How did this happen?
How did this happen?
>RNC inside job
Rigged polls.
Oh shit it's actually gotten worse since this afternoon...
Obama's silver tongue that liberals can't seem to say no to.
If it stays a 3-4 % lead for Hillary in the polls, Trump will win. Remember that polls predicted a hung parliament in the UK elections, but the Conservatives scored an easy victory.
Dnc convention bounce. The same reason trump got a bounce after rnc convention. Anyone talking about rigged pols has autism and should be killed off in a concentration camp
What I want to know is:
Who the fuck are these people that change who they're voting for from week to week.
"Oh well, I was totally in a Hillary mood last week, but you know, I might just swing for Trump for a couple days...."
undercover ISIS
Margin of error works both ways. Welcome to your first election
Media has literally been shilling against trump in over drive all week
>muh Muslim soldier
>"she wasn't aloud to talk"
Seriously, what did he mean by this? I thought he was talking about her not having a prepared speech.
Moloch Magic
rigged CNN / Reuters polls.
No Trump is actually polling far ahead of Clinton at the moment CNN / NBC / Fox are on a crusade to get Clinton elected. They just intensified their efforts after wikileaks exposed them for their media manipulation.
Reports are like rats. If you show a light on what they overreport and what they try to hide away by moving spotlight on more irrelevant matters than they do not know where to go.
A small minority. If 10 voters were leaning Trump, and are now leaning Hillary, that's a 20 vote difference.
t. #ImWithHer
Maybe belittling parents of a veteran kia was a bad idea after all?
Brit here, did trump even mention the khans or did they just pull them out of some closet & start a big song and dance about them?
Wouldn't drop the Khizr Khan matter. It's looking bad for from the Vets perspective.
not when theyre exploiting it for political gain
Hillary is good Candidate and may be the superior choice. How is that so hard to admit?
Remember a vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump, not the other way around.
Gee, after two major institutions doing polls re-rigged how they counted things, the numbers changed.
How oh how did the numbers change? Really makes you think.
Its a manufactured bounce. CNN and Reuters have a fantasy poll where Johnson and Stein arent running
>What is cheating
You mean like trump and fix has been doing with that cunt CIA operative mom?
>bwuhhhh I don't know why my son was there or why he died!!
Fucking idiotic cunt
Convention bounce and Trump is making an ass of himself trying to stay in the spotlight.
It's truly impossible to understand the mindset of the typical uninterested uninformed voter.
Most people who have paid attention at the slightest have made up their mind on who to vote for months ago. I have no idea what is going through people's minds that are on the fence.
I mean, fuck, the candidates are so far flung from one another. Polar opposites in every way. One represents globalism and cuckoldry and warhawking. The other represents nationalism. They couldn't be more starkly contrasting, so I have no clue how you can't be in one camp or the other at this point.
We always joke about "well I guess I'm a cruzmissile now" due to every slightest hiccup, but there are people who apparently actually think this way. "oh, I was gonna vote for trump but this brown guy help up a pocket constitution! Guess I'm shilling for hillary now"
Yes he did he made some stupid joke possibly half serious that the Muslim mother wasn't allowed to talk. It's dumb shit like this that will lose the election for him. In one statement he has insulted the Muslim demographic (3 million in USA) and other families of veterans. I still hope he wins just because he's a fraud and an idiot and will be a disaster
Trump leads:
>Fuck yah take that you Shills! Trump #1!
Trump doesn't lead:
Why would they rig a poll to make it look like their favored candidate is winning? Wouldn't you want the opposite in order to encourage low energy voters to show up to beat your opponent?
yes its all a manufactured thing, now they're backing off of it cause hes suspected of having ties to the muslim brotherhood. cant make this up.
Trump is the #MentallyJill levels of inconsistent and can't seem to avoid blunder.
Reagan said "it's morning in America" and so did the Democrats in 2016. The republicans said "we're under siege and America is broken," and no one wanted to hear that. Within the next week the polls will reflect the Khan situation, by that point Hillary will be above 50%.
You all should have backed Cruz or Rubio. Either would have stomped Clinton. Now, well, now conservatism is lost in America. Prepare yourselves for the liberal Renaissance. It's all thanks to Trump. Maybe he was a Clinton shill all along.
