Star Trek Discovery (also /trek/ thread)

Is anyone else actually excited for this? Uniforms look pretty cool, the bridge design is also pretty comfy. The trailer didn't jam diversity too much, either.

Only complaint is the really, really shitty klingons.

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No. I'm not exited, I'm more exited about Orville, at least we will get a Trek parody made by people that care about Trek.

> Uniforms look pretty cool,

Those are uniforms that fail to accomplish what uniforms are meant to accomplish. Rank insignia is supposed to be seen easily enough that you can recognize it... in STD it is tiny metallic dots on metallic background. Complimented by bronze-gold that are hard to differentiate. Uniforms fail in basic functions of uniform before in getting into practicality and lack pockets in Trek uniforms.

>the bridge design is also pretty comfy.

Bridge looks like shit and they use lens flares to cover it. I don't mind it not looking like TOS bridge, I'm just triggered by it's shitty and impractical design. There are reasons why combat information centers of warships look like those do. It is better than Apple shop Jar Jar had, but it is still bad.

it'll be watched but I'm not getting my hopes up

Looks like total shit and tries too hard to follow the action star trek thing rather than focusing on what star trek does best, wacky space adventures with great characters trying to solve strange dilemmas of the week.

NICE TRY SHILL. Now leave and never return.

>the really, really shitty everything

>Asian female in charge of the ship
It's a joke, right?

Anything is better than Abram's Star trek

Star Trek? More like Shit Trek

I'm excited, but that excitement will vanish instantly if it is bad when it comes out or Michelle Yeoh dies in the first episode to "motivate" her protege. Sick of that trope.

>lens flare
>slight dutch angle

Those lens flares are jokes, photoshopped, r-right?

I thought this dude was supposed to be the captain, but they legit have a woman captain and some shit woman first officer. I know enough about women to know that is going to be easily the worst command of any ship so nah not looking forward to it.

The new VR game that came out is absolutely amazing though so that will satisfy my trek needz.

She isnt the Captain of the Discovery.

can't stand the off kilter angles...

My main issues with are small things. That bridge in op looks too dark and sombre, and the photography style is digital and ugly. I've been watching The Expanse and even though that show is dark the image pops it isn't a smear. I know the Discovery will be an ugly as shit ship and i suspect Jason Issacs will have some alien make up on given his characters name, which is a mistake. Klingons we'll see about. If they're ancient Klingons then fine, if they've actually had their look rebooted then fuck that decision. Apart from that i'm looking forward to it and don't give a shit about diversity memers.

You're embarrassing.

Two female command at the top lmao what do they sync their periods.

>if they've actually had their look rebooted then fuck that decision

Please leave and return when you're 18. Or at least 13.


lets see how many gay/lesbian couples we will have

>Looks like total shit and tries too hard to follow the action star trek thing rather than focusing on what star trek does best, wacky space adventures with great characters trying to solve strange dilemmas of the week.

This. So much this.

There'd better be 1 at least. Way i see it, this is the future of humanity we're seeing, so if they have no gay characters it raises the question where are the gays? All dead? The gay gene was wiped out in WW3? We have gays now, they should appear in a future set show or it raises logic questions.

Everyhing about the trailer was fuck awful.

I'm a bit disappointed that they've decided to set the show prior to TOS.

Why aren't they creating any shows set after the period of TNG/DS9/Voyager?

because that's what real fans want and they don't care about us, they want new autistic fans who are swayed by lens flares and pew pew lazerz!!

>the bridge design is also pretty comfy
>The floor looks like it has a 30 degree tilt and everything is covered in blinding lights

Looks real uncomfy desu.

You're fedora tipping.

Wait, what? Those things are klingons?

Also, they're advertising it all wrong, I want to hear them debating science mumbo-jumbo and talking ethics, trying to negotiate between different people. What is this action bullshit? This isn't Measure of a Man...

Yeah, but how in the fuck do you drag Trek tropes out for an entire season? Galaxy Quest worked because they were all crammed into 2 hours.

>I never saw TOS the post

Yes, "ancient Klingons". Stupid as Klingons only got space travel in the 14th century after they fought off an invasion attempt.

Never mind a centuries old ship being able to pose a threat to the Discovery means contemporary Klingon vessels should be unstoppable.

i havent really watched it really but in enterprise dont humans go from no warp to fighting klingons romulans and shit in like 100 years?

