this wasn't very good
This wasn't very good
yeah we know, we had this conversation when it came out
Name 1 flaw besides "muh pacing". You can't, can you?
It wasn't bad, imo. I thought the concept was interesting, and I like futuristic-styled shit.
levitt's eyebrows
Being I thought the biggest flaw was the weird time paradox shit going on. Somehow his first life didn't include the meeting with his older self and the kid, but his second life did. The only way time travel could work (theoretically) is if the time you traveled back to had the device capable of time travel. Basically, you can't go anywhere unless there is a point to go to.
The last arc is total garbage and it never makes attempts to explain or properly resolve its timeloops, which makes no sense given that the entire purpose of loopers in the first place was to close time loops.
>Somehow his first life didn't include the meeting with his older self and the kid, but his second life did.
Also, on this part, the only thing that triggered first selfs hatred of the kid was because he was closing loops and killed his wife, but as you can see in second selfs world, the kid only turned in to that looper-hater once first self tried to kill him, which never happened in first selfs life, so why did the kid want to close loops? Technically, his life didn't have any problems until second life, so him being pissed in first life makes no sense, since it's the result of the direct involvement of first life in second world.
>The time travel wasn't realistic enough
Not a valid criticism
It is when you consider this Should have elaborated.
>Kill yourself because you can't change the past, except the movie showed that the past could change earlier in the film
So fucking stupid
I wonder how much money they wasted trying to make him look like a young Bruce Willis. Probably would have worked better making Willis look like an older Levitt.
It wasn't very bad either.
I'd say quite entertaining.
>Technically, his life didn't have any problems until second life
How do you know that?
>the kid only turned in to that looper-hater once first self tried to kill him
No. Jeff Daniels has that line about seeing babby jgl and giving him a chance because he saw that he was headed down a bad path otherwise.
The rainmaker is a parallel. He would have killed his mom, or ran away, used his powers to to climb to the top of shit mountain. He wasn't against loopers, he was shutting down the mob.
The real question is: if killing people in the future is so difficult you have to use time travel, then how is the rainmaker getting away with killing all those people. And bruce willace's wife.
It clumsily handled the forced telepath stuff
Because that's the way the movie tells you how it works; cause and effect. Second life sees what happens to the kid down the road and sacrifices himself to prevent that... and that's why the time travel makes no sense in this movie, because it was the direct involvement of first/second life that made it happen, and yet it never happened in the original time line.
And this Makes no sense because of that. The kid had no reason to give a fuck about anyone until first self tried to kill him.
this wasn't very good
And to expand on this again, that's pretty much where the flaws in this movie come from; they mistakenly showed first self having a good life until it was time to close his loop... but that would have created flaws in the movie too, since it would then be implied that this situation has happened an infinite number of times, and yet somehow this new timeline deviates from that. The movie should have ended with everything happening the way it should have happened, because that would have made for a far more interesting and accurate depiction of time travel.
First half was better than back half. Levels out as a solid sci-fi movie on the same level as Oblivion, which is still a bitchin way to spend a Saturday night.
>that would have made for a far more interesting and accurate depiction of time travel.
The movie tells you flat out "don't think about it too hard," it's a plot device to tell a story about second chances.
>if killing people in the future is so difficult you have to use time travel, then how is the rainmaker getting away with killing all those people. And bruce willace's wife.
To address this, it is shown that the kid is more than capable of disintegrating anyone that displeases him, so it's not much of a stretch to think it would be possible for him to get away with killing... but why he decides to do it the mob way is also a weird question that is never answered.
But yeah, I still liked this movie, it was just not thought out very well. Then again, it's Hollywood and sci-fi, so it doesn't really matter.
Pretty much, yes. See above comment.
lmao who the fuck thought this was a good idea
>has people who have psychic powers
>focuses on a stupid time travel plot instead
Also in what fucking universe is time travel less restrictive than murder
This one... Duh. It's pretty dumb to argue this point when such a thing doesn't even exist.
There's no possible way, in any universe where common sense exists, that it would be easier to get away with time travel than it is with murder.
>murder is illegal and easily tracked
>the wife gets murdered
The trope of "fully grown man will look like this completely different man in the future" needs to fucking stop.
It was pretty interesting until that farm girl bitch showed up
>she has a kid
>sleeps with protag the first night they meet
Wasn't first night, user. They don't show the amount of days he spent going through withdrawal.
Cool movie that came to a complete halt at the barn arc. Also I hate it when Hollywood casts hatable ugly ass kids. You're supposed to feel Emily Blunt's attachment to her kid but every fiber of my being wanted Bruce Willis to dome that annoying piece of shit.
the major problem with time travel movies is that time travel's logic is inherently flawed. focusing on the time travel aspects will make you realise its just an interesting plot device but the internal logic is retarded. there are obviously problems with terminator and back to the future.
almost threw up at the part where the guy's past self is getting his limbs sawed off
outside of that yeah it's nothing special
Why did they have to kill themselves?
to end the loop
bruce willis was going to kill the mom, and the kid would end up becoming a bad guy
so levitt killed himself so that never happens
it really makes no sense really
>and the kid would end up becoming a bad guy
Which actually didn't matter, because
>cool sci fi movie
>the last half is set on a boring farm
fucking why
The first half was pretty interesting. I was engrossed and paid attention, but then the whole farm story with the telekinesis kid lost me.