Would western civilization be a lot better off if women did not have the right to vote?


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No, it would be equally shitty since men are the majority voting and in congress.

Yes, they are too emotional and do not think rationally.




Maybe in your shitty country, but in ours the women vote more than men, and for stupid metrics such as hotness of the candidate.

It'd be better if women didn't get involved in politics. Men who vote lefty do so because they're beta males who can't get pussy so they buy into female politics. If you control the minds of the women, you control the men



Yes, one of your many mistakes.
Now non-westerners are letting their women vote, fucking dicks.

You mean Bolsa SenpaiĆ­lia?

Yes and No

You also have to remove voting rights for a lot of males

Women can vote because MEN chose to

Men gave them voting rights, let's not forget

Lot of do-gooder white men out there too

obviously but good news is the situation will change very soon

Not no

leave it to a brazilian to be this retarded

the useless senators are voted in by, guess who? women

Yes of course it would. Better yet is if voting rights were as they were designated by AMERICA'S FOUNDING FATHERS. I.E., ONLY THOSE WHO OWN LAND. Otherwise it becomes a slippery slope of which candidate can offer the masses the most gibs? Literally they 100% predicted that



the alt-right should not be able to vote.


Here the vote is mandatory so everyone has to vote. And even if women vote more in America, men are obviously the ones coming up with the leftwing ideas and approving them.

No. Stop acting as if all women are brainless broads and all men are highly educated and have a precise understanding of politics.
The problem isn't woman voting, it's uninformed people voting. And stupidity is gender-free.
>there will never be such thing as a voting licence that requires people to be tested on their knowledge of their national institution to make sure they know what they will be voting for

>mfw finding out that the man behind all that shit is a Jew that admits he loves highlighting the sluttiness of white women while he will end up marrying a nice Jewish girl

This was part of my awakening.

women are suffering so let's end their suffrage

Alright here's the deal, we're not even going to consider minorities who will inevitably vote left:

The great battle of mankind has always been this: lazy people want to steal the fruits of hard working people.

Most women are already lazy and will vote for socialist and other feel good policies no matter what, PLUS you have the 20-40% of beta males voting for socialist policies as well. Sane minded men will be outnumbered no matter what, and this is made even worse when we bring in minorities who want to leech off the hard working natives.

Hofer in Austria would have won the elections if women wouldn't have voted. Because the 40% of beta males got the support of women as well, the 60% of hard working men were outnumbered. And yes I know the results were disputed in the end and everything, but you still have to consider this.


Yes I really believe this and I don't understand how people can think different

Yes, undoubtedly.




On average, women vote with their hearts and based on "feeling", rather than with their brains

Women use to uphold similar values to men when the tradition family model was still in place. Now women are liberated and free to get a job like a hairdresser or secretary, fuck 20 men, never have children and then die alone, bitter and forgotten.

Sitting in a cubicle and buying lots of cheap consumer goods is freedom whereas raising a family is the evil patriarchy oppressing you.

yes, even the greeks knew what would happen if you let women vote. Probably the most redpilled civilization ever.

Here's the plot of the greek comedy "Assemblywomen" by Aristophanes.

>The play concerns a group of women, the leader of which is Praxagora. She has decided that the women must convince the men to give them control of Athens, because they could rule it better than the men have been. The women, in the guise of men, sneak into the assembly and vote the measure, convincing some of the men to vote for it because it is the only thing they have not tried.

>The women then institute a communist-like government in which the state feeds, houses, and generally takes care of every Athenian. They enforce an idea of equality by allowing each man to sleep with any woman, provided that he first sleeps with every woman in Athens who is uglier than the woman he wants.

>Private property is abolished and all money and property are to go into a common fund. All expenses and purchases by each individual are to come out of the common fund. Any individual with personal property is considered to have stolen from the community.

>In one scene, two men are talking. One of them is going along with the new government, giving his property to the women, and obeying their orders. The other does not wish to give up his property, but he is more than willing to take advantage of the free food.

>The following scene has a pair of young lovers unable to make their tryst as a succession of older and more hideous women attempt to and eventually succeed in dragging the man off to make love to them first, as laid down by the new laws.

