Is there any good British politics kino?

Is there any good British politics kino?

Other urls found in this thread:

The Thick of It

Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister


Nice shit posting thread kinotard!

State of Play

House of Cards (the original one)

A Very British Coup


Not OP but I have all of these.

Any others?

House of Cards - the original one

Only one
Yes minister and yes prime minister

Why would British politics shows be different to american politics shows?

Little Witch Academia

Different history, culture, and governmental systems?


>Yes, Prime Minster
>Yes, Minister
>Spitting Image


>The Daily/Sunday Politics / This Week
>Prime Minster Question Time
>Thick Of It
>House of Cards (BBC)
>Question Time


>Have I Got News For You

There's Basically a radical lefty suddenly, unexpectedly gets power, and is brought down by the true powers.

V for vendetta

>This Week
>Not the ultimate kino

Those openers though.

Children of Men and V for Vendetta

Pretty much what Britain will be like in 10 years

Ah yes, an American enters the thread.

The New Statesman

The New Statesman

They're the same as Americans though really. Culturally that is. They just don't have a president because they love having an unelected head of state for some reason.

Anglos aren't that culturally similar. There are plenty of cultural differences between the US/UK as well as within both.

Learn to embrace complexity and not reject it so you can pretend like you understand more than you really do.

Name one then

The English are more self depreciating and pessimistic, while Americans are more willing to believe anyone can make it, which reflects in their comedy. English comedy tends to be more societal satire, while a lot of American sitcoms either have wacky premises, or are about people consistently beating the odds.

I've seen lots of pessimist comedy from the USA.

this series on departments

and these

BBC documentaries on the House of Commons
and the Lords one

Looks interesting, will watch.

I'm starting a civil service job in Whitehall this year and want to try to learn as much as I can about it.

>Is there any good British politics kino?

Sesame St lad

In the Loop

Surely under the umbrella of in the loop

Under the umbrella of The Thick of It rather

Spitting image is garbage, yes minister is boring nostalgic bullshit

Is spy kino under the umbrella of politics kino?

Fuck you on both accounts

Neck yourself.

How is umbrella mentioned so many times within 4 posts

It rains a lot in Britain

Surely we can call anything by Chris Morris politics kino

