'Cuck' is such a childish word
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Wife must've kicked the poor cuck out of the bedroom and into the living room.
>being offended by single words
what a fag
I've called people cucks in real life with great success. Cuck is a powerful word my friends. The leftists are afraid of it and it hurts them so bad.
to answer your tweet, I call people retards irl
when people are bothered by it I ask them why they are as I haven't actually discriminated against an actual retarded person, and they can never find a reason outside of "it's offensive"
which is the goal of an insult, isn't it ?
the word was used by shakespeare, certainly not invented by toddlers
Should retire the "cuck" memespeak for something more down-to-earth?
Maybe something along the lines of "shmut"?
I fully endorse any and all Trump supporters to use the word "cuck" as often as possible. Please continue.
Why would you give a high status name to maggots who like to see their wife shared?
Why are liberals so offended by this shit. Hasn't it been an insult in Europe and other places forever?
fucking losers man
The only reason to get upset about being called a cuck is if you are one.
Apparently they think the term was recently coined by their enemies.
Short for cuckold genius. Mit's only a word that's been around for centuries. Take a look in the mirror and keep your thoughts in mind next time you hear mansplain, CIS, privilege or another of the silly nonsense your type likes tmthrow around.
I love how cuck triggers lefties so much
So simple yet so effective
what the fuck lmao
why's the big one naked?
The logic, as I understand it, works a bit like this.
Cuckold porn is most often a white man's white wife having an affair with a black man. Oscar Wilde once said "everything is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power;" and that's pretty much the stereotypical macho male mentality. So with this mindset, by the white man letting a black man have sex with his wife, then, he's giving power to the black man.
So, then, how does this go to politics? Since most left-leaning policies within the US are attempts to assist racial minorities and women, it's an obvious jump(in their twisted minds) to compare the cuckold sex scene to a "white America" giving over power to "black America" and so on.
It's blatantly rooted in ideas of white nationalism and patriarchal gender roles. The "ideal man" isn't going to support left-leaning policies that help minorities, they're going to keep the bloodline pure, put meat on the table, be an alpha male--anyone against that has to be a "cuck" or a "SJW."
So, next time you see someone screaming it, you can pretty much write them off as a loon.
And to stress again: it is not "just an insult." It downright reeks of racism, nationalism and patriarchal agendas.
>my liberal friends are in denial about their cuck status
ty 4 CTR! ! ;D ;D
Actually leaf, it's just about dudes getting off on the degradation of a woman fucking an animal.
whats wrong with nationalism, racism or patriarchy ?
you sound like a cuck
This fair, and just, as it is and ever shall be.
For the word doth describe the behavior of a child.
So the next time you see a "liberal" (hijacked word, like cuck) Canadian post you can definitely write them off as a loon.
If you want people to think it's childish or bad you need to explain why. Based on what you said it seems appropriate
Those are the things that cause war, oppression, and general all around misery.
What a silly question user, it's a nigger your acting like it thought any of this through, or has some sort of reason to its actions.
like fucking clockwork
Get rid of all your diverse human ambitions and passions (and so, presumably, art and personal loves and standards). Get rid of all your nations, possessions, faiths and loyalties (and so, presumably, families, languages and diversity in habitat, custom and culture), get rid, in short of your identities, and everything that makes you human, and everything will be suddenly oh, so simple and lovely.
Why not kill yourself while you're at it ? That way you be sure of peace
>t. cucks
I've never said it outside of Sup Forums and I wonder if most people even know what a cuck is
Being a cuck is such a childish thing to do.
Didn't Shakespeare use it as his favorite insult
Only if you're not white ;^)
I would have no problem saying certain political policies were 'tantamount to cuckoldry' in public.
Because it's apt.
Most people don't, or atleast liberals because the word is actually nonsensical to them. Its a way of life, its like calling someone a breather or a water drinker. It literally calls into question their entire way of life of letting someone else do everything for you.
Word to the wise regarding 'cuck';
Anyone, liberal or conservative, who publicly whines about the word 'cuck' and how dumb, ignorant, childish, stupid it is only displaying how incredibly insecure it makes them feel and how effective it is against them.
Think about it, if cuck really was meaningless and failed to cause insult why would you waste your breath trying to get people to stop saying? It would just be another word that doesn't get under your skin when your enemies use it against you.
The truth of the matter is 'cuck' is incredibly potent and disarming, particularly for leftists who have build their ideology around cucking themselves. They know they are guilty of being figurative and literal cucks in many cases and are trying to quash the attack line on that front to defend their positions.
An relevant anecdote;
My younger brother (is not a leftist) who generally is fond of memes and unique insults gets incredibly pissed when anyone says "cuck" and he and I have rowed over it on many occasions. His only criticism of the word revolves around terms like "immature, meaningless" which gave me great pause as he seemed inexplicably adverse to it.
Come to find out some time later he has been sharing some coal-burning whore with his black friend and so has been literally been cucking himself and his friend and she runs the rounds between the two. I make sure to call him a cuck on a daily basis now.
So yeah, don't let anyone convince you that 'cuck' is powerless.
Your brother is disgusting
You can pretty much tell he's a nu-male cuck by his avatar.
You must be a real one to write this...
"cuck" is just a term for beta liberals.
