TLDR: Hillary Clinton used to be director of the global industrial giant LaFarge. It was recently found out that LaFarge has been paying ISIS to operate in their ill-gotten territory AND recently donated 100k to the Clinton Foundation. This isn’t isolated, connections to HSBC implicate Clinton, Comey, and Lynch of money laundering for terrorists. This could go as deep as gun running in Benghazi prior to the Embassy invasion.

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Extra Stuff: sli.mg/a/rj5ysI


Other urls found in this thread:


Autism is real

OP from #4&5 here, back with tendies. Good work anons

first for anti-slide


Lots of repeating numbers last thread. Lets have some more.

damn CTR you guys react quick

Don't let this post slide, keep attacking Clinton

For bringing back Sons of Liberty

bumping with the Dubs of Shill Protection. Witness me pls.


Shills are out in full force today trying to slide these threads. Fucking hell


bump for no sliding

hillary for prison

>literally the same shit


No. Stop.
Only advertise Thread 8 on here, and that hasn't started yet.


Say wut

Obligatory anti-slide bump.

digits for anti-shilling

>muh revolution
you mean race war?

keepin it bumped

Have my bump OP.

im fuming with hate




someone should post some special pics for our guests. no cp please.



How do we get this shit covered by the MSM, at least Fox might cover it.


Justice bump

Bumping with digits

she can't keep getting away with this....

brah how has the trump awakened?

Still waiting on the Donald to catch hold of disss

Kek, I pray to you. Make this whore lose the election.

fuck prison

firing squad on cspan.

winland bümp

So, not only are the elite a bunch of child sacrificing demon worshipping heathens, but they also allow things like this to come into being just to retain power over the masses. Huh, kinda funny when the truth is stranger than fiction.

kek , Hillary is a jew


>MFW it takes this level of autism to defeat the globalists

He will now thanks to these dubs

No sliding allowed

Burn the witch!




No sliding here

>hehe I love playing internet detective from mommies basement xDDDDD


Hilary for fucking prison

Checked. Praise kek, may he show his power.


Sliding too far. Must bump for Trump.

Doesn't fucking matter. All the mainstream media is talking about is the stupid Khan guy and Melania's nudes, THATS IT. If you guys actually want to make a difference go out and knock on some doors and talk to people, its the only way to break the programming.

Bump for trump!

>1 post etc.

FUCKING BUMP I've already experienced two terms of a Clinton White House


Nice work FBI! I get it that you're mad that your bureau is completely compromised but don't take it out on us.

Kek smiles upon us.


Iv never despised anyone as much as i do hillary.

Literally this desperate to win the primary
>muh vagina
>muh ctr
>muh rigging
>muh corruption
>muh brainwash the brainless
I just wanna slap her one good time and ill feel better.

I'm glad you find him cute as well.

>LaFarge/Holcim Merger
This company may seem unfamiliar to most here. but they are YUGE. LaFarge recently merged with their 2nd biggest international competitor Holcim. If it has concrete in it... and it was built on earth somewhere, it's 39% likely they made the concrete, in the US/CAN it's closer to 60% likely. Their combined global trading amounts to 22Mt of cement/clinker, their domestic distribution in the 1st world is another 20Mt. for comparison, if you make a sidewalk and use 1 cubic yards of concrete, you bought about 500 lbs of portland cement from LaFarge (even if LaFarge wasnt the company) and it could have originated in mexico, china, or indonesia.

>International Clinker Trade
Concrete (in the form of Clinker pellets) is traded internationally. He who owns the sea side facilities (production plants/kilns, grinding facilities, and distribution terminals) owns the global market. LaFarge/Holcim owns close to 300 of these large facilities dotted across the globe (~1,200 total global facilities known), including many in the Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia.

>the hustle
As the demand goes up in certain areas (war zones), they up their productions in plants across the globe and ship it over to where it's needed, they essentially control the supply and thus the price. they buy the local mixing plant and a couple of trucks fueled with ISIS oil and voila profits. it has a considerable profit margin because they are essentially selling clay and limestone, and sand at $200 per cubic yard... and large construction projects will use thousands of yards.

did her part on the board in the '90s, as any lawyer/board member would without a soul. get into new markets in any way you can, especially corrupt/fragile dictatorships looking to rebuild. when she became SoS, the pay-to-play effect came in full force. Large donations from LaFarge were just the entrance fee.



