Muslim woman helps old lady on bus therefore endless terror attacks & sharia law no longer a problem.
Muslim woman helps old lady on bus therefore endless terror attacks & sharia law no longer a problem
why can't you post this shit where it fucking belongs.
I don't see anyone posting Bane memes in Sup Forums so what the fuck?!
does that lady commit terror attacks? no?
then fuck off to Sup Forums
There's a board for this you autistic inbred
old lady prolly thought that rag top bitch was death come to claim her soul or some such shit.
Surely her heads about to be crushed if the door opens
Jesus, calm down libcucks
Why do you keep posting this shit here you dull cunt
lol this. muslims do not look normal, they look like executioners or demons or something
She's showing her hands, that whore!
Kill yourself user
Fell over or was knocked over on purpose?
>in London
I guarantee it is staged
This is like when that one bad kid in school does something good and they exorbitantly praise him to encourage that behaviour.
Wrong board
>if you're annoyed by my shitposting then you're a liberal
fuck off reddit
Go back to your containment shed:
wtf I love tens of thousands of unskilled and uneducated 3rd world migrants that belong to a death cult now
>muslim women help little old ladies
>muslim men ram trucks into people
Why don't we just accept female refugees?
This is awesome. Just like my hero Donald Trump, I'm all for the immigration of kind, caring, productive Muslims into my country. They are the best.
So why is it ok to have portrayals of people doing terrible shit but not of them doing kindly good things for others?
No its fucking annoying. I don't make threads about fashion or Pokémon or literature on this board because it isn't related to Film/television. There is a news board, there is Sup Forums and there is Sup Forums for this crap. Go there and discuss it on those boards
Why is this on Sup Forums what the fuck?
Sup Forums is a trashcan for whatever people feel like posting
What Pokemon movie is the best and why is it the Lugia one?
Had she not been a muslim would anyone care? Would anyone other than the fallen lady even take note of someone holding her hand?
Can't paint them all with the same brush, unless it's positive, absolute propaganda
This is like when they post articles titled 'pitbull saves owner from -'. Oh well then I guess none of them have ever torn a child to pieces then.
I get my news from Sup Forums thanks for this