Holy shit this guy sounds like a huge faggot
don't people realize cuckoldry is the most racist and sexist sexual act there is?
you reduce the black male to an animal with an oversized monster penis
you reduce the white woman to a sexual object, nothing more than a fair maiden whose wet hole is being violated
both parties perform for the white man! he's not hurt! he consents! he orchestrated the entire thing!
dance for me, monkeys! dance for daddy until he cums!!!!
Oh he's a lost cause, he is the worst parts of normie and NEET with none of the upsides. When I leave town and have an excuse to not attend family gatherings I am probably not going to speak to him again.
Cucks are racist in the "fuck my wife" sort of way.
They only know how to categorize people based on the leftist narrative that assumes every non-white a pitiful, helpless animal.
Spread "cuck" to the normies, I've had great success spreading the word. Everything about it is great, it even sounds like a curse word with that harsh "-ck" end to it.
>They know they are guilty of being figurative and literal cucks in many cases
It's amazing how often lefties are literally cucks. Maybe someone should do a study on that.
>that guy just smoking in the back
It works as one of those "four" letter words.
>Holy shit this guy sounds like a huge cuck
Lefties are incredibly racist and sexist.
t. racist and sexist
What did they call it? Racism of lower expectations or something
4 tweets in a row fuming over an insult that totally doesn't affect him, guise
According to my friend, whose a high school teacher, cuck is the premier insult for kids in middle and high school.
Meanwhile he probably goes to blacked.com on a nightly basis.
Thanks for posting a tweet
They grow up so fast
Anyway I've been out of the loop so long if I ever saw kids calling each other cucks on the street I'd bust a gut laughing and then tell them I had a hand in popularizing that insult.
>he has a cartoon avatar
>he calls other people childish
Why do they project so much?
cuck got ruined by reddit
Yes, is to insult the other person, not a group of persons.
When you call another person retard, You are making fun of certain persons who can not fight back. Is like kicking a guy down. You may do it but Is just retarded.
I just call them a pussy if they whine about retard.
>nu male
every time
Cuckold and interracial porn is explicitly marketed to liberals. Look at the parodies that get plastered on this board. The cries of racism when porn stars won't fuck black guys or charge more to do. It is a liberal sexual fetish. It is also big business. The interracial cuckold porn is explicitly marketed to two groups of liberals. First, liberals who actually have that sexual fantasy in real life. Second, liberals who like thinking about racist white guys getting "owned" by black guys. It is a liberal fetish.
> childish
Oh yes. Child ish.
If you get triggered by the word "cuck", you're probably one.
The soft bigotry of low expectations
What are you triggered by it?
You say cuck because you're greatest existential fear is your wife getting fucked by a black man. Way to wear your insecurities on your sleeves.
You never hear alphas saying "cuck".
>tfw my wife has picked up my bantz from hanging around when I go off on my friends and co-workers
>she earnestly asked some nu-male at a party if he was a cuckold and started laughing at him and he turned violently red with rage and stormed out
It has to hurt so much worse coming from a cute white woman, I guarantee it.
dont know in burgerland, but here the spanish equivalent (cornudo) is used very often
It's not great of it happening to you. Its making fun of someone who is.
By your logic every insult is an insecurity. I guess to you, no "true alpha" would ever call anyone a "pussy", right?
This is blatantly untrue. Alphas are the first to say shit like "once you go black, we don't want you back". Alphas don't marry sluts, especially not sluts that have been with black guys.
The mere fact that "cuck" still stings after this much time proves it's effective.
>Calling someone Cuck
I use it to describe people who got cucked.
In a litteral or figurative sense.
Friends around me use it when talking to me, cant say if they use it when Iam not present.
Why does the left get so offended by it?
Because it wounds them to their very core.
Plenty of alpha's use the word cuck now. It's getting mainstream.
Whereas the only ones that complain about it are cucks and feminists.
Now "insecure", that's an insult that only beta's have ever used to justify how weak they are.
Hows the town rapist.
Hope he didnt got to cucked
A lot of the lefties are men who are so beta and unable to get with women that they agreed to things like MMF threesomes or "open" relationships (where their woman fucks like a million dudes, and if they're lucky, they fuck like 3 gross fat whales) and espouse the virtue of polyamory. The very notion that what they're actually doing is being a huge cuckold subhuman strikes them in the heart of their insecurities.
It is a literal trigger word for them.
White submissivist.
As in the opposite of white supremacist.
I've called a at least a hundred people a cuck and not one of them knew what the word meant.
We really don't.
You just think you do in order to continue your everlasting circlejerk.
Is bored and sperging out because Jamal is over?
You never heard it because any man before this generation that bragged about letting another man fuck his wife would be a disgrace.
The truth hurts.
>blocking his name
u got cucked
>liberals calling shakespeare a dumb toddler
what fucking cucks
Because it's true. They know what they are. They know what they're doing.
Us on the left call you right-wing people cucks too.
Cuck has no political bounds.
War isn't caused by nationalism. Just human nature.
That doesn't make sense though. Letting other men fuck your girl is the realm of leftists.
It's like a gay man calling me a faggot. Is it to "reclaim the word"?
Yeah but when you do it it comes off as goofy and tryhard because it doesn't fit. We're not the one bending over for subhuman trash and selling out our cultures and race for inferior ones.
Pic related. It's you.
Quality bait. Here's your >(you).
Liberals are full of sexually submissive men. Look at the flight of white men from the Democrats. It is because you basically have to be a cuck to fit in with the current SJW driven platform.