You're not the ones in charge anymore. Get used to it.
You're not the ones in charge anymore. Get used to it
>>that bathing meme
they LITERALLY cover themselves in red dirt
I want to say I'm confident he's just trying to be funny and cute but niggers are dumb enough that I almost believe he's citing shit from this comic book movie like it actually happened.
"astrology" fucking stupid nigger the real one is astronomy
YAYAYYAA i can not make nigger hate threads on tv and call it commentary about black panther
i guess every black person tweet about this movie is going to have its own thread
riddle me this niggers, why is your race the gayest of them all?
Do the basketballs know that Black Panther is set in the modern world not ancient one?
?? what is this image trying to say? i know quite a few white people that are borderline masochistic when it comes to eating obscenely spicy shit.
Didn't they literally just find out that man originated from Europe and not Africa
>Eobard Thawne
Confirmed troll account right?
>i know quite a few white people that are borderline masochistic when it comes to eating obscenely spicy shit.
yeah, it's kind of our thing , same with other "daredevil" shit. It's fun to eat extremely spicy foods.
>what is this image trying to say?
it's a black meme, who knows
I had sushi with a guy I work with recently (who's white obviously) and he fucking bathed it in wasabi
Sure Mark sure
Imagine being so alpha that your physique automatically feminizes every beta white/asian/hispanic around you.
>white people cant handle rotting meat that has to be sterilized by way of hot spice which is why spicy food exists to begin with
really makes one consider
It's literally the only joke they have on black twitter, it's always trying to make fun of "white food" even though the french established many of the culinary standards that exist today among western blacks. And honestly white people are the only ones I see enjoy and explore spicy foods, all black people eat is popeyes and McDonalds.
Black people try to find any reason to act superior to whites that they make shit up.
literally what is wrong with any of these?
>what's wrong with veganism
Are you retarded?
all are reddit
there is LITERALLY nothing wrong with a wine tour
are you upset that some consumers dont stimulate the meat industry? who cares?
>Things old wealthy people of any race do.
lol, white people do indeed do that and it is cringey.
here's some shit black people do:
listen to shit music
watching shit movies
defend oj simpson
Casserole tastes like rotten dog shit stuffed with leftovers from a suburban mcmansion's garbage can.
Vegans are good though
globalism is the avatar to bring back balance
meant for
is really dumb too lmao, all of those races sold each other into slavery and murdered each other within the last 100 years, whites included
This why i was always nice to that one white kid
>racism against white people
>avatar reference
Triple cancer post. Good job.
>defend OJ Simpson
old news, nowadays they defend Bill "Drink This Pill" Cosby.
can the mods move this thread back to /pol
>couple of retards on twitter don't like white people
wtf i hate black people now! MAGA
>can't even reply to the right post
Well that answers my question.
Yeah but at least being nice to him affects his behavior. You can be polite to niggers and they still might chimp out on you.
They make fun of white people on Sup Forums?
Black panther was made to stoke the conversation about race in the west dumb dumb, this is on topic. sorry youre triggered because youre learning that blacks are inferior
wtf I'm outraged by twitter now
i worked in the food industry and managed kitchens in nursing homes and hospitals. the staff obviously eats the food as well, and black people, from my experience, are the most vanilla non-adventurous eaters out of anyone.
they have like a dozen things they eat and won't try anything beyond that. they need all their food over cooked to the point where it's practically flavorless and they're the first ones to complain if something is too spicy. the only seasoning they want is extra salt on literally everything. no matter how salty the food, they have to have more.
they were literally cartoonishly intimidated when i showed them sriracha which was hilarious.
they're almost as picky as the elderly residents i cooked for.
Does he mean astronomy? Because inventing astrology isn't really anything to be proud of. So again, Arabs.
>Couple of retards
You clearly don't know any black people, these 'memes' is literally all they talk about on social media and at school.
Funny troll, if he's trolling.
Dear lord if he's not.
Based Chinese give zero shits.
>hehe i almost had to respond to your post but oops u clicked on the wrong post looks like I win
>and at school
thanks for filling me in underage
and its sexy as fuck
>heehee I'm stupid heehee
Maybe if you had some meat in your diet you wouldn't be a malnourished retard.
Plus astronomy was likely invented by ancient mexicans.
Babylonians weren't arabs
Arabs =/= Middle easterners =/= Brown people
what the fuck are you talking about? shut up fag
Swing and a miss, I graduated highschool over 6 years ago, shit memes like this was common in the "hood" even back then.
>blacks will take credit for the accomplishments of a single civilization that happened to be in Africa (usually Egypt)
>blacks don't take responsibility for all the slavery in Africa, including the enslavement of Jews to build pyramids
this may be mainly mundane but it puts a sprain in my brain
>I get angry at twitter accounts
Niggers cling onto what they have, which isn't much. The reason a lot of third world subhumans have a lot of spice in their food is because they eat trash quality ingredients and can't refrigerate shit properly, so strong overpowering spices will hide the horrid taste of the main ingredients.
Of course, they're too stupid to realize they drown out everything in spices because they're too dumb to invent refrigeration.
isolated themselves until they got addicted to opium from india (not represented in this 4 race bullshit image)
Had plenty of food and no real reason to innovate, isolated from the fertile crescent by the Sahara desert but blacks in north africa had civilization until the Carthaginians hired them as mercenaries and the Romans destroyed Carthage.
>White People
The Greeks and Romans constantly and systemically destroyed the Gauls and other European peoples all the time before they built their hegemonic, enslaving and bribing them with trade goods.
>Native Americans many also lived in places with plenty of food and no reason to innovate, plus the Aztecs separated the north and south and the Incas/Mayans did what they could without useful domestic animals like horses or all the advantages of the Euro-Chinese trading system.
