Hi, I'm a Slut: A Slam Poem | Savannah Brown

this video unfortunately exists, what do you guys think of it. SJW are letters that don't go well in that order


She's a goddess

Whoa mama you can be my slut any time

would bang/10

She makes a lot of good points, although I can't say I entirely understand 'slam poetry'. There's definitely a double standard when it comes to either gender 'sleeping around'.

hey it's miss swan

The sad part comes when we don't see it's She's young and hot so being a slut is easy and people will take care of her. Sadly, she won't have build up a decent personality or any sort of value. I would invest my whole life savings on a bet that she will be miserable before she's 40.

This is the sad part

i'm not gonna watch cause slam poetry is dumb.

she's hot and i'd date her if she's slept with less than a dozen men in 10 years of sexual activity (i'll guess she's 26).

gotta live in the real world.

without listening i don't know what she means by "slut".
is she talking about how she loves 10 black dudes gangbanging her slut, or "i've had a one night stand and more than 3 boyfriends and i like sex" slut.

And then she was making videos claiming she wasn't a slut when going braless in public.
Hipocrisy is real


Kek, I already beat off to this.

Bet she didn't see that happening

She only went like this after her boyfriend of a long time left her. She's just hurt, scared and alone.

>slam poetry

I thought this meme died off in like 2002

I disagree. She seems happy and energetic, so I think it's highly likely that she'll strive to remain that way for the remained of her life.


i will love and cuddle her back to health!
so kawaii.

I'd fuck her and then ignore her texts.

If she is wondering what slut means, it means you get sex, but you don't get a descent man in the long run, you get a beta. That would seem to work out for most women, but most end up miserable and don't respect their partners, partially because their partners are with sluts like them. It is a vicious cycle.

It's called bipolar disorder

Shes going to hit the wall

unfortunately it a piece of it lives on in all of us to this day :^(

As if extroverted, high self-monitoring, promiscuous women who "go against society" for the sake of it aren't the ones with the most problems. You know, smiling for the camera is not enough. Tell that to Hollywood.

Lefties will praise this video then turn around and slut shame Melania

This is accurate. She knows she is going to have to settle for a beta and she is angry that part of the reason she will is because she whored around. This to a self-centered feminist of course means men are to blame. Sexual objectification, etc... She is upset that Chads use her and descent guys don't want her, which means she will end up with a loser who fantasies about her getting fucked by black guys. That is her life.

notice how she shames promiscuous "fuckboy" men but also virgins. you literally cannot win against these feminist goons, they're unimaginative trash

I've never heard any slam poetry before, but I can say there was an inconsistency in her delivery, with sometimes speaking with no rhythm and sometimes with an artificial one.

Though she has a point: if one sort of behavior is glorified, is it really surprising that so many women emulate it?

I couldn't keep watching it after she started describing her body.

>"My body is a temple and I am the god it was built for."
Would burn at the stake / 10.

Plot twist: movement to legalize polygyny in the 2020's and they win. We are moving to the legalization of all drugs, CP and polygyny. I am expecting a stable society in the future.. really makes you think

hi, i’m a slut. what? you can’t be surprised
when you’ve spent my entire life deciding woman equals sexualize,
in ninth grade a man told me i have good blow job eyes
hi, i’m a slut. but what does that mean
i’m unclean, i’m less pure, i sleep around, sure
but isn’t that what you were begging for?
hi, i’m a slut. and science disagrees
but let’s ignore anatomy and joke that my vagina is wide enough to fit
an entire football team or, even,
your narcissism
but no one’s is big enough for that

you think an orgasm for you is like oxygen for me
like when i am going down on you i’m actually sucking up life
retrieving my very soul from inside your stomach
and an orgasm for me is like—well, maybe. if you have time
and since you can’t see it it probably doesn’t exist anyway
i was probably faking it anyway, women don’t like sex anyway
you’re pretty sure the clitoris is just a myth
so when it comes to my pleasure no one really gives a shit
unless i can come like a man because then i’m a fetish

or if i’m a virgin. that makes me a fetish too
but doesn’t that also mean i’m a prude
everything i do is an invitation for your condemnation
regardless of the angle of the delicate arch in my back
marked down on your scale from zero to loose
and if i had learned anything that didn’t have to do with
how to make my hair fall daintily over my breasts
or how to make my lips softer and more like a graveyard
untouched and where grown men go when they feel dead inside
or how to make my aura more alluring, but not too alluring
that’s something a skank would do
i’d tell you that when two opposing forces meet they cancel
so it sounds to me like you just don’t want me to exist.

