So, when will muslims get their super hero?
So, when will muslims get their super hero?
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>He's already blown up parliament, sir
Muslim super heroes only get one issue before the series ends
Unless his super power is to reincarnate after blowing himself up
like him?
Ms. Marvel.
i got chu senpai
Pick one user.
hero we need
I got your hero right here. Vlad: Roach Exterminator
Which muslim? Sunni and Shia hate each other and there is the whole thing of Turks vs Kurds vs Arabs vs Persians.
>implying OP even knows this
Wasn't he killed because he was a real life collaborateur with the turks?
That's not even mentioning the super small sects that everybody hates, like the guys in Yemen.
>got btfoed by Turks
heh ironic
Yeah, she's called Captain Britain
He was given to the Turks as a boy, from when the Ottomans held the Balkans. That's where he got the spiking method. Impaling was the go-to execution method of the Ottomans.
>Ottomans got BTFOd by a couple of Balkan & Slavic farmers
Huh, makes you think...
>He was given to the Turks as a boy, from when the Ottomans held the Balkans
After all those rape, no wonder he becomes the impaaler
Eh, serves them right. Roaches deserve to taste their own medicine.
>That's where he got the spiking method. Impaling was the go-to execution method of the Ottomans.
Tbf it's probably the best method short of what the Brits did to pirates. Sticking them in cages at the harbors and letting them just bake in the sun and die of exposure
You mean the Suicide Squad?
>Ottomans got BTFOd
war based maybe but country wise he got btfo'd
> spiking method
and they used gypsies to do it, it is always them doing the most dirty jobs
Impaling's just not humane. Hang him, shoot him, whatever. But putting a spike in somebody's anus and letting gravity do your work is something out of torture-porn.
Then again, Turks are called Roaches for a reason.
Eh, Vlad was a fucked up guy too. But he was at least better than the Romans.
As for the executions, nah, Ottomans did that themselves as well. There have been countless stories. Not to mention all the peoplethey skinned alive. Roaches are truly subhuman.
it is because they invaded nearly everywhere
romans and british are also roaches
anyway what movie is this thread about?
fuck off Sup Forums
One cant hold Muslim ideals and be a "hero"
>inb4 opinion on religion
>fedora xD
At least where the Brits invaded, they brought civilization. Wtf did Rome ever do for anybody that wasn't Rome
underrated post
no, I studied history, they never did it themselves, at least not the muslim ones, they used gypsies for staking (because haram lol)
But they did drowning, strangling and decapitating and hanging themselves (because very halal)
they contributed their superior DNA
Just you wait for the nuMuslims to demand it
Captain Britain was already a woman with an interesting backstory I remember reading years ago. She grabbed Captain America's shield and broke her arms protecting her kids with it from the wrecker or something. This is genuinely offensive for some reason. fuck Marvel.
I love how these sjw superheroes are all Mary Sues so they are instantly unlikeable
The the go-to execution method of the Ottomans was hanging, they didn't enjoy the blood being spilled from head chopping and similar executions so they most of the time used just a rope and strangled your ass.
Except for She-Hulk who used to be good until recently she was lumped in with the rest. It was a big parody of all comic trends at the time, did fun things like dump exposition while She-Hulk stripped, and hinted at more then said editorial wouldnt allow it because of the comics code. Now she's basically nothing and I cant pinpoint her character.
I'd watch her Anal Jihad
Ms. Marvel is a muslim and Thor is a woman in the comics now
The only acceptable instance of a religious Superhero is Daredevil, specifically in Born Again.
What are the odds, considering that Muslims are so rare in the US that even Jews outnumber them?
The odds are fair considering the sheer amount of costumed freaks. There are also a lot of canonically jew heroes too.
>Sunni and Shia hate each other
Not really. The governments of their respective nations certainly do but most Muslims don't hold a strong opinion one way or the other. That's like saying Catholics and Protestants hate each other and pointing to the IRA as an example
>Muslims are so rare in the US that even Jews outnumber them
I'm not sure why you think that's a relevant comparison, considering that by some estimates the US has the largest Jewish population in the world. Muslims are about 1% of the US population, so not really that rare depending on where you live
So are we just going to ignore Iraq? The fact that as soon as the US left the Shias started oppressing the Sunnis, creating the sentiment that led to ISIS?
>the Shias started oppressing the Sunnis
You have it backwards; the Shi'ites have been persecuted since the 7th century, even as a majority. They were targeted by Sunni militant groups in Iraq post-Saddam but that doesn't support your suggestion that the general population has any sort of resentment. Most Muslims don't even know what the difference is.
Keep in mind those same Sunni militants (ISIS) kill pretty much everyone anyways.
not really, all they did was kick the baathist/salafis out of the government, which was pretty reasonable given the circumstances. sunnis are just being faggots cause they're not in charge anymore
Muslims don't need superheroes
We have God and his Messenger