We need to stay in our lane Sup Forums...

We need to stay in our lane Sup Forums. We should provide a safe space for African-Americans at the movie theaters and let them have this. Black Panther is a marvelous display of black excellence, and non-blacks should respect this by not paying to see this movie. We might subconsciously appropriate their rich culture and we should not risk that. By a good ally and let them know that they don't need us by not seeing this movie.

Why stop there? Lets do bathrooms and schools too.

For a group of people who claim to hate black people, you can't stop talking about them, why is that?


Why are black people so EDGY? I mean she got 4000+likes for this rather petty and angry vitriol. All I have seen is this same vitriol and even with Bill Maher. Its ironic that they are obsessively Muslim and Christian and yet know nothing of forgiveness or being kind to your fellow humans. Everything every year about them is revenge revenge and taking things from others for some perceived 'wow that just makes things closer to equal' bullshit.

BTW how is this bullshit any different than Iron Fist or Blaxsploitation? Just stop having a massive shitfit, its just a fucking movie.

They do silly things. It's fun at to laugh at blacks.

I'd prefer to ignore them desu

For the same reason you talk about roaches when your house is infested. If they weren't in our countries we wouldn't care.

When you want to be racist but don't want to get in trouble for it, you talk shit about whites.

Why black americans are so hellbent on reestablishing the racial segregation they were victim of?

what will happen to me if I go to that showing of black panther?

Almost every movie I see is whites only but then again I like smart movies

black people outside of america are making fun of your american niggers


Just imagine the smell. Like cocoa butter and cool water.

Remember, one retarded negress isn't exactly representative of the black community. That said, MLK must be rolling in his grave.

>black only showing
>go to the theater in blackface

Who is ready to do that?

>paying for movies

reverse lynching

>Promoting racism and sexism through segregation
>Politicization of shitty popcorn movies of all things

We're heading for dark times.


Implying black people aren't just going to stay home and watch the movie for free on their unlocked Amazon Fire Sticks.

This is nothing compared to how obsessed black people are with white people.


i would love to watch a live stream of the black people watching the movie


That would be illegal and unconstitutional. Not that it matters since we have to treat black people with kid gloves and keep pretending a significant percentage of them don't hate white people

This is reverse psychology. They want and need white people to show up to make it successful. I ain't falling for this low tier nigger bait

Huh, I assumed all the showings would be black people only.
Why would you watch this shit?

white female vaginas need to be designated black-only places too, although they kinda already are

if black person only is illegal the woman only ones should have been too


This so much.

It's pretty racist of you to assume I hate black people.


>ooga booga dis movie financed by Jews and made by white people iz my sheeeit
>I made this

can you imagine the hell a 'black only' showing of a film would be? they should make some white people go to one. they'd ger red pilled fast.

trips don't lie

Grammar nice wow, idiot