Movies Where The Villain Gambles Big And Loses
>he doesnt know how to blank post
>they only would have come out of this looking good in one scenario out of many
>despite that risk, they spend the entire runup either attacking their opponents, or passively saying people should vote for them, arrogantly assuming their manifesto speaks for itself
Seriously though, what was their plan here?
Someone give me a quick rundown on what is going on in filthy bongoloid politics. I was on a three day gambling and hooker bender and didn't pay attention to the news.
>blocking porn
But she's still PM and now she doesn't have to dick around with centrist politics. Are lib bongs stupid enough to think that was a victory. I'm American and even I realize how finished the socialist of the U.K. are. Liberalism is dying in the Western world. Sorry, libs. You spiked the balk before reaching the end zone. Better luck next time, if there is a next time.
>conservatives have the majority in parliament
>call an early election, hoping to increase their majority
>fuck up the buildup to the election, by releasing policies like taxing people to pay for any future care they might need, and mentioning lifting the fox hunting ban, despite there being far more pressing issues then that
>not only don't gain any seats, but lose the majority in the election
>will probably have to enter into a coalition with some shitters
feels fucking good lads
conservatives hate unregulated internet
>conservatives won in 2015 with a small majority
>they want a bigger majority
>they call for a new election with the assumption that they'll get a bigger majority because muh polls showed that they were 22 points ahead of opposing party
>completely fuck up the campaign and instead of gaining seats, they lose a shitload of them and subsequently lose their majority
What does this disguised Sup Forums post have to do with Sup Forums?
>But she's still PM
A PM who's taken a massive image hit, and lost two of her best aides, because they became disillusioned by the BS she pulled. And now they have to get in bed with a PR nightmare of a party.
Read the thread title you fucking illiterate
>implying the cheetokike being such a royal fuckup isn't going to usher in a whole new era of libcuck power starting with the next election
Villain? only if you're a leftist treasonous piece of shit. Also take your political shit somewhere else this is Sup Forums
I can't believe so many cucks still buy into Left vs Right politics. Both sides want to control you and each side throws out different chum to attract you. The end game is the same. They want your money and power over you, but they want you to feel as though you're along for the ride. Wake up.
Their manifesto did speak for itself, that was the problem
Casino Royale
Wtf I love white males now
one side promotes campaign finance reform, financial regulation, consumer protections, labor power, and science and education function, the other side complains about muslims and then cuts taxes for millionaires and deregulates the banks and political donations
>b-but they're all the same
kys political illiterate
Socialism had been dead since new labour, and this election showed there's still an appetite for it amoung the public.
When was the last time a woman did something politically competent anywhere in the world? Seriously asking
yeah maaaaaan *inhales joint* *signs on*
Doris Leuthard helped make sure a renewable energy initiative got through in Switzerland. She's been doing alright in her year as president.
>Liberalism is dying in the Western world
1. You have no idea what that word even means.
2. No, it isn't.
3. Far Right populism is literally losing every European election
Stay mad you brainwashed faggot. You don't know who your enemies are.
Well, yeah, that's the foundation of all governments. The state promise you safety, you give them loyalty. Your observations are nothing new.
do tv still need license
Spectre of communism is back baby
b-b-but da libcucks are bad because they tumblr, sjw, rebbit, LinkedIn, 9gag!
Is this real?
am i the only one who thinks she's qt as fuck
I hope all British people who aren't white suffer.
Peace be with you