>The final scene or epilogue has Praxagora's husband, Blepyrus, on his way to the communal feast, and inviting the audience to join him.

Even in 400BC the greeks knew what was up.


I wonder how many minutes it took for them to regret doing that. It's bad enough being sticky from sweat, let alone drying sugar from champagne.

>implying that on average, most men don't vote for the guy who speaks louder because they too are too lazy to use their brains
It's not about gender, it's about dumb people not knowing shit and thus voting for whoever feels the most convincing.


naw, not every woman here is a liberal. actually quite a few conservative women.

there are a lot of cuck men here though.

Id say so.

Hit me with a (You) if this made you think

Anyone have a link to the newest moloch/minerva/hillary thread? Figure I would use a nonthread for help

>Stop acting as if all women are brainless broads and all men are highly educated and have a precise understanding of politics.

It's good to see that you don't raise the white flag in front of a straw man.

Are you a bitch or a cuck?

Very few women are conservative.


Yes, but the men are out there trying to get the pussy too.

I've seen several Sup Forumslacks brag about getting a ton of pussy in college but only want to marry chaste women. Can't have it both ways unless you are one of the best men available.

Pick one



> inb4 muh suicidal jew cult


ancient Greeks were redpilled, current Greeks would probably let the Persians conquer them

Women and men should be segregated and have their on leaders and laws living together in a dual state.

I can't even believe you have to ask that.

Western civilization is worse for universal suffrage. Bitching about which segment is worse is measuring which pus-filled blister in the armpit of a plague victim is the largest.

It doesn't matter, it would be immoral to deny women the right to vote.

Alright, give me some reasons why women shouldn't have the right to vote that do not include
>broad generalisation
>women relying on their feelings
>women being less intelligent
>women being irrational/emotional
>women not understanding politics
>women not knowing enough
>women not getting involved
Seriously, since everyone here is just saying "yes", I'd be interested in seeing what the arguments against universal suffrage are.


Thanks Satan

Society tend to forget only 20 percent of men are running around.

A decent man, a friendly man a smart man..must suffer. See women are children who don't understand what a man goes trough in real life.

There's too many crazy women, terrible women, women who reject men on stupid reason.

I expect a lot of old lonely people in the future due to women screwing it up for everyone.

Nihlisism is the only answer in modern life.

Remember the 666 millions


>implying those aren't legitimate arguments that our ancestors understood

the first thing women did in the United States once they got political power was get alcohol banned

So all your arguments are strawmen?

Women created the comic code authority to censor comics, women are feminists now censoring stuff, women tried to censor music in the 80s .

maybe, maybe not.


The western civilization would be better off with no democracy in the first place. A system that caters to the lowest denominator is by default a failure.

Those aren't strawmen, they're accurate group hermaneutics related to the female sex.

Hell fucking yes it would be a lot better.

Look at the voting patterns and agendas all aimed at women and liberal ideology. Women are the easiest to manipulate. They also don't think rationally and are too emotional so the age old propaganda of "women and children" works on them guaranteed.

Well let me return the favor then
>men are prone to follow isntant violent impulses
>men are more disattached to what happens arround them
>men are less able of projecting themselves into varying situations
All good reasons for them not to vote either.
MAybe we should all go back to monarchies, that would save us some trouble.

>Here's the plot of the greek comedy "Assemblywomen"
>greece makes a comedy about something completely rediculous
>just so happens to soft of come true a thousand years later
No. This is the definition of coincidence.

Coincidence or intelligence?

But none of those are true.

Testosterone in fact makes people more fair negotiators.

Monarchies would save us some trouble, but it would still be a big shitty state.

However, to put a check both on the powers of entrenched government, and on the hunger of the mob, our founding fathers actually thread the needle pretty well: Free European-descendant landowning men are the perfect group to determine the fate of their nation. Diverse, widely spread, invested, looking out for their families and not putting the government between family members, and with an interest in maintaining a structurally sound republic.

Once you opened it up to all men after the Civil War, they just opened the vote up to all women (fucking suffragettes praying on betas and forming lobbying and interest groups just like feminists do these days).

