just saw it, what'd you nerds think? anyone got any explanations/theories?
The family was infected in the end, right?
Best film of the year.
there were a lot of coloreds in the trailer is this more interracial shit like get out?
There is a black woman/white man couple
Pathetic attempt at fitting in. Grow up
honestly could not tell you. joel edge's wife looked like she a sore in that last table shot, but when shes talking to travis in bed and hes all fucked up in the scene right before, she looks fine. Also when travis looks in the mirror before THAT scene he also looks fine.
Also, when the guys are driving to will's family, did anyone else catch the shot looking through the driver side window where you can see the shape of someone sitting on like a tree stump?
When she was talking to Travis in the bed I thought her eyes looked fucked up, but Travis could have just been hallucinating as the result of the infection or something
That's ok I'll go watch it tomorrow, thanks bro
fuck I noticed that too, wasn't sure if I was just seeing things
>all these capeshit threads
>no one wants to talk about actual kino
state of this board
Saw it yesterday. Didn't really do it for me, though it was pretty to look at and I liked the score.
I'm usually a fan of slow burn stuff but this was too outside for me, I think. I'd still recommend it though.
Every time I've tried to make a thread on this kino in the last two days the only people that saw it complained that it sucked or nothing happened. Made me hate this board even more.
Kinotards are idiots that drive people away from genuinely good project you brain damaged memetard
This. Knock it the fuck off with the meme speak and just make a normal thread.
There was a crying kid in my theater that never left, the parents made them stay the whole movie. There was a group of drunk girls and dudes that stumbled in 50 minutes into the movie and left 20 minutes later. They talked the whole time. Some bitch started crying when the movie ended. And i ran out of the theatre the second the credits rolled. I loved the movie, i have given up on people all together
people in my theatre booed when it was over because they were expecting a movie full of jump scares and some le epic twist
i'm sorry senpai. saw it at a 5pm showing with prob no more than 20 people in the theater, quiet the whole time. there is still hope
Eh I Don't think so.
To me the dog was put on their doorstep by friends of the 2 guys that were killed.
Will realized that their location was compromised and wanted to head out. Not sure if anyone was sick... just my reading of the story though
I saw that too, I wasn't sure if it was just a weird tree stump or an actual person.
It sucks we never get a clear shot of Andrew as the family is trying to leave - really leaves it open to whether anyone was actually sick or if Travis was just dreaming again.
This is not a good movie to see in theaters. At my showing everyone kept talking asking things like "when does this get scary?" Most of the movie is very quiet which makes it even worse.