Parents spared me the knife as a baby

>parents spared me the knife as a baby
>find out that like 80% of american men are cut
>all because a cereal man thought masterbation was bad

Jesus you cant even make this up.

i also came inside my jewish girlfriend with my uncut dick so I think that is an accomplishment in and of itself

Other urls found in this thread:

>Jewish girlfriend


>all because a cereal man thought masterbation was bad
You spelled (((kikes))) wrong.

Full jew

if we eradicate Jews today historians would think Jews were subhuman barbarians that cut children's bell ends off

Kikes are savages.

what are you sliding?

You mean they aren't?

The power of memes, even back that memes were powerful.

the Jews hide it, if we kill them everyone will realise how shitty they were

>leg swastika

>Jewish girlfriend

Pick one

i'm uncut too because mexican

busting a nut feels so fucking good

Holy shit. I hate penises now.

i'm cut and proud of it. my parents did this to me at birth and I will never be mad at them.

> Be goyed
> Be proud



Here we fucking go again with one of these threads...

Can cut fags even into multi-orgasm sex? I don't stop until I've cum 3 or 4 times and my dick goes numb.


Why are most Americans cutted?

Because of a crazy religious cereal man


Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Nooooooooo

You can't be serious! Noooooooo


Wait what, I though being uncut was a problem, and I should get cut later, is it actually good for my benis? The fuck.



>tfw uncut American masterrace

I was cut for hygiene, the fact that I don't have to clean out smegma is what keeps me from trying to "regrow" something that doesn't really grow back to the same degree. Wouldn't mind being uncut, but hey....
If I could choose between a foreskin and getting rid of the federal reserve I would choose the latter.


Do you lack the ability to take a shower? Was washing your dick such a hard task that they had to cut your wiener off?

>I was cut for hygiene
this is not a thing. smegma is a meme, you were cut at birth.

I have never had to "clean out smegma", it's literally never a problem if you bathe even semi-regularly.

i'm not gay or anything but uncircumcised dicks look fucking disgusting and i'm glad civilized countries practice circumcision

You are definitely a fag if you think about my ant eater cock so much

>be born in the USA
>parents happily cut of your foreskin smiling
>lose up to 70% of the sensitivity during sex and masturbation
>continue to think it's ok

>TFW still have dick skin

Don't forget
>post on Sup Forums about da ebil joo conspiracies n mudslimes
>but circumcision is perfectly fine

>civilized countries practice circumcision

I'm sure some muslim countries think it's "civilized" to cut of someones head (because that's what their fathers did)

>When you're not cut
Feels good brother. I wish you well, although, maybe lose that girlfriend for a proper one.

I'm a filthy NEET that wash every one or two months and i never had smegma, didn't even knew of the concept before Sup Forums.

>tfw when PHIMO'D

Shill detected

I hate being jewish....
Stupid fucking parents cut my skin off when I was a baby.

>cumming in a jew
>9 months later little john shekelburg jr pops out of her jewess ass and gets his dick cut
>the accomplishment goes to waste.

wew you must be desperate

>born in texas
>somehow wasnt cut

>clean out smegma

Just pull the foreskin back for a few seconds when you shower... just feels good

>i'm uncut too because mexican
>busting a nut feels so fucking good

I think it may be time to leave this board. Retarded would be a step up.

>3 legs

These retards on the internet are obsessing over foreskin and what they think looks or feels better, then they yell at Jews for getting cut (which is what most women prefer these days in the West).

Just ignore them, live and let live.

In the end, you motherfuckers would rather fight cut penises against uncut penises, than unite doing one real important battle.

jewish girls need to be violated by uncut dick as often as possible.

I sincerely sympathize with you, the Americans, in that your domestic trouble - circumcision. Most of your men, and so physiologically deprived by force of orgasm (as compared to a woman). even more humiliating by circumcision.
Your masturbation for example - a pitiful semblance of what felt uncircumcised.
If you are circumcised, go to your parents and scream in their faces- "STUPID FUCKS!! You broke my sex life!"

How come circumcision is so heavily associated with Jews when it's a part of Muslim doctrine as well?

Oh, ok. Thanks ameribro.

Since people circumcised as adults report no change in sensitivity, that means the true patrician option is to get circumcised at 18, so you can nut just as hard with an aesthetic american donger.

