Obviously by posting on Sup Forums - Television & Film
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>Pamela Geller
fuck off kike
does it work like that if you convert it Islam?
Give us a link. This can't be real
Bongs, when will they learn?
Why should they go to jail for a sexual emergency?
It's not their fault medical care in the USA is a joke. They should have received treatment.
>it's actually real
jesus christ
>The sexual assault occurred at Fawnbrook Apartments, in Twin Falls, when a 5-year-old was lured into a laundry room, stripped of her clothing, urinated on, and orally and anally raped while the oldest boy filmed the entire incident.
I don't see anything about this on Sup Forums
what a slut
link to video?
Don't worry I'm on it :)
germany or sweden?
because in murrica this would never happen, brah
I can only find this on retarded blog-type websites, are there any real sources on that, like a police report? Or a news outlet that is real?
I actually did some further searching on this case because pamelagellar is clearly lying and biased:
1. While it is true that they are all migrants, the boys were 14, 10 and 7. That's why there was no jail time.
2. There was a plea bargain, and they all pleaded guilty. The victim's family agreed with the plea bargain. There will be a strict punishment.
Please don't fall prey to the news-equivalent of clickbait and race baiting shit. Do your research.
What is the link to the video I want to see that little butt slut get cream pied like a little toy
>The victim’s family and their lawyer approved the settlements
Fake news is the only strategy you have lol
Yes, them being 14, 10 and 7 makes it okay.
Fucking idiot.
>The incident touched off months of turmoil in Twin Falls after the story was spun into a fake news account that exaggerated or flat-out falsified many of the details, including that a knife was present, the attack was perpetrated by a Syrian gang of adult men, that a rape had occurred and that the attack was celebrated by the perpetrators’ families as city officials orchestrated a cover-up.
>In fact, police and prosecutors said, there was no rape, no knife was present, and the incident involved young boys. Officials characterized the incident as a sexual assault and say each say each agency involved followed proper protocol.
This is why you don't believe garbage sources like
Please stop fake news shilling and please people do your research before reading nonsense journalism like this.
>14, 10 and 7
Old enough to be executed.
the heroes Sup Forumsdeserves
>no jail time for rape
Fake news
You know what? No jail time. What's the punishment in sharia law? Whipping? If I was the girl's father I'd insist on getting to tear the fuck outta some brown backside with my belt. I'd hurt them. I'd use the belt buckle, too, and hopefully catch the back of their ball sack.
I refuse to believe that there are actually people living in Idaho.
Where's the video?
>Sup Forums
I hate Sup Forums so goddamn much, fucking worthless good for nothing white trash, fuck you all, I hope your fucking kids get raped by the Muslims you seem to love so much you invite to your fucking countries.
>the Muslims you seem to love so much you invite to your fucking countries.
I don't think you've got a good handle on Sup Forums
Lots of conflict in your post. Have youvever been tested for schizophrenia?
As an ex muslim currently living in europe, you guys really should stop taking immigrants from muslim countries/cultures
>ITT: Sup Forumscucks posting on a board that posts legit CP every other night because the mods don't give a shit and allowed their ilk to kill the board.
obsession belies passion
can you delete this please
I could go to jail just for reading it
cp has been posted on Sup Forums since the very beginning
>Sup Forums poster
>cunny rape apologist
what a shocker :^)
you should convert to islam, they appreciate cunny connoisseurs like you.
So basically: cunnyposters
If you send them to jail they win.
Sup Forums is the cure for Sup Forums's cancer
In Sup Forums...but you Sup Forumsfags turned this entire site into Sup Forums
Are there any pictures where she holds his hand?
This is what you wanted when you said Sup Forums should be fun like the Sup Forums reddit trash board you crawled out of in the last 3ish years
You don't get to pick which shitposting gets to stay. its all or nothing
Pls nigger, you are the mexican muslims of this website.
I hate pol, but the site has always been degenerate as fuck imo
I been here since 2005, this is one of the reasons why i'm suicidal...i wasted my life.
I know you think you're being smart with your analogy and all, but Sup Forums is actually a part of this website.
Reddit is better than Sup Forums only teens disagree