Is Canada the best country in the world?
>be American
>get shot
>be European
>get blown up
Hope you Americucks enjoy your female president and you Eurocucks enjoy being culturally enriched by Mohammad
Is Canada the best country in the world?
>be American
>get shot
>be European
>get blown up
Hope you Americucks enjoy your female president and you Eurocucks enjoy being culturally enriched by Mohammad
No, it really fucking isn't.
We are being overrun with chinks, pakis, and SJWs.
Fucking epic XDXDXDXDXD
>be Canada
>die in fire
>you win
Torontonian here. Your financial capital has been culturally enriched. You're fucked in the head.
Also there were like 3 shootings a couple of weeks ago. One of them was a pregnant woman shot in the head in a parking lot.
But your Prime Minister is a female.
Yes :3
>Drumpf getting absolutely BTFO
>s-stupid Canadians!!!
>be Canadian
>spill the maple syrup
>public outcry
>"I'm sorry"
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
I agree
Yes. How do you live in Canada?
This thread again?
They got a lot of asian small dicked violine players that are really rational. Perfect goyim to exploit because they will never do something out of the extraordinary. Just like the goverment likes them. And look at all those phd they get, really amazing. Wont compensate for their small dicks though.
Women will never like your small dicks, they will never like your domestication and all your knowledge and education is worthless. Just like your race devolved from the mass centrification to big citizes, always small dicks always no something something.
you canadians are notorious racist, misogynist nazi bigots. I would rather live in the russian federation than your "country" of fascist imperialists, you are as bad as the swedes for your far-right rhetoric
>be Canadian
>inb4 rare flag
>implying your PM isn't a cuck. Its trudeau
>Hope you Americucks enjoy your female president
dont you already have one?
>This thread again?
Also these
>OP is a faggot aka a Trudeau
>be canadian
>free health care
already better than anywhere in burgerland
>free health care
Retard detected
Fucking right!
Not so fast you fucking leaf.
>be canadian
""""""""free"""""""" healthcare
sure thing leafbros. If you're ok to wait 5 months for an appointment with a doctor.
Or have to kill yourself because you can't find a doctor that takes new patient.
After I moved, It took me near to a year just to find a doctor that could take me as his new patient. And 4im sure he will just kick me of his list if I don't come enough.
>Be canada in 2040
>Shillery gets elected for pres
>Muslims invade Canada
>Canada gets cucked
Back to r/eddit
Shoot killed myself
>Be Americanin 2017
>Shillery gets elected for pres
>Muslims invade America
>Americagets cucked
>Be Canadian
>Get robbed while going to work by an immigrant
>Call police
>Mention immigrant robbed you
>They hang up
>Go home from your shitty job
>Check bank account
>0.00 in balance
>Find out Trudeau has taken everyones paycheck this week to fund Syrian refugees
>you'll never live in a comfy island
We should've let the US annex you in 1812
>be American
>get shot
>be European
>get blown up
>be leafnigger
>smell fucking curry and hear chingchong speak everywhere in public
>have to suffer the shame of electing a numale for PM
>dick constantly sticky from maple syrup lube
>get priced out of housing market by the Chinese
Canada kinda sucks. Definitely worst in anglosphere.
Canadian posters are among the best in this website. Aussies on the other hand are terrible shitposters.
My dad was born there so I could probably become a citizen. But I am not a faggot.
Be Australian
Not have to pay $42K because you called someone ugly
Favella nose
>there are people who honestly believe Canada is some liberal SJW shithole just because Trudeau is an idiot
Man it's so terrible that all these immigrants are flooding into two major cities and absolutely nowhere else. And it's so terrible that our actual diversity means most of our immigrants are pretty much forced to westernize and the only ones that never learn English are the imported students that leave after they graduate and old women that moved here 40 years ago
>Check youtube for muslims in Canada
>only event for the last month was the horrifying act of Nova Scotians taking refugees canoing
Seriously we just quietly deport anyone who starts shit back to the european camps and nobody cares
Where are you from, evolved Canadian? (I'm on Clover app, so I can't see his country)
Fuck off Brazil you're not coming here to shit up our country after yours finally collapses.
Our PM is playing a level of chess the world has never seen.
>fooled this reporter into thinking he had a mental illness
Norfolk Island.
Oy vey how did you grow that leaf into a whole tree?
Did you guys know that Canada has 3 million lakes? Ontario alone contains one third of the entire world's fresh water! What a wonderful country.