Butthurt cutfag detected

Actually, I can, yes.
I, and multiple cut people I know, attest to multiple orgasms through masturbation OR sex.
Circumcision is a horrible, barbaric, misandrist practice, but don't fall THIS hard for the meme.

cutfag here, fapped last night. if i don't use a decent amount of lotion it legitimately hurts

not cutting my sons if I have any. fucking jews

>which is what most women prefer these days in the West

Only in the US. Not in Europe. Most have never even seen a cut dick. Trust me, girls in Europe love uncut NATURAL dicks without scars and lost sensation.

Only in America.... (and Israel... and muslim countries)

tl;dr lol

enjoy your tiny little maggot dick you faggot ass shit head

>In the end, you motherfuckers would rather fight cut penises against uncut penises, than unite doing one real important battle.
This cuck is right.

>i also came inside my jewish girlfriend with my uncut dick so I think that is an accomplishment in and of itself
Fucking nice. I came inside my half-black half-korean feminist friend while shouting "For God-Emperor Trump". She went from doughy eyed to Harambe in 0 seconds


Your inability to spell proves that only low IQ parents choose not to circumcise their children.

I got a partial circumcision and my frenulum is intact.

What the fuck am i?



Who /phimosis/ here?
Who /virgin/ here?

To bring Moshiach

>tfw eating Kellogs cereal right now

I really don't think there can be any explanation beyond the six gorillion, my genitally intact friend.

A spic

you ever "violated" one with your disgusting snail?

mexican batman

>tfw he burned female children's vaginas for fun

>Friendly reminder that dick mutilation is nigger tier

Circumcision causes autism and faggotry. Check out this thread and prove me wrong.

Seems like your doctor was high while the operation.

But you can still transform yourself into a beautiful women.


Personally I think the US should stop mutilating small children and start using the metric system. Jesus fucking mohammad christ.

>be born
>parent's doctor is literally "dr. weinberger"
>dad is against giving me the knife, but dr weinberger convinces my mom its the healthy, sanitary choice
>mom pretty much blackmails my dad into saying okay
>tfw dr weinberger poisoned my parents' minds and destroyed my baby penis

And the sad part is because so many Americans are circumcised it's in their interest to meme hard that it's better because they can't afford the opinion of people and women to turn against cut dicks because they're stuck that way for life. The Jews have really got this one sussed out. Once you cut someone they become a shill for cutting by default, so cutting a white country, one that also runs the porn industry, is top tier conniving.

cereal man?

Why does every anti-circumcision site seem so religious?

Your a Virgin desperately trying to convince yourself that you are somehow superior to circumsized guys who actually get laid. Just stop, it's sad as fuck.

Having foreskin is such a novelty. I always fill mine with my piss, pissing while holding the top shut and watching it fill like a balloon. I also love stuffing coins under there too. I have a fantasy where there is a mini-woman and she gets trapped underneath my foreskin.

Is this an accurate representation of the average uncutfag?

> Always preaching about how it current year
> Still doing barbaric rituals that were because of a religious order due to unsanitary conditions

Liberals dude. They will scream and scream about accepting bodies and all this shit until it comes to a dudes dick being cut or not.

> Come on it's 2016, we actually take showers everyday now

>tfw cut off the tips of my fingers so I don't have to take 5 seconds to clean my nails that never got dirt under them anyway

Yes. It's fun to do all of that stuff. I've been pulling on it since i was like 5 so it's all stretched and saggy now.

Why should jews care if goyims are uncut?

Best regards,
An israeli on vacation in Germoney

I only got cut because of phimosis at like age 13 or 14, regrets: none

>ey smoothskin

Go google it. You've literally lost 50-70% of nerve endings and sensation. Many cut fags cannot even enjoy regular vaginal intercourse.

Face it. SOMEONE CUT OF A PART OF YOUR BODY! (The only good thing is that you will never know what was stolen from you)

Another of Kellogg’s dietary innovations, developed to ensure clean intestines, was an enema machine that ran water through the bowel and then followed it with a pint of yogurt—half delivered through the mouth and the other half through the anus. This one didn't really catch on.


There are ethnicities (Chinese) perpetrating worse things in this world though I'll admit.

I'm so sorry.

>Many cut fags cannot even enjoy regular vaginal intercourse.
Every uncut says this and some even claim cutfags cannot ever orgasm but I have never met someone cut that didn't enjoy sex or couldn't orgasm. is this just blatant lies to justify being uncut or is there a credible study for this stuff?