>it's a thinly veiled Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums AGAIN
It's a thinly veiled Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums AGAIN
>it's a thinly veiled /tumblr/ thread on Sup Forums AGAIN
>it's an unthinly veiled reddit thread on Sup Forums AGAIN
>it's a thinly veiled Sup Forums thread on /pol2/ AGAIN
It's a thickly veiled dumb frogposter thread
>pol threads occupy space that could be used by blacked brapper posters
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people
>le oppressed white gentleman
>it's cunny-poster used same proxy as me, so when he's banned, all my posts are deleted episode
>makes a thread on Sup Forums complaining about Sup Forums threads being posted on Sup Forums
wew lad
Funny how people like OP don't complain when its Sup Forums and other garbage
>that feel tfw don't even watch movies or television but still shit this place up with pol posts
pol is truly the most cancerous board right now
>right now
its always been a cesspool my dude
Sorry is the discussion they promote on Sup Forums taking away from your one word meme reply threads?
You should kill yourself, you and all the deluded unsuccessful in life Sup Forumscucks.
Don't worry
The ones who complain about Sup Forums don't watch actual television or film beside got and capeshit either. You can tell this by how 1 out of 150 threads attracts them to do nothing but complain until said thread is deleted or at cap
They just deleted all the "Sup Forums" threads and left up all the Sup Forums garbage, alt left cry babbies
feeling better??
jokes on you im from Sup Forums and i dont watch superhero flickography or GoT
i just come for the raimiposting and twin peaks memes
I said it again xDDDD
>thinly veiled
Wrong, they don't even hide it at this point and the mods won,t do shit, im so sick of them