So is he just a faster, stronger, richer, smarter, cooler version of Batman?
So is he just a faster, stronger, richer, smarter, cooler version of Batman?
No. He's like good guy Doctor Doom.
Depends on who's writing him desu.
Not to mention he has actual superhuman abilities thanks to the heart shaped herb.
He definitely has superior technology and likely more wealth.
Doctor Doom is a good guy
No. People give a fuck about Batman.
He's a KANG, if you will
Shit, that's a really good comparison and I can't believe it's never occurred to me.
so what's the canon reason that wakanda is separate and hidden? I don't think they'll we wuz it very hard if it's a good one.
You forgot darker.
in some comics he's also more brutal than batman
Does Black Panther have a no-kill rule?
>darker than the dark knight
He gets superpowers from smoking weed?
They're nationalists and hate everyone outside of their tribe.
Got power enhancements from Bast.
He's still one of the weakest Marvel characters though. If we extend this to DC, Wonder Woman would curbstomp him.
Alien tech
Sounds like they're a good target for some cultural enrichment.
But he's still a nigger.
>ridiculously rich even by comics standards
How do black people relate to T'Challa again?
Something Marvel hasn't grasped- the MCU universe is getting bloated. There is a reason why manchildren were generally the enthusiasts of comics; it was their focus in life and Marvel needed new fodder to sell comics. The general populace is 't like that.
power fantasy, same with all capeshit
This movie is much more dark than Batman.
T'Challa can't isn't as cool as Doom's pinky user. He's cool, but Doom is on a whole 'nother level. Doom wrecks him in every single aspect.
>ridiculously wealthy
>no gold chain
>no spinners on his car
>doesn't wear expensive trainers
Remind me how black people are supposed to relate?
Cuz we KANGZ nigga.
For reals, this movie will only have negative reverbations. And if I see Egyptian stylization of Wakanda I'm gonna laugh myself out of the theatre which is bullshit, I'm not wasting money on capeshit
>make up random FICTIONAL character
>decide he's rich
>cunts make images like this
Seriously how delusional are these people? That Simon Pegg quote feels truest in moments like this.
Isn't T'challa canonically smarter?
who's the richest?
>Iron Man
>Black Panther
who's the smartest/most intelligent?
>Iron Man
>Mr. Fantastic
>Doctor Strange
>Hank Pym
>Bruce Banner
It's funny that they won't have T'Challa marry and divorceStorm because of the X-Men rights.
Black Panther
Mr. Fantastic
spiderman clearly has the superior intellect of them all
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA-no. Doom/Reed are the smartest, with Red having a slight edge. Doom's the only guy who's created a time-travel machine. He's also the only guy who can use said machine to alter the past of his own U. He doesn't create AUs, he changes his native Universe.
Doom was a peasant who took over Latveria and turned it into a superpower. Doom became Capital G God for fuck's sake.
Not to mention he survived Hell, a million year trek through history and is a sorcerer/scientist combo. Doom's unmatched, but he still fails. He's no Gary Stu.
Meanwhile T'Challa is an even more pampered Batman.
Black Panther, but it's in the trillions so it looks ridiculous compared to Tony and Bruce.
Speaking only about Marvel, Mr. Fantastic. If we add DC, Batman.
If he's so rich why isnt he giving money to Africa to fix itself? Is he racist or something?
Actually yeah. No Africans are allowed in Wakanda if they're not in his tribe. There was a storyline where he rejected refugees once.
>If he's so rich why isnt he giving money to Africa to fix itself?
He's xenophobic and only cares for his people
>Is he racist or something?
Very xenophobic
>smarter than Fantastic or even Pym
nahhhhhhhhhhh nigga
this really
when people are debating which character would win a fight the only thing that matters is who's writing the story
Smarter than T'Challa, I wasn't talking about the rest.
So Wakanda is Black-Sup Forums?
he is very politically correct.
Didn't Doom also visit every possible future, and found the only one that was happy and peaceful, was the one he was dictator of? Or was the Lex Luthor or Brainiac?
Yeah pretty much. But instead of a frog, they worship a panther.
Unironically, Yes. T'challa is /blackpol/ incarnate
He's definitely richer. Hard to say smarter/stronger though, Batman is basically invincible because he's so popular.
Really releases my inner kang.
The entire global GDP is $90 trillion...
Nah, that was Doom. He went to the Wakandan God, told him he's the best choice ever, and the Wakandan God just gave him the Vibranium (source of the KANGZ).
Lyuthor became God but gave that up cause he couldn't bear having Superman be happy. He gave it up to try and kill Supes.
What's the difference between Batman and a black man?
Sometimes Batman goes out without Robin
upvoted xd
Literally to a fault. They're of the mind that you should be able to self evolve out of any hole you're in. If you can't then you're not worthy of life, to say nothing of help from them.
How is he batman at all?
>That Simon Pegg quote feels truest in moments like this.
What is it?
I didn't know you could be any more nigger rich than conflict diamonds
Hell yeah my G!!
Statistically he has a bigger cock too
Even better, which African nation could support the accumulation of 90 trillion
That doesn't make any sense at all. The entire combined GDPs of the US, EU, and China don't even add up to $90 trillion...Wakanda would basically rule the world
He's also a kang n sheeeit
Wakandans don't want to rule the world, though. They simply want to preserve their culture in their native lands within their own country.
They're isolationists nationalists to the highest degree and, essentially, kill outsiders that try to come in because they believe they'd just degrade their culture.
Tbh, the whole WE WAZ KAANGZ meme about Black Panther just proves how many people don't actually know anything about Black Panther.
They don't give a flying fuck about other black people that aren't Wakandans and they actively hate the degenerate culture that other black people found themselves in, created and perpetuated.
Top three in order are Richards > Pym > Doom, Stark is number 4 but there's a bigger gap there, and T'challa is probably 5. Banner and McCoy are also up there amongst the smarties. Parker normally isn't at that level, but very occasionally he will be by virtue of being a popular character.
>Parker normally isn't at that level, but very occasionally he will be by virtue of being a popular character.
Peter was always smart, he was a science nerd and invented spider trackers, webbing, and his shooters. Was sciencing the shit out of plenty of things to resolve stories. A lot of the classic marvel characters were super geniuses that also had super powers.
Yeah, he's always really really smart, a young scientist. But he's not the greatest mind of a generation. Richards, Pym, and Doom are probably the three smartest humans to ever live in the history of the Marvel universe. They shit out reality warping machines on a daily basis. They produce bullshit gadgets out of nowhere at every turn. Each of them has made groundbreaking discoveries in the realms of theoretical physics and the like.
Peter's really really smart, but more realistically, the type of kid who could get crazy scholarships and research grants, not the type to casually create matter-creating-rays in time for breakfast, he's not a hypergenius.