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Do you feel bad yet Sup Forums?
Chicken pox vaccination is usually not recommended here. Very few children not part of particular risk groups die from it, so why waste tons of money?
Natural selection
Absolutely not. It is the fault of the parents and if the parents are that retarded, then the child will likely be just as stupid, if not more.
Let the child die to remove the scum from the genepool.
>inb4 edgy
You know I'm right.
Pretty sure that's horrible parentings fault
Keep babies away from germs until they build up their immunity
Don't let them leave the protection of your house being watched by the mother for at least 7 months then allow your wife to take it out to the backyard for fresh air and on your time off to go with them on strolls through parks
I've seen parents taking babies out to stores knowing theyre only a week old
Makes me rage so hard
You are edgy though.
>Kalia and myself have chicken pox
>I have chickenpox
This is what happens when you're friends with anti-vaxxers. They get your kids killed. If you know someone whos an anti-vaxxer, maybe you shouldn't be bring your kid to their house like a fucking retard.
Seriously though, the anti-vaccine fuckers were measles back to America.
Lets be honest though.
>Be an adult
>Never had chicken pox
>Don't get a vaccine
>Even though chicken pox is stupidly common
>blame it on other people not getting a vaccine
What's chicken pox got to do with vaccines? Who the fuck gets vaccinated for chicken pox?
>Keep babies away from germs until they build up their immunity
>build up their immunity
>away from germs
So, how did the chicken pox spread?
Are you saying the vaccines don't work?
You have a huge influx of third world shitters going to Sweden, maybe it's time to rethink that no vaccine policy. The reason it's important in the states is because we have so many immigrants coming every year.
one less white baby
If you don't get it as a child it will kill you as an adult.
does a baby that young even get vaccinated yet?
this is literally the first time i heard about this illness ... kek
>be me
>get chicken pox as an infant
>don't even remember it because it's just chicken pox, poses no real danger
>OP picture is a complete freakout
>they think they have to take the baby to a hospital for fucking chicken pox
Was under the impression breast feeding was all the immunity they needed. The strong independent mother probably went back to work causing the child to be deprived of it.
They thought that the best idea when their kid got the pox was to give it ibuprofen which made things worse all because they're retarded.
imagine all these worlders and no vaccines. God damn.
I was never vaccinated against chicken pox. Neither has every non-millennial.
Yes, if you want to properly immunize an infant you should get vaccinated before/while they are in the womb and you NEED to breast feed. My immunology professors never recommended the insane practice that pediatricians like to do (inject your infant with half a dozen vaccines when they have essentially jack for an immune system to process them).
Is there a chicken pox vaccine? When was it invented?
I had chicken pox when I was little, my mother applied some Brilliant Green for a week or so, and it was fine. Got a couple of scars though - you are not supposed to scratch it.
Probably a formula fed baby. Poor kid. Breast milk will help them fight shit off so much better.
It kills. Left alone it will develope into shingles, which develops into a neurological disorder. Is pol really against vaccines? That's fucking retarded.
you know how that bernie baby died from SIDS? he probably died because he was in the reach of thousands of people holding him and touching him
>your a bloody idiot
>chicken pox
>literally just varicella
Literally almost every kid here in Italy gets it eventually.
I had it. My mom had it. My grandmother had it.
It goes away on its own in two weeks and as long as you don't scratch like crazy it doesn't leave any mark.
Vaccination against it is not recommended since it carries more risks than the illness itself.
What the fuck is this girl going on about?
I'm against shooting babies up with chemicals at 3 months old.
I'm all for vaccinating when they're older and their bodies are better developed.
>Left alone it will develope into shingles,
>thinking it won't develop into shingles even when treated
I never even heard of a vaccine for fucking chickenpox.
I've had shingles though. I was run down from working too much and still playing hard. It goes away when you rest up.
Why the fuck would you vaccinatr against that? Everyone has it at a young age here. It's not dangerous and you only get it once.
Ontop of this i remember having chicken pox as a 5 year old and my cousins and friends from school being brought to play with me so that they can all get it during the summer holidays. I attended a measles party too, sadly I have never had mumps, but as I already have 3 kids the chance of infertility isn't as daunting anymore.
>I never even heard of a vaccine for fucking chickenpox.
They sometimes give it to adults who never got the disease as children, since chicken pox is much worse if you get later on in life.
> Left alone it will develope into shingles, which develops into a neurological disorder.
OR, left alone your immune system kills it, like with literally everyone who has ever had it
Undernourished, under-rested and over exposed. Its parents ego killed the baby.
>Waiting a fucking week for your infant with chicken pox to be sent to a hospital
I'm not even mad anymore. I'm just disappointed.
The reasons that people give for not immunising their kids is run contrary to science and they either know it, or make a conscious decision to not learn. It's tantamount to Munchausen by proxy.
That's not how shingles works you retard.
Babbies are too young to be vaccinated. Faggots who don't vaccinate their kids put other peopel's kids in danger and should be exterminated.
>The reasons that people give for not immunising their kids is run contrary to science
you should not blatantly make shit up if you want to be taken seriously, the exact opposite of this is true.
People like you just believe the TV.
No that's the whole point. Dumbfucks break the herd immunity and ruin it for people that can't yet be vaccinated.
Herd immunity doesn't matter here. The mother is just a dumb cunt that can't keep her kid healthy because she's a dumb cunt.
That really doesn't look like chicken pox.
Yeah you're right, mercury isn't a neurotoxin.
Not really.
Other people having children doesn't justify the forcing of others to have chemical injections.
>tfw never had chickenpox as a kid
Anti-vaccers are retarded but the first line of defence is the parent
Go home dave, your time as prime minister is over.
Australia has a vaccination program so that kids get their shots at certain ages. Of course, I always get the flu shot every year
Also if kids haven't had chickenpox here by a certain age, they get immunised against it.