Yeah...but he didn't find them. They just appeared n started giving him shit.
Dnc have them a platform to make this an issue
Convention bump
Reuters playing with the statistics
Cnn being Cnn
I'm surprised she hasn't been goaded into going full Sheehan yet. I guess if she did it would come out she was essentially estranged from her son because she didn't approve of his wife.
I don't get it. Are they like the Bernie fanbase that just keep making excuses. I am Shaking My Head with disgust over how this board doesn't censor opinions but does things like this constantly
-Miguel Shoemaker
wtf I hate trump now! guess im #mentallyhill
Reuters changed their polling to give Hillary an advantage and I'm betting a lot of other pollsters followed suit. They're doing what they can to eliminate the soft/silent Trump support which takes away from Hillary.
He he he. Good joke nigger
>either would have stomped Clinton
and then america would continue to be a corporate shill. Trump hasn't lost and you fags are already doom and glooming just like Brexit.
Look at the media
They shill harder and harder every time they are threatened. But the problem with that is that it becomes less effective every time because they never change their tactics.
These are meaningless. For first reason, these polls don't take into account that every nigger and spic is going to vote democrat.
Whatever Trump has, add 5-8 points to it. Also, the bin laden famously said, "when people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will bet on the strong horse."
The worse they make Trump look, the more retards they can draw away from him. Give how he's been bombarded on toybook, CNN,'s amazing he has the numbers he has.
Basically, the Jews want to make the lemmings feel like they are a bad person if they vote for Trump and that everyone is dumping him. Same tactic they've tried 1000x before, hasn't worked yet.
>How did this happen
By not really happening.
That's the Trump way! His newest trick is blaming his dwindling crowds on fire marshalls not letting his teeming masses of supporters into the venues. This is after firemen had to rescue him from an elevator his dumbass staff got themselves stuck in.
It's that, and percent turnout. People are also oscillating between voting for one of the candidates and not voting at all.
shhh don't question it goyim
My question is how they sample their data and where do they get it from.
Good riddance, (((Modern Conservatism))) is the cancer that killed the true right in America.
They lied.
This. For fuck's sake did nobody learn from Brexit? Remain was said to win for the whole thing and then suddenly Leave has the higher vote. It's the same here.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if (((CNN))) "projected" that Hillary won when it's actually Trump
That's it, I'm now #DicksOutForHarambe
Remain only had 1% over Leave, which is why everyone credible said it would be a toss up. Also American polling is generally more reliable than British polling.
Brexit was never in danger of saying stupid shit every other day that sours the relationship with the American religion of patriotism, football, and the red white and blue.
Attacking Gold Star parents, claiming you sacrificed a lot to give people jobs, and being funded by the Russian mob doesn't help the chances of conservatism taking hold in America. Neither does starting smaller fires to distract from the larger ones (i.e. leaking pics of Melania to distract the media from the Khan gaffs). Trump should have literally said, "Captain Khan was an American hero and true patriot. I respect and honor his sacrifice. However, I am familiar with the American constitution and would love to have a lovely discussion on the document if you are willing."
That's it, that's all he had to say but it's all "nuh nuh, muh muzzie ban!"
Every other day Paul Ryan has to come out head to toe in fire fighter gear to attempt to put out another fire. This is not normal and is not a good look for the GOP. Ivanka needs to grab papa's ear and give it a goddamn twist, especially if the GOP actually wants to win.
Donald opened his fucking mouth again. He just doesn't know when to quit. Every time he agains on that bitch he'll say something again to fuck it up.
If Manafort finds a way to pull this off he is GOAT
All he had to do was say nothing and it would have went away but noooooo, he's gotta answer every challenge to him like Sean Hannity does on Twitter.
Seriously, Sean Hannity will reply to anyone who says anything bad about him.
>Brexit was never in danger of saying stupid shit every other day
uh yes it was
even the same tactics, remember the billboard showing brown people flooding into europe and they spun it into some racist fearmongering thing.
convention bump.
>trump is winning
"Yes! take that Clinton our boy is going kick your ass"
>Clinton is ahead
"r-rigged polls! It's obvious they're all payed off there no way we're just a handful of bigoted assholes. Trump's racism is common throughout the american consiousness not just our edgy little hugbox."
