So using Sup Forums "logic", you can blame pretty much anyone for anything
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Money is the force behind gun control. Big money. These are just brainwashed liberals being controlled by kikes.
Ben Affleck. Lmao
Fuck you OP.
>sheik bin alfleqi
What actually is wrong with Irish people? I just found out that I'm of Irish descent last week and I want to know why they're shittalked so much. Not that I'll care, I'd just like to know.
Irish people are one of the largest ancestries in the united states.
>These are just brainwashed liberals being controlled by kikes.
That's a convenient excuse.
Thought Colbert was French wtf.
The biggest one is WASPS
Irish people are involved in various political conspiracies such as the one aimed at destroying 2nd amendment rights
nah, 100% irish catholic
What's the final solution to the Irish Question?
>Money is the force behind gun proliferation. Big Money. These are just brainwashed conservatives being controlled by the NRA.
It's Germans actually.
can you please show me the holy book that declares the irish as 'god's chosen people' that are destined to rule the world, and the irish culture of promoting their own race at the expense of others using their power and influence over society?
Thank you for your comment.
This. The eternal Paddy is just a tool of the eternal anglo AND the eternal jew.
The eternal clover.
>be me
>Irish, with Irish last name
>family and I are super pro gun
Irish people are not so dumb as to write a book about striving for world domination and influence over society. This is secret knowledge they exchange by word of mouth only in select pubs.
German surnames, actual English blood. A lot of German males came over.
And who controls all those people...
The Irish famine is a hoax
As an Italian-American, I've always had nothing but hatred for The Eternal Mick and all the damage they've done for this country.
They're the drunks who always vote Democrat.
How many of those are Roman Catholic?
The armed citizenry is a Protestant tradition, not Catholic.
Like at least half the white people in America are Irish.
Jews make up between 1 to 3 % of the population.
They wrote a book about eating poor children.
>hibernian conspiracy
This is fucking retarded and a false equivalency. It's basically undebatable that Jews have played a disproportionate role in radical leftist movements and still do to this day.
>wop calls micks drunks and democrat voters
Oh i am lauffin
Also we dindu nuffin
The difference is most white Americans have some Irish in them, Jews are only 2% of the country.
How many would call themselves Zionists. Likely every single one.
wtf I hate Ireland now
>cherrypicking evidence to confirm your thesis works
who would have thought
I thought Clonney is from Shitskinn descent because he's a little bit brown.
God bless you, you glorious old-world mick.
You created us plastic paddys m8 this is your doing....
The worst came under that mick bastard Reagan. Fucking paddy scum.
When I was little I thought one of my grandparents was of Irish descent. You can imagine my relief when I found out she was Ashkenazi Jewish instead.
This is shitty logic since most Americans are a mix of English, Irish, and German.
>It's Germans actually.
It's English
>le self report survey meme
Are Irish behind the conservative agenda?
>Murdoch - FOX news owner
>Ryan - Republican house leader
>McConnell - Republican senate leader
As an Irishman I can answer with a confident yes.
But it's so unlikely that no one will ever believe you.
We're just a little out-of-the-way island after all.
Remove this NOW
German/Irish/Choctaw master race reporting. Tall as fuck, stocky as fuck, hair with red and black in it. Come at me bro.
This is like the 2nd or 3rd time I've seen this picture posted today, the jig is up Paddy
Jet blight can't melt steel potatoes.
No Jews are.
>Sheldon Adelson
>Cantor (Former House Leader)
>Von Mises
>Murray Rothbard
> Michael Savage
>Leo Strauss
>Henry Kissinger
>Paul Gottfried
Thread has been reported
Wtf I hate potatoes now.
Report IIDF shills and don't forget even Conan became a cuck
I never see Ireland on here though. Do you guys just stealthpost among the Italians?
Goddamn Irish swarming over here in there potato boats taking our hard earned jobs.
O I am laffin
Sure jews get blamed for a lot, but Zionists have their fingers in a lot of pies
Every culture has their retards, I mean just look at us for example
Yeah, George Clooney is Lebanese descent. OP fail
Except this isn't a claim you can support with facts.
Adelson is the only really important one. Cantor is the only non-christian republican senator/representative and most of the rest are dead
Obama himself is literally half irish.
Yeah, because gun manufacturers don't see any profit at all. Nope, no money there. Let's see your facts that gun control is dominated by "big money"
Do you know that you're retarded? Surely you have to have some clue that you're dumb.
Half of those are libertarians and the rest are neocons. And Paul Gottfried is an ok guy. He managed to read and review the Culture of Critique without foaming at the mouth once or screaming about anti-semitism.
Irish Master Race reporting
I hope the FBI throws Walsh in jail for his union Jewry
OP is a retard that can't into ratios.
didn't realize the IRISH make up 43% of the USA's top 1%
>muh thoses jews are holding us back
This is the white version of the nigger 'muh whites devil'.
I'm Irish
and I don't care what ye say
>Blacks are more often poor than whites.
>Well that's caused by a combination of Higher IQ and culture.
>Jews are a greater percentage of the 1% than whites.
>That's a combination of Jewish Nepotism and various other Jewish conspiracies.
Stormliberalism is a mental illness.
If a ((((white)))) person is anti-white, it's most likely they are a kike. 2nd most likely is irish.
Reminder that the Irish told England to piss off for years, but when the potato famine hit they chimped out and went full Gypsy demanding money and reparations from the English, and whenever they were offered jobs they would either turn them down or show up and loaf around while collecting pay.
Reminder the only reason people tolerate the Irish today is because of Ulster Scots claiming to be "Scotch-Irish".