I'll start
ITT: We take a TV show, and add Drumpf to it
Other urls found in this thread:
Drumpf Bad
Mad Drumpf
>being a libcuck
>Twin Drumpf
>Last Week Tonight with John Drumpf
>The Twilight Drumpf
Drumpf to get away with murder
The small hands theory
Orange is the new Drumpf
Drumpf Space 9
Drumpf in the House
Little Drumpf on the Prarie
The Goldbergs
Two scoops one Drumpf
An inconvenient drumpf
House of Drumpf
A man's rise to power, but when he reaches the top, what's next?
It's a comedy now.
>not Drumpf is the New Orange
Almost had it user
>Final shot of house of Drumpf season 1.
>Drumpf in oval office looking at the camera
>Audience expects trump to speak to audience
>Over the speaker we hear in russian
>''my turn comrade''
>Cuts to credits.
Everybody Hates Drumpf
Breaking Drumpf
Arrested Drumpf
Oh wait you said TV show. Shit.
Arrested Drumpf
there's only 1 episode. Drumpf goes to prison for Russian collusion
Everybody Loves Drumpf
There is one poster in this whole thread. Sad!
Drumpf LOST
So you think you can drumpf?
The Drumpf Files
Two and a Drumpf Men
The DrumpfWing
Avatar: The Last Drumpfbender
Over the Drumpf Wall
It's always sunny in Drumpf
This except now it's a play on the Mickey Mouse show
The Winner
Fear the Walking Drumpf
>Thinks people can't easily see the number of posters in a thread
Better Call Drumpf
Curb Your Drumpf
Better Call Drumpf
How to get Drumpf away with murder
Fairly Odd Drumpf
SpongeDrumpf SquarePants
Drumpfters Laboratory
Drumpf, Donald and Trumpy
Drumpf Bravo
The Grim Adventures of Drumpf and Pence
Desperate Drumpf
The People v. Drumpf: American Crime Story
>this is what passes for a good thread on Sup Forums
nuke this board already
Fuck you guys. I actually like Trump but I accidentally referred to him as Drumpf when talking to my dad on the phone the other day. Quit spamming this shit.
>I actually like Trump
Kekekek. No worries your father knows you're a bit... special is the word right?
Drumpf M D
Attack on Drumpf
Drumpf Art Online
My Hero Drumpf
yeah all the off-topic jewish conspiracy and nigger hate threads are great though huh
Buffy the Drumpf Slayer
the d stands for drumpf
board culture
Mad Drumpf
Fuck zworpf amirite comrade? xD
>Everything i like is board culture
>Everything i don't like is cancer
Welcome to Sup Forums a board made especially for a little snowflake like me
Boku No Drumpf University
No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Drumpf!
Once Upon a Drumpf
Pretty Little Drumpfs
Tim and Eric Awesome Drumpf, Great Job!
Honestly a part of me is still glad he won. Just imagine how annoying these limp dicked failures would of been if they would blame libruls for their own failures for another 4 years.
The desperate shilling is preferable to that.
Whose Drumpf Is It Anyway?
Plus if he hadn't won he wouldn't be destined to take it in the ass every night in prison for the rest of his life like he is now. And that would be SAD LOLOLOLOLOLOL
8(eight) years libcuck.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Drumpf
>the reading comprehension of a Sup Forums right wing bandwagoner
Fuck Drumpf
Drumpf is an Idiot
Drumpf is Unfit to be President
Drumpf is a Joke
Drumpf Will be Impeached
Drumpf is the Laughing Stock of the World
Drumpf Makes Me Ashamed to be American
Drumpf: the Russian Puppet
can't think of anymore, I don't watch that many shows ha
Band of Drumpf Brothers
Fullmetal Drumpf Brotherhood
Wow you sure told me libcuck.
Drumpf's List
Go back to your containment shed: