When is Johnny going to her some good movie roles?
When is Johnny going to her some good movie roles?
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when is she going to display her body of work
with this pic she might play a role in my next masturbation session.
looks like a VJ + ASR hybrid
poor mans asr desu
IMAGINE being Kevin Smith and having to direct this scene
How weird must it be to be a celebrity child
>dad is out of touch
>thinks he's cool and writes a script for you
>shit's dumb but want to be a star so fuck it
>movie sucks and no one identifies with your chaste Canadian valley girl or whatever your pothead dad wrote
>life is ruined but you survive
>dad doubles down and reveals to you his newest brainchild "Moose Jaws"
with some hershlag thrown in as well
How old is she now? 19?
Who gives a shit. Washed up whore.
>IMAGINE being Kevin Smith
with this webm she will CERTAINLY play a role in my next masturbation session
What is Kevin Smith's obsession with Canada? This is coming from a leaf too. What gives?
who is this wiener witch?
Did he clone ASR or something?
One for when you're in the mood for THICC, and another when you're in the mood for STICC. Based Kev and Johnny.
Looks so much like her mum
>that hairline
Kevin want to fuck is own daughter.
what a hack
its a meme dumbass