>>Nearly 10 years old
>Nearly 10 years old
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The movie still sucks because the main character is neither likable or interesting.
Most overrated movie ever
I only watched it for mew.
Brie Larson can't sing. They should have just dubbed over her over with Emily Haines' vocals.
Reddit movie
Saw this movie in a totally empty theater, except for me. Only time that's ever happened, it was pretty cool.
Tho I guess that speaks more to how badly this flopped theatrically than anything else
This. I'm so happy Hollywood realized Jonah Hill made superbad work. They just had to shoehorn in Cera into like 20 different flops to figure it out
And I am still pissed off at my """""""friend"""""""" for making me waste two hours of my life on this nonsense.
It's alright. Typical Wright directing, has some nice shots but the whole thing just feels really unemotive. They didn't develop their relationship at all and there was nothing to show Ramona as an actual likeable character.
Jesus, that's only happened once with me and it was to a really low budget British movie that I can no longer remember the name of.
I worked at a movie theater when this was released.
I feel old now. Time fucking flies. I have really bizarre dreams about working there every once in a while.
Hey, Jonah. Can I have Leo's number?
Fuck everything
what? are you retarded?
that happened to me when i went to see flintstones viva rock vegas
Fuck off. Based Jonah is better than most of his costars, including that Tatum guy who always ate all of my food on the set.
I saw it twice and own all he comics.
You are all wrong.
Whaaaaaat !?!?!?
Actually going to go with this.
>all the cut content
>no progress of Scott literally fighting off his own self to become a better person.
>no qt China grill finding herself and finally moving on.
>no moment of Scott running away from his problems.
>the movie just went full lolsorandumb.
Fuck the movie.
Is this a feel old thread?
Jackass first season was 17 years ago
Legit a perfect movie, made my life when I was 13.
>tfw current year minus x was x years ago
As old as his girlfriend!
just like you irl
this, people only liked it because if you're a 'nerd' you're honour bound to like all 'nerd' things
>7 years
>ywn spam SP waifus on somewhat tolerable old Sup Forums again
I've really enjoyed the movie and the underground music scene vibe, but the last part might be because I've never experienced it, so from the outside, it seems really cool.
Reddit bullshit movie. It was terrible.
i like it