. You should know this already LEAF
How does having a family member in the military mean you sacrificed anything? This guy is using his dead son for political gains.
Shaming Tactics don't work here, cuck. Kill all mudshits race war now!
really it is, sadly. I know a lot of people on here rally to trump because they pray he puts a boot in the ass of this horrific big brother state the liberals want to create under the guise of "equality" and "true freedom of speech." But quite frankly the only reason i'd want this insane billionaire to win is so shillary cant. Not to mention getting out of one of the most bullshit wars ever is nowhere near as bad as what she has done.
>pic related
Also mildly funny
In Pakistan after Bin Laden was killed were "thousands protesting" (not celebrating) his death
No Earth and Water to Pakistan. This mudslime bitch wants America to have open borders with Pakistan. Fuck him, and I bet his CAPT son would agree with me.
Shills don't have Sup Forums filenames.
no shit, everything else is full left-wing bias
>top one is an idiot that makes choices based on emotions
>bottom one is cunning and resourceful
I thought you were trying to make Trump look bad.
Golf isn't a sport.
She can't emails about yoga just because one dumb ambassador got blowed up.
Wait I thought this Khan guy was a horribly injured veteran and that's why he looks like that. Are you telling me he WASN'T EVEN THE ONE THAT MADE THE SACRIFICE THE MEDIA KEEPS TALKING ABOUT??????????
How does his connection to the muslim brotherhood play into this?
If muslims killed this guy's kid, why isnt he more upset at his fellow muslims?
boy, so many questions...
>leave home country because it's full of crazy Muslims
>son gets killed by crazy Muslims
>bitch about candidate who wants to keep crazy Muslims out
Surely there's nothing suspicious about all this.
>Draft dodging is totse cool jazz cat when commie leftists do it but when someone who is a FUCKING WHITE MALE does it,we're suddenly patriot warmongers.
>War literally started on a false flag
I plan to enlist in the military and try to go Special Forces after I finish my degree, because that's what I want to do with my life. But at the same time, I understand why someone with a future might be opposed to being forced into the chance of dying for nothing. Vietnam was just shitty all around.
>save his fellow soldiers by running towards a suicide bomber
This retard somehow became a captain
>Bone spurs can't be fixed
Why are liberals so anti-medicine?
First, your photoshop is wrong. Pat Smith did not just speak at the RNC about losing her son - she actually blamed her son's death on Clinton. Both the Republican House and Senate Endless Benghazi Hearing Committees identified the criminal Islamic gang in Benghazi as the actual killers of her son.
Second, the GOP and the Bush administration lied their asses off to get us to agree to invade Iraq. Most of us fell victim to the Republican lies including Clinton. Most people are intelligent enough to hold the liars accountable and not blame the victims.