What states politically agree with you the most

what states politically agree with you the most

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link this shit nigga

Where is this screen cap from?

wtf how is that possible

>no link

Deep south and mid west are good

Nuke the rest

i fucking hate oregon demographics so much

fucking portland



make it so it focuses on States individually

that seems nice, is wyoming more free compared to the rest of the US ?
I got full libertarian by the test

50% or more on
Apparently I fucking Mormos, though.

Apparently wyoming is based.

it's one of the least densely populated states that's the only thing stopping me from moving there I am planning to move to Idaho or South Dakota

Mine was all red in Mississippi and Louisiana, Im from CT and it was all blue/green.

By state

>being red for the Planet of the Apes
Simply disgusting.


looks like a map of white people who have to deal with spics lmao.


Once you get away from nigger enclaves the south is based as fuck



those are some nice digits danebro

do you support Bernie Sanders

I'll trade places with you. Seems like we have inverse maps.

No. I think he kisses too much black ass like most Democrats. My two biggest matches were Sanders and Stein though. Stein seems slightly better than Sanders. I am at about 70% for Trump. I'd vote for him just to start a happening.