Fucking hell. If it's this easy to bait Sup Forums. Maybe I better start this shitposting
Mfw I wasted quads for a fucking evolved leaf.
Toronto is the literal cancer of North America, you guys are bound to be taken over by Islam.
You leafs are really hopeless at this, sorry
Daily reminder that bagged milk is better for the environment.
Canada love thread?
Tell me how much you love my country bros
Yes you did
BTW Norfolk Island is an amazing place, near Australia's east coast, but you have to be a literal rapefugee (and descended from Fletcher Christian) to be considered a real Norfolk Islander
I love it with my penis daily
Why are there so many trannies in Canada? The most famous trannies on YouTube are all Canadians.
is Sup Forums the worse than Sup Forums ?
also... Canada is not what it used to be.
Taking a leaf out of the book of their President
Question: What will the olympic terrorist bodycount be?
Any bets?
>Be born a Canadian
>Live life in a whirl wind of syrup, alcoholism, mediocre food and an irrelevant identity.
>Shitpost on behalf of liberal ideas and retarded man-children everywhere.
>Die a Canadian
>Nobody notices
Fuck off leaf.
Oh show us your ways, oh mighty dingo
I thought there must be something in the water, surgery and all that stuff is also covered by the national healthcare system
"Gender" changes on paper don't require much more than self report, they also get their birth certificate "updated" (kek) very quickly
Just live watch and learn
Don't dorget their women are the worst in the western world
Rosie MacLennan is a trampoline gymnast and she won a gold medal in 2012. Now she is going to be the flag bearer on Rio. Isn't that awesome?
They tried to get some program of 'anti-bullying' introduced into schools here (read: tranny propaganda) and it created a real shitstorm. I doubt if that'd happen in Canada, where the only criterion for any policy is for it to be more SJW than what happens in the US. Canada has become the most cucked nation outside of Europe
so fugly
I mean, they probably have mandatory state transgender enforcement for pre-schoolers over there. Any cisgendered 5 year olds are forced to listen to Trudeau speaking about gender equality on a loop for days then shot
Are young Aussies pretty redpilled on that stuff?
who? what? anyone caring>? where is Messi, CR7, Neymar, and ..dare I say Suarez
And also, many images with a fucking store front!
>get healthcare
Or is she a proyected casualty in terorist carniva... I mean Rio Olympics 2016?
Many are. Depends where you're from. Melbfags are the most SJW in the country, on par with Canacucks. Reading some of the comments on Faceberg about this
you could see a lot of Aussies of all ages are pretty jack of all the PC bullshit. The media are pretty SJW, though
Do you play fagball
>Be Canadian
>Justin Trudeau
Silly leaves, Australia is best country.
A study done in 2011 reported Canada as having the 3rd cleanest air out of any other country!
"doesnèt know how to greentext
newfags out
Don't they sell air to silly chinamen
Also, Brazil's air is no doubt literal shit
Not really, the west coast is beautiful and I love the weather and scenery of this country but I really want out.
The immigration here is getting way too out of hand because nobody fucking integrates here, sometimes even 2nd gen kids here don't. I always see little indian kids speaking Punjabi or fucking whatever before they even learn a lick of English. God have you ever driven in any place full of Indian drivers? It's the worst, worse than the Asians here, they all have terrible manners too because all of their shit cultures just promote greed and selfishness.
Ever work with Indian of Chinese customers? No manners at all, they become extremely offended when you can't understand any of their shitty English. So many people live here without speaking proper English at all, it is mind blowing. Nobody here wants to be "Canadian", none of them want to integrate or even interact with any of the other denizens of different backgrounds, they only move here because it's much better living standards than their shithole countries.
Canada would be a superior USA if it wasn't so fucking bleeding-heart liberal and didn't project the "super multicultural, everyone/thing accepted, all loving" image we love to always associate ourselves with for whatever fucking reason, despite it being nothing like that here.
>Hope you Americucks enjoy your female president and you Eurocucks enjoy being culturally enriched by Mohammad
Either proxy or clinically retarded
you mean handegg? No, of course not. That is for closeted insecure homosexuals.
If you're secure and confident you play football, or futbol. The worlds most popular and best sport.
>anecdotal observations are proof
very scientific deduction there mr. 60%.
You leafs seem to be leaning further and further in the cuck direction, enrichment will come sooner rather than later
Yes, most popular for faggots, that's why it's called fagball
Canada is the whitest country in the Americas. Thanks to all province.
success breeds jealousy