The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 3: New Mutants (Part 26)

>We're not the stars of a Hollywood movie
>So what's the use to pretend
>I'm not so charming and you're not so groovy
>You've got to face it, my friend


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to think, we could've had a Dazzler movie

Lets just hope the new mutant movie give us a good lyla Cheney and Big guy

thanks X-user
This reminds me of the Fox cartoon episode in which Dazzler appears, because I finally got to see the chick no one knew from the Konami arcade beat em up.

I knew Dazzler from Pryde of the X-Men and nothing else for the longest time. Same with Emma Frost

gonna keep hammering, Dani is literally the most important casting for superhero movies.

i'm also assuming that she's stealth in Thor 3 as Valkyrie

The Konami arcade was based in Pryde of the X-Men, the playable characters are Storm, Dazzler, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Wolverine and Colossus.

also, Emma throws beams in both, she used to be able to do that in the 80s, her mind blast was a pew pew beam that came from her hands, now it is always from the head.

Alright, sorry for the wait, I forgot it was my turn to walk the dog. ANYWAY

Injustice 2 looks pretty fun but NO MANTA?! Bull-shit.



Now that would've been something.









Man, that new vidya Spidey costume is shiiiiiiiiiiit.






why are people so hype for that?


Insomaniac I'm guessing, but I heard Sunset Overdrive wasn't so hot, so...

I think people mostly want an alternative to the Arkham series desu




I know! Hopefully they listen to the fans and release him as DLC. I know I'd pay for that.





That confused the fuck out of me as a kid, I thought it meant it was an adaptation of an actual Dazzler movie that I had somehow missed out on.

>don't get spidey game hype
>don't get manta thirst in injustice

is this what being old is like



Yes, it seems you are no longer part of the zeitgeist, I'm afraid.





OK, that was pretty nifty.

Now, who would you guys cast as Dazzler? From any time period.

I'd go with Olivia Newton-John myself. I mean, it just makes sense, right?




I like how old-school romance comic this looks.































That's all for today, tomorrow: the Beauty and the Beast! Until then!

Let's go with the original plan and make her Grace Jones.

Ooh, I do like that idea.

Dazzler was so weird. A romance comic but with mutants. At least Vinnie Colletta's romance comic style was appropriate.

Shooter really couldn't write dialogue very well though. He even kept the old '60s habit of ending every sentence with an exclamation point!


Guys, after reading all of the x-men story-time, and getting to know Claremont's style so well it dawned on me, like a mind blowing epiphany.

Claremont was the person who wrote "Aliens: Renegade"!!!

Ash is like my favorite character, I saw some of her in Rogue the last chapter. Feel so cultured and intelligent for being able to make that connection, someone plz congratulate me.


>Claremont was the person who wrote "Aliens: Renegade"!!!
Did it have fetishes?

there was an easter egg, where Predator has wolverine's hand in his gallery of trophies

No Manta, really? I swear I saw him fighting in a few second of that first video.

That isn't something you can just walk up and say to someone anymore.

No Freddy! She's a filthy mutie, don't... oh, Fred, poor Fred.

Poor Allison, this is a sad comic. I don't want feels at 10am!