i am raw meat in a slaughterhouse
packaged according to what you are hungry for that day
i am identified by my thighs and my moans and my sighs
even though you keep telling me i shouldn’t be making noise in the first place
keep your mouth shut unless i’m the one putting something in it
it’s funny, the ones who cry whore the loudest
are the ones who are thirstiest for my blood

and my love only starts to matter and
stops being make-believe, a fantasy when you’re watching lesbian porn
but they quickly discover that actually
what they’ve been missing this whole time is your cock
you're looking to “experiment” in the same way i must be “experimenting”
like a science fair where the prize for
equating my entire personhood to your dick
is that you get two women who are disgusted by how your
breath reeks of desperation instead of just one

you’re damn right my body is a temple
i am the god it was built for

i am the landlord
and i can let whoever i want live inside it

hi, i’m a slut and no, that doesn’t mean
i am nothing but flesh to grab
with your red stained hands
that you’ve sterilized with excuses in case i shout
so when i do you can tell everyone that
hi, i’m a slut and no
and that doesn’t mean i am nothing
but sweat and blow job eyes
hi, i’m a slut
and no that doesn’t mean i am nothing but the girl who was asking for it
hi, i’m a slut and no,
and that doesn’t mean i am nothing

someone post the sad before and after side by side

notice how banal women are. All they talk about is their "feelings" and "experiences" being a piece of garbage white girl that gets everything handed to her.

Imagine the amount of effort dudes have to do to get anywhere near this amount of attention from anyone.

What a great fucking example of "the juice did it". Honestly this girls entire life is not her own. Every belief she has is an extension of what someone told her to feel.

I watch her videos regularly. She's a mess.
She has multiple personality disorders and anxiety disorder. She sometimes can't leave the house because of them.

Why haven't you saved her, Hans?

damn, she's got the thousand cock stare

be sure and look out for it when dating it girl, it can save your financial future

Chad's end up with non whores when they marry. They will just end up with more non whores. Women like this don't benefit.

Her hair looks like a helmet.

Their social circle is surely full of people like them and yet they need to produce all this content to justify their beliefs and behavior with the basic message "it's fine". It's as if they don't believe it themselves and need external validation to be sure they didn't make a huge mistake.

She just guaranteed herself that no normal dude will ever want to marry her. So...congrats?

cops bread

As if being a slut wasn't bad enough

>Pretty sure the clitoris is just a myth
Is this the fucking Victorian era?

>or if i’m a virgin. that makes me a fetish too
but doesn’t that also mean i’m a prude
everything i do is an invitation for your condemnation

except not at all. most guys would die for a virgin. only a small minority would actually insult a virgin for being a prude. Literally any close guy I talk to when virginity is brought up has agreed with this.

Also, I find it interesting that
>your narcissism
>the ones who cry whore the loudest
are the ones who are thirstiest for my blood

But then she writes
>you’re damn right my body is a temple | i am the god it was built for

Here's the thing: many of the guys who won't date sluts won't date them PRECISELY because they think sex is something personal and paired best in a relationship. They won't date sluts because they feel that said sluts both add too much value to the secondary aspect of sex (bodily gratification) and too little value to the primary aspect of sex (bonding). She's accusing slut-shamers in an entirely backwards way, because she's accusing them of doing it all for hedonistic pleasure -- but it's the EXACT opposite.

Also I find it funny that
>she complains about narcissism in a VLOG. a VLOG, DUDE. SHE HAS A VLOG.
>she is criticizing the sexuality of men who don't want to date promiscuous women, yet is doing so because she feels that they have criticized HER sexuality.

People don't realize that this is an INTRINSIC thing. Men aren't thinking "omg that women has fucked a lot of guys, and this means is bad because that's dirty". No. There's no thought. Simply KNOWING a woman has fucked a lot of guys is an immediate turn-off. It's literally ingrained in many mens sexuality.

This is spot on.

She just gets madder and madder kek


I haven't watched the video, please tell me this isn't real

holy shit, his nose is 70% of his face.

>hi I'm a slut
>because in 9th grade some bum made a sexual reference to me

They're weakwilled, even for women.