>Persians, Mongols, Rus, Australian Aborigines, Indonesians, all omitted, of course.
Such a shitty oversimplification of history. "White People" are many different and culturally incompatible groups of western and eastern Europeans who all take most of their innovations from the fertile crescent, India (never included in the 4 race bullshit) and Egypt where huge natural advantages like wheat and cows come from. Temperate zones also offer tons of advantages. People are people and no one group attacked all the others, it was complex and nuanced.
But that takes brain power to understand.
>can't even remember what the topic of discussion was
Should've ate more meat.
>including the enslavement of Jews to build pyramids
fake news
Seriously, there are lines here Sup Forums. Let's not bad mouth the Himba. They literally did nothing wrong but reject corrupt modernity and show off their puffy nipples for the world to enjoy.
Don't you know? Literal whos on twitter are representative of society for persecuted Sup Forumsfaggots. These underage cunts can't spend a single day without feeling persecuted because they don't fit in with regular society
no one cares
that's the most ignorant shit i read in a while. casserole is just a term to describe a dish baked in a deep dish. it could be anything.
lasagna is a casserole. baked ziti is a casserole, and macaroni and cheese, the way niggers like it, is prepared like a casserole. niggers also love making sweet potato casserole with marshmallows and shit on it. literally every culture has casserole dishes.
Niggers existing is proof that God doesn't love us
>sweet potato casserole with marshmallows
wew lad
they're good, and i don't even want to give blacks credit for it, but a black chick introduced me to this shit and it's pretty dope.
Oh God, how horrible. I feel so terrible now, eating brunch is on the same level as shooting dat nigguh Dayquan to steal the 20 lb of gold chains around his neck, pawning them and blowing all the cash at the strip club before begging for welfare. I feel so bad being white now, we are so evil for eating casseroles.
>tfw you have acid reflux and spicy food is hard on your tummy even though it tastes so good
I love China, I can't believe they get away with it. Probably because no Jews there.
you mostly only hear that shit from black Americans, and lets be honest, history and geography has always been our weak point. so, its understandable for them to think everyone in Africa was black and they were all over the place. Dutch were in South Africa first? Ancient Egyptains were Middle Eastern/European? Not possible to them. Its kind of sad really.
FYI, I'm not sure about the origin, but i'm pretty sure Latinos popularized this.
>tfw I've eaten literal poison and came out of it just fine
Softbellies get out!
Are you stupid? What kind of casserole did your mom give you? Not our fault she can't cook worth shit.
Like this guy said, a casserole is just something you baked in a big, deep dish you fuckwad.
>niggers using a fictional movie based on comic books as facts
Time to send them back to Africa since they're so smart and advanced.
tfw liberal and cringing at all this stuff but can't criticize a noble Person of Colour
>LEL, whitey can't handle spice
Yea, but a lot of you can't even drink milk.
White people developed means of traveling to the other race's territory. Endless wars ever since. Why do we need globalization again?
wtf i love that blacks commit 50% of violent crime in the US despite being 13% of the population now
I don't get it.
I think you're confusing "persecution" with "hysterical laughter."
Not sure how you did it considering they aren't really related in any way and are easily distinguishable.
Ethnicity =/= Nationality
Sjws are insufferable, but the alt-right straight up ruined the internet.
this can't be a black meme. i'm assuming a gook made it. every asian is chinese to blacks. listening to them talking about "the chinese store" is kino. asians and nogs have a bizarre relationship full of tension and xenophobia.
Haven't you noticed that before? Every single thing they post as an example of something was from a movie. They always post shit from slavery movies with captions like "SEE WHAT DEY DID 2 US" and then post porn saying "SEE? WE GOTS BIG DIKS AND WITE WIMMINZ LUV US" or "WITE PPL STUPID CUZ DEY ALWAYS GO INTO DA DARK IN HORROR MOVIES N SHIET"
I truly believe blacks on the whole have autism. Incapability of separating reality from fiction is a big indicator.
I imagine being one of the intelligent blacks is one of the most depressing things imaginable.
Like a smart, ASL using gorilla being dropped off in the middle of a wild gorilla group. It desperately tries to form any connection with the other gorillas using whatever it can think of, but it just gets rebuked. The other gorillas don't like him for acting strange. Act more like a gorilla, they grunt at him.
Aren't African Americans statistically shorter and fatter than White Americans on average?
I love how SJWs tried a takeover but got completely blown out and Sup Forums completely took over the whole damn internet. It makes me feel really good. Even 12 and 13 year olds say Sup Forums memes now, and we have no one to thank but the marxists.
The responses to this are predictably butthurt, but that high five one is pretty funny.
from Morocco actually
I don't know about shorter, seems about the same. But most definitely fatter.
>Eobard Thawne
That sounds like a procedurally generated name from a Bethesda rpg.
Why is it that nigger names are the most ridiculous sounding of all races?
Pfhahahahahahaha, these people have literally zero knowledge about actual history
>What's Mogolians, what's Huns, what's Carthaginians, and a long fucking etc
Man, internet was a mistake, before internet retards were shunned in every society, nowadays they met on the net and gather together spreading their shit
Too bad nobody ever says any of this shit in real life.
All they can do these days is try to "reclaim" terms used against them
>n-no! YOU are triggered
>y-you're the special snowflake!
>haha fuck off you sjws
It's a Comic book character from The Flash.
I grew up with a black kid in my class who was smart. The others called him "the whitest kid in the school" and constantly harassed him for not acting black, even the whigger white kids joined in.
Wonder how he's doing nowadays.
autism is caused by vitamin d deficency in the womb.