150 years from first contact to the launch of the NX-01, so warp 5. Assuming the Klingons followed a similar rate of development when it really should be more, the ship in std is from the 1550s, so is so 850 years old at the earliest and is still able to fuck up contemporary Starfleet ships. This also means that contemporary Klingon ships should be 850 years more advanced, making them temporal cold war levels of tech.

God damn std is fucking the timeline hard.

Yes, it looks better than I thought it would. I was worried it was going to be an absolute mess but, although it's just a trailer, it's definately got my attention.

Hyped for new Trek series if nothing else. Not even mad about NuKlingons.

Heres a You for your bait, but Isaac's captain is something I'm really interested to see.

>klingons developing their own technology

Could it be that they're prehistoric Klingons who've been recreated via Jurassic Park style genetic engineering?

Cro Magnon humans were significantly more physically robust than modern humans, which would make for better soldiers, and given we know the Klingons fucked up their genetics with the Klingon Augment Virus in ENT, might they have an interest in resurrecting the 'pure' strain of their race from preserved cadavers like we have stone age humans from glaciers and shit?

>Assuming the violent space retards followed a similar rate of development

It's going to be the most Jewish Trek yet. Even the captain is a Jew. I'll pass. Orville looks unironically more interesting.

You don't focus on the tropes. They could just play old Star Trek episodes straight but inject the "what would happen if everyone here was a really shitty Starfleet officer?" and you've got 20 seasons worth of material easy.

Galaxy quest was a very different story, that's about actors pretending to be Starfleet, they didn't know anything, just how to pretend to look like they do. These guys have had all the lessons Starfleet personnel get, they know a lot of the important stuff, they just suck.

That's what I got from the trailer anyway.

>stormweenies have created their own version of the Bechdel test to ree about

Frankly that's one of the parts that interested me about Orville. Star Trek has always followed the elite crews, usually on the Federation flagship or similarly first-rate vessels.

Seeing a bunch of low-end crewmen on an old ship trying to do the same thing is a cool idea.

>unironically citing the Bechdel test

Look up how many jews are top of the class. Most of them score pretty low. I wouldnt be surprised if Einstein stole the plans for the atom bomb and used them to migrate to America.

No, looks like JJ Trek. I'm pretty sick of pre TOS timeline too.

He's the captain but not a main character, that's been known for a long time but shills continue to deny it because I think they've noticed that the core fanbase isn't going to be interested in a Star Trek with no straight white men.

Klingons have engineers, doctors, gardeners and janitors. It's only the glory obsessed warriors who run the empire.

>reeeee to many jews in muh media
>reeeee to few wimmin in muh media

I'm not seeing your point, it's a valid comparison. Equally retarded criteria to grade the value of film/tv for.

I'm excited, just like I'm excited for the JJ movies. I was excited for Enterprise too. Trek's biggest enemy is the fanbase who just want more of their Star Trek but that is widely defined and personalised. I think DS9 is the best Trek followed closely by TNG, but some people think DS9 isn't real Trek etc.

Will Alejandro be serving chili and gagh?

There are a bunch of reasons, Voyager poisoned the well for a start. Then you have Star Trek Online which would lead to some licensing issues and you also have Romulus being destroyed, though I think that is a good thing.

Jidf codeword.

I always got the impression Klingon's stole their technology, like the Hurq invaded them and they were way more fierce than expected, stole their technology and adapted it. I dunno if I picked that up from some stupid bullshit non-canon stuff though.

This is the only way they could spin it without a retcon but it seems like too much of an ass pull. There is no honour in wasting centuries of weapons advantage over the petaqs.


That is what happened, that was the 14th century failed invasion I was talking about.


Yeah but with help from Future Starfleet and Vulcans

As seen in Enterprise, the fact that humans are 'nice and diplomatic' means several species throw technology at us.

When Starfleet forms the federation, everyone shares their technology with each other causing a huge leap, while also scaring the Romulans who were preparing to invade everyone and start the Fed-Romulan war.

Also 'Orville' has better camera work and lighting and looks more interesting then a "new super threat to Earth' crap

>Romulus being destroyed, though I think that is a good thing
Cancer. JJ destroyed the franchise more thoroughly than Voyager ever could have.

Oh fuck, std is going to be Nemesis in episode form.

How? The last movie was absolutely awful and bombed hard, not even Trek fans saw Nemesis. Then you had Enterprise which ended up with about 1/4 of the viewers of the premiere within 2 seasons, only recovering for the final season when it turned into the show people wanted it to be.

>a low budget comedy tv series can afford more lighting and a better trailer

By meeting their goal of getting normies to watch Star Trek by turning it into something labelled as Star Trek with nothing in common with the original, now every Star Trek is going to do that and suck ass.

