I just moved to Korea to be an English teacher.
Is Korea a redpilled country?
I just moved to Korea to be an English teacher.
Is Korea a redpilled country?
Sage because you are awful.
You will give white people a shit name while over there, and I hope no Korean woman ever allows you to touch her.
ugly women, shit food and boring surroundings
Hey man, I was thinking of doing something like this.
How is it so far?
Most Alcoholic nation on Earth. 14 shots worth of liquor per person per week, Russia only averages 7.
Hopefully you don't get shelled by Kim Jong Un.
wow whats up Sup Forumss lardass today
just commit suicide if you hate life so much
Korea is great. You'll do fine.
Don't show us up.
>English teacher
Sure, if you enjoy manchildren being celebrated as national heroes on TV
>watching TV
>not matter where you are
It's like mass entertainment is dumb, who would have thought
What city? I lived in Seoul for a year, but that was about 18 years ago.
How many hours of work per week?
Go out to eat with your Korean co-workers. I love Korean food. Avoid most of your foreign co-workers. Many of them will be weird.
Jealous weeb detected
I never said I watched, could have written a long post about how S.Korea is manchild capital of the world but kinda wanted to shorthand it.
Fyi. I don't even own a TV anymore.
Traditional Korean culture was pretty cool. Then the Jews got a hold of it through bullshit nefarious political ideologies.
Now the south is a flagship display of capitalist dystopia.
kill yourself
english teachers are the scum of the earth
you can't get any lower than this
>yfw only marketable skill is that you can speak your own native tongue
Koreans take matierialism so seriously that it even puts californian bottle blondes with rich parents to shame.
Let the guy be free.
Korean food is best food
Sesame spinach
Sweetened potate cubes
I fucking love Korean food
I wouldn't bitch you out for teaching Arabic, why are you being so mean Svenhammed?
>I just moved to Korea to be an English teacher.
>korea redpilled country
hahahaha faggot
difference is what you're talking about is a meme and what im saying is universally accepted as truth.
english teachers are known all over asia as the lowest of the low and literal human trash
east asia is basically the only place on earth where white people actually get a bad reputation for their actual behavior instead of some propaganda and lies told by the media or government. should tell you something about what kind of people become english teachers if they are able to portray themselves as human trash even though they're white
Wow everyone is shitting on OP hard
What does Sup Forums think of people who move to a country like Japan with a more respectable career like dentistry or something?