Burn the bitch for benghazi bump

Has any mainstream media picked this up yet? This isn't like the gun running where it despite the evidence, it basically had the defense of 'well we didn't know what they were going to do with them.'

This is explicitly cooperating with legit terrorists on their own soil, and if the FBI/DOJ goes after the company, you can be damn sure its execs will spill whatever they have to to get a deal

Just once?

Did he died?

I've never actually NOTICED, noticed a slide before. This is way too fast for normal Sup Forums.
A lot of people are very butthurt right now.

Also, the OP either needs a better summary, or the links need one line descriptions

one might consider that if one was a faggot leaf and a shill

How are we doing in regards to spreading this info via reddit/twitter/fb/etc...?

Bump you faggots.

It's not shilling if you're on ten layers of irony and are bumping the thread.


The fact is its either no Descriptions and a lot of Links or Descriptions with not as many links.

Its because of some limit with how many characters (or words, can't remember) you can post, it can't go over 2000.

the most blatant sliding i ever saw was when hillarys FBI thugs murdered lavoy finnicum for standing up to hillary selling uranium mining rights to russia.

the whole board was shills for like 3 days

well played, 10/10 bait


Its only on the_Donald which is completely censored from the front page thus its not on reddit. Media will never cover this. They are more worried about captain mudslime

Digits and the CTR shills go away

#ItsTimeIToldYou just started trending. Need to work this hashtag.

the ted cruz sex scandal had lots of shills too

Pasta worthy

I thought we all agreed on #ShesWithISIS



and shes likely still going to win
How fucked up is this?

I know how much you all hate Reddit, I hate it to, but if the idiots on there see this post and its message then at least it has a higher chance to spread.

Also worthy of note is the fact many people will have "Hillary" or "Clinton" filtered,i personally only came across these threads via cross linking.

>Tfw no one will care
>Tfw MUH KHAN will take precedent over this

#It'sTimeIToldYou that #ShesWithISIS

>So is Bernie, to be a populist, even a politician in a democracy, you have to >by definition be a demagogue.
>Here's Trump making concrete statements:
>youtube.com/watch?v=2Z_RHFUdGgE [Remove]

He completely misses the energy mark in the video. Solar and nuclear are the future, not fossil fuels. This plays into his complete disregard for the environment (no EPA is better than the shit EPA we do have).

We don't need to invest defense, we need to invest in ourselves; infrastructure, education, public services.

His stress on business also worries me. The reason shit in this country is so fucking broken is because money is effectively equivalent to political power with the way lobbying and campaign finance work. This is not healthy for the country, because it snowballs into making decisions that benefit a privileged few at the expense of the collective. Trump will do nothing to curb this, and thus will do nothing to MAGA in his own words.

The reason China is even an issue with him is because business always follows the path of least money. China offers adequate products at good prices by cutting corners and shredding human rights. Business in this country is unwilling to pay the extra expense of to address these issues, so you get companies moving their manufacturing overseas while leaving management in the States. The jobs have already shipped. I don't see Trump doing anything that will cause business profit to dip even in the slightest, so I have no confidence that he will actually do anything regarding this.

The wall is absurd economically (this includes upkeep).

I also work in a research lab with a bunch of internationals. Some of them are arguably more American than I am (I am a Sanders supporter after all). His rhetoric targets them, and they are good people. Fuck that.

The man has also alienated the international community. How can you lead the world's most powerful nation if you thumb your nose at the rest of the world?

Thank you for the informative post



"I don't care how she[Smith] feels..Her emotions are her own. But for the country in choosing a leader, it’s wrong to have someone get up there and tell a lie about Hillary Clinton. It’s not true. It’s logically not true,” he added. “I think it’s wrong that they ruined their evening with this." - Chris Matthews.

They'll all hang

Day of rope for anyone covering this shit up, even if you're white

I want ten minutes alone with Steve Benen.

Nah she will still lose, debates haven't even started and on usc she is down by a lot. Ignore the shills posting

More like air her out