Seth actually watched Star Trek that's why.

Yes, they do have all of those things but their technology moves at a snail's pace (if at all) depending on the disposition of the High Council which as you have said, is dominated by the Empire's warriors.

Most of their great technological leaps have come at the expense of other races they have met and eventually conquered. It's a pretty solid foundation of their basic Trek canon.

Previous user probably meant Lore wise

Destroying two important planets, screwing over the Romulans and Vulcans, who were 2/3 of the most popular species for a few seconds of dialogue and a scene with Spock getting mad wasn't worth it.

only good posts itt

Really makes you think

Good post.

>comparing a first-party official trailer with a third-party unofficial trailer
You're a Pakled.

>This video is not available.
>Sorry about that.
That's why.


an unofficial trailer that doesnt even appear to exist anymore

Why the fuck would they block trailers?

Don't fucking call that guy a Pakled or you'll have me to deal with, chum.

My biggest complaint is how ironically overdone it looks. Reminds me of Mass Effect: Andromeda in both style and acting.

Star Trek has been done. Let it die.

I'm more interested in the like/dislike ratio being shit on Star Trek Discovery compared to Orville

Even that 'official' trailer thats blocked outside the US for some reason, has many dislikes

CBS are mishandling everything about this Trek series, seeing as Netflix hasn't released a trailer for international audiences that they'll be providing, I suspect blocking non-Americans from seeing it is just another symptom of their incompetency.

star trek fans are very divided, seth macfarlene fans less so

>Wonder why Trek Discovery trailer is blocked
>Remember they removed the black protagonists from the posters of Mafia 3 and Watchdogs 2 from posters in Australia

Feels good that marketers know we hate niggers here

If you're comparing view counts then there's no excuse for using the wrong video.

Because CBS is run by idiots.

If you're outside of America then Netflix (the localized version for your country) has the official trailer for you.

Netflix has trailers, but they are also region-locked.

For example,

Seth MacFarlane is a fedora tipping shithead but his Star Trek looks better and it'll be the only one of the two I'm watching. And I suspect that description will apply to you too, why don't you like him? I thought he was friendly with SJWs too, seeing as he's in Hollywood.

They know that only the USA cares about pandering to "African Americans"


Don't bother. The Netflix trailer is better than the CBS trailer.

Eh, I prefer the CBS one.

I've not watched this yet because I wasn't aware there was a way to watch it without giving them (You)s. Here we go.


So what do they mean by this? Is it 10 years before any of them were in place (as in 10 years before The Cage), or is it 10 years before the three of them were together in TOS, which would mean The Enterprise is out there with Spock aboard and has been for a year at least. I thought people were saying that it'll be fine since it has Le Epic Khaaaaaan Director working on it?

Do Aussies feel guilty about systematically slaughtering abos? You didnt even try to enslave them, you just went out and killed as many as possible

>Le Epic Khaaaaaan Director
Are you actually trying to say that you don't like TWoK's director, or are you just fishing for (You)s here?

Go look him up in the archive, every time anyone suggested this series had no real Trek names working on it, he was brought up. You were saying he would make it great, explain yourselves based on this evidence I have presented you.

>every time anyone suggested this series had no real Trek names working on it, he was brought up.
Why does this upset you? You said something wrong, so it's only natural that someone corrects you.
>You were saying he would make it great
He might and he might not. Wait and see.

No, this is proof that you were wrong. Meyer is a hack and couldn't prevent them from basing the premise of the series on an incorrect idea. Meyer is not a Star Trek name, he is a hack normie director that they got on the cheap to make some movies that were great due to great writing by real Star Trek names.

My only gripe with him is he makes Starfleet/the Federation way too militarized for my liking.

Well they weren't classified as humans until the late 60's.... so no

>Meyer is not a Star Trek name
Casual, get out.

>he is a hack normie director that they got on the cheap to make some movies that were great due to great writing by real Star Trek names.
In addition to being the director of II and VI, Meyer is also the screenplay writer for II, IV and VI.

And now that that's sorted, let's continue.

>We don't have a map


Did you get magiced here by Q? No, you have a space ship and you were in orbit before you arrived. Why would you not record any information about it before beaming down? Why don't you ask the crew aboard it where to go? Where is the rest of the away team? This is why you don't let women or non-whites into Starfleet.

>This is why you don't let women or non-whites into Starfleet.
Your posts were going so well but then you fumbled at a crucial moment.