This as well.
Chicken pox gives you a million small dots, not massive fucking blisters like that.
Everyone got chicken pox when I was a kid, harmless fun 2bh
It is stupid not to get your kids vaccinated because they are more likely to get sick and die.
The argument for "heard immunity" Is retarded though. I could not give less of a fuck about someone who isn't my kid being vulnerable
>herd immunity
>the goy are herd animals
Oy vey you're supposed to be subtle.
>i get the flu shot every year
Why? Are you over 60?
I had it when I was younger too, so did my brother. I know s ton of people who got it growing up. I thought it was just a part of childhood.
>Dumbfucks break the herd immunity and ruin it for people that can't yet be vaccinated.
People who can't get vaccinated can go fuck themselves. IDGAF.
It is retarded not to vaccinate your kids though
I don't "believe the TV". I acknowledge the mitigation of risk against proven immunological threats. It's all out there if you care to learn, which few do.
>I always get the flu shot every year
You're fucking retarded.
The flu is literally the most cucked illness on this planet.
I catch it every other year basically.
>first day slight throat ache
>second day more or less severe fever
>third day goes away on its own
When I notice I'm getting it I just call in to work and tell them I'll be working remotely for the next 3 days.
Not rocket science.
I dunno man. I enjoy not having the mumps. You stor fags forget that it effected your parents generation. My aunt's deaf in one ear becaus she didnt get the MMR vaccine as a kid.
I work in a hospital environment, just precautionary for me
Injecting a fuck ton of chemicals into a newborn is fucking stupid and I'm sure can cause complications.
On the other hand when the child is a few years old I see no harm in a moderate amount of vaccines being given.
This retarded bitch said herself the baby is too young to be immunized. Who's fault is it for not keeping her sick children separate?
>Americucks get vaccinated for chicken pox
Dumbasses, every American needs to be force vaccinated with over 200 vaccines until they literally die on the spot.
Oh, I missed the memo where Jews said they wanted to save our lives.
chems and metals
I work in a hospital too. Maybe 60-70% of the staff don't get flu shots.
Shitskins brought measles back into the country.
>tfw never even had the flu
>You should get the flu shot then says my big pharma shill doctor
This. Waiting for them to mature is perfectly fine and likely a safer option overall.
However, it needs to remain a parental decision. Last thing we need is to give the state power to inject shit into our children. For the few who die, let them because it can't ever hurt to thin the herd a little now and then.
Who would do all the field work if the goy herd died?
chicken pox fucked my christmas up. i was 4 though
I had chicken pox when I was 4. It was horrible, but I got over it.
Then I had shingles at 22. The pain was indescribable, but I'll try. Imagine red-hot screws being twisted into your flesh, but unlike with normal pain you are unable to get used to it. 0/10 do not recommend.
>It kills.
Lethality is like 0.02% and than only from secondary infections.
I had pretty much every childhood disease
>Chicken pox, check
>Rubella, check
>Mumps, check
>Measles, check
>Scarlet fever, check
and I am still alive, most of this where an annoyance, some where cool because you could stay at home for weeks.
>chems and metals
Scientifically illiterate plz leave
I feel bad that this implies that someone contagious with shingles or an infected and contagious child was allowed into this babies zone. Shit humans all around for this to happen.
If this baby doesn't die it will be immune though.. But those facial scars are going to last a lifetime.
>tfw not vaccinated because hippie parents
>Nothing bad happened
lmfao this faggot become the flood it's lit
>tfw missed a week of school every year because of the flu in high school
It's less about other people and more about the illness mutating and becoming immune to treatments
> vaccinating
> chicken Pox
This some kind of trolling?
For what. It was obviously the Jews.....
Same here famalam
I had the flu a couple of years back, was off work for a 1.5 weeks. In that time, the hospital managed to employ someone else and halved my hours when I returned.
I can't afford to get sick when that shit happens
> I enjoy not having the mumps.
Damn right you do.
I had it around 9 years old and it sucked big time.
I was even delirious there for a while. I was on the bed with my grandma, but I though I was on the edge of this endless pit and I would fall in it if she let me go. I literally didn't let her get up for hours.
>0/10 would vaccinate
Did you even read the image
It's a reality here in California. There's a new fucking sickness going around here every other week. Tons of beaners fresh from their spic shitholes, and tons of chinks straight out of chinkland. Neither of them wash their hands, and they're always coughing and sneezing on everything. The beaners clog up hospitals so bad that doctors recommend you stay far away unless you have something really serious, otherwise you may catch some spic disease because you breathed in some beaner-infected air.
God I hate this state.
>a neurological disorder
Holy shit you're stupid.
>your a bloody idiot
also, most "anti-vaxxers" arent anti vax. They want to control the amount of vaccines a baby receives in a single sitting
I'm surprised it isn't mandatory like in the US
I know flu vacs are crapshoots, but still
Had they all been vaccinated, the shitskin wouldn't have been able to infect the native population.
Ironically enough, I heard that the infected kids' parents were vaccinated themselves.
>your a bloody idiot
the irony
I had scarlet at 14.
>missed 3 weeks of school
>didn't even really hurt or itch
>toppest of keks
Shingles is the only one with a vaccine
This. Nobody is against vaccination, antivax is really about government-private sector corruption. Just like how criticizing Israel isn't about anti-Semitism, or the Luddites being pro-technology but against the loom-owners forcing them out of their jobs, and so on.
Circumstantial, but I respect your point. I see no way of overriding phase 2+ clinical trial data, however. Nor the medical data that shows that immunology is mitigating the effects of numerous harmful diseases. People look at rare side effects as if they are rampant. Problem is that they aren't.
Doctors used to allow parents to choose which ones they wanted.