Coincidence. Women in ancient greece were not allowed to vote and the Men had no way of knowing how they would vote if they were ever allowed to because no women had ever been allowed to vote before, this is a coincidence.

>Monarchies would save us some trouble, but it would still be a big shitty state.

Maybe they were predicting, just think about Tesla. He was born in 1856. Maybe just like Tesla many ancient people may also were predicting.

Blaming women for this mess is literally jewish propaganda created to further divide the nuclear family and western society. You fell for it hook line and sinker

They're werent allowed to vote, cause men knew women are like back then.

Only cucks and losers are for women's rights.

well of course they shouldn't vote. They'd vote for Hitler, Stalin, Gengis Khan or whoever felt like a closer threat they needed to be accomodating and nice to (without mentioning it makes them horny and drives their whole core being ie their reproductive imperation - the very concept of an invader, a rapist, an exotic outsider, any threat or shown of strength etc)

>ps the women in your pic wouldnt be bad if you didn't have the feminist curbing of basic impulses of what these women want and deserve

I think they understood the nature of women pretty well, fucking leaf.

They seemed to have predicted the course of what happens when a matriarchy inherits the civilization a patriarchy built pretty damn well.

Because monarchies are still giant states with all the inherent bureaucracy and corruption that comes with statehood. The benefit of monarchy is having the head of state be explicitly tasked with handing a successful nation to their children. This means that the head of state needs to have a vision or plan or at least notion of long-term survival for their nation, one that will last at least one if not two or more generations.
This is superior to a democracy with 4-year terms for our heads of state, as they only need to make things look good for 4 years, short term control of power takes over for long-term sustainability of the nation.

Jews take advantage of human nature, but it is our duty to understand human nature, and included in that is the specific natures of men and women and how they cooperate and interact to form a stable nation.

>a fucking leaf.

Or maybe the most sophisticated philosophical thinkers of all time realized that women are fucking dumber than doornails.

>that women are fucking dumber than doornails.
>meanwhile the vast majority of retarded people on the planet are men
>women on average are of average intelligence meanwhile men lay on both extremes tending to be either very smart or very dumb

If they were smart at all they wouldnt have let half of men vote. Let us not forget that atleast 60% of men these days are cuckold leftists.

Really facilitates cognitive processes.

it's not women that shouldn't be allowed to vote, but rather; irrationals, irrationals people shouldn't be allowed to vote, regardless of their age or sex.

I never said anything blaming women.
I keep in mind that the people who gave right to women were men but they only gave them few rights which were terrible but not as bad as the rights women have now. You must know know that ww2 led to superior women's rights because so many men died. It's not men or women. It's just the stupid people but also know that women are more likely to vote for party that they fill will be safe but in reality would be harmful but it's not like if women wouldn't have the right to vote then Hilary would have no support.

>In Germany 2% of women poll for AfD against 15-20% of men
>In Austria 60% of men voted Hofer, against just 40% of women
>women in the UK vote labour far more and tory/UKIP far less than men
And so on and so forth.

If we are going to have a democracy it should only be open to land owning, white males who are married.



Didnt all the UKIP leaders abandon ship after brexit? Seems like thats not a very good example.

Farage resigned as party leader, because he wants to spend less time on politics now. He's still an MEP and the party is holding a leadership election right now.

gay holahoop never passes through the middle on his side, fake and gay FAKE AND GAY

lets compare america when only land owning white men could vote, and to now where anyone 18 and above can. I mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to connect the dots.

How do you know that some city state DIDNT do this and become the basis of the play?

>magic tricks are actually fake
you don't say

>How do you know that some city state DIDNT do this
because there are 0 records of it. The greeks kept records of everything they deemed significant and if they had done this they would have recorded it. Did you fail basic history?


anywhere would be better if women arent allowed to do anything that men wont let them, at any time, for any reason

Those cunts are probs drugged out of their mind or drunk as fuck. Like they care.

this desu



>created to further divide the nuclear family and western society

It's the other way around, retard. The unity between women and men is what caused the collapsed. Had men refused to lift a finger for women and had men not given women the vote, all of this wouldn't have happened.