Hillary got away with it.
It was never really true in the first place.
Besides, trump doesn't want to win. He's a democrat and has been shilling for hillary for a long time. What makes you think that he legitimately represents conservative values? He's a parody, that's why not even republicans like him. But that was the whole point.
It was always stated, if trump faces hillary, hillary wins. Yeb! would have won hands down against her.
But there you have it, trumpets, enjoy your "alt-right" hillary.
>t. CTR shill
Thanks for Correcting The Record! Guess I'ma hilldog now!
Let's hope ISIS can fix this again
I vacillate on whether or not I'm going to vote Trump or third party. By going third party I'd vote for someone with (stated) beliefs closer to my own. I'd also help the viability of extra parties which I view as a good thing. On the other hand, a vote for Trump would have a better chance of leading to a non-Hillary presidency. I am moderately in line with his (stated) beliefs. I also believe him to be not two-faced. He's a creative destructive force in American politics which I think is good.
People who switch between Shillary and Trump probably have a static negative view of Trump while their view on how evil Shillary is fluctuates.
>Democratic Convention 2016 generally considered one of the worst yet given Wikileaks revelations
>Shilter has now substantial poll lead
Now all is lost :(
No supreme court nominees.
No wall.
No Islam ban.
Trump's polls are just as manufactured as Clinton's. If the media only put out Clinton lead polls, people would be more suspicious. So they pepper in a few Trump ones.
Reality is, Trump draws crowds of tens of thousands of people, and Clinton has to pay actors for her own fucking convention. The leftshits are staying home and then angry white men are voting.
We have the popular vote totals. It's looking fucking awful for the Dems.
British polls did the same thing for Remain yet British polls had zero effect on the Leave voters while the clueless Remain voters went to bed, thinking the polls were accurate, only to find out the true results the next morning.
I dunno man. It's almost like insulting a family who lost their son makes people not like you.
But they did the same exact thing when the RNC had the mother of one of the benghazi soldiers on.
No, they ignored the fuck out of them. Not a single person on the left said shit. And when I say "person", I don't mean some faggot on twitter. I mean a surrogate or a pundit.
>3 credit hours from trump university have been deposited into your transcript. MAGA!
at this point in time, a +4 difference is fucking nothing. it can change so much in the future. nearly pointless to discuss these small changes in the polls
Hillary paid large money for these polls to be done, and paid even more to CTR to act like this is real.... Hillary has no chance... Reagan v. Mondale is a perfect example.
>trump loses ~5 points over this debacle
the guy's out there shitting on a dead soldier's family and this is all that happens? he shouldn't be worried. in fact him continuing down this line of coyly insinuating that khan is a terrorist sympathiser will play to his base.
no one will even remember this shit come november time.
CNN lies about shit all day long why would anyone trust their polls?
literally changed the algorithm
wtf i hate hill now guess im #totallytrump
The mothers of the Benghazi victims wants answers - they weren't given any.
This Muslim father is supporting Hillary Clinton, the woman who was partially responsible for his son being murdered in a pointless war, simply because he wants more immigration and racial replacement of white people.
He cares more about replacing whites than the death of his son.
Nope, just the more dia spin on it is still going at full clip. Details are emerging and they don't look good.
Dia = Msm
Huh really makes you think
>Yes he did he made some stupid joke possibly half serious that the Muslim mother wasn't allowed to talk.
He never mentioned Islam as the reason for his statement. I thought he was talking about how she was just up there for show, because the Clinton's were just using them as emotional bait, and didn't want her going off script. Which would line up with the earlier parts of his statement.
Over sampling minorities and wemon
It's a known rigged poll ignore it
Trump is a racist pig.
A combination of propaganda and fraud by the media.
Don't forget that Muslim father also did Hillary's taxes, is a representative for Saudi Arabia, and has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Oh, and don't worry, the media will NEVER report any of this
Its called a media bias you dumbasses. If we say
"The polls are rigged against Trump, he's always doing better than they say"
Than by that statement, you can deduce
"If Trump is losing in the rigged polls, this is to be expected, he's actually ahead"
If he's winning however, that means
"Despite his narrow lead, he is actually very far ahead"
Do you even know what we mean when we say the polls are "rigged"? We don't mean they are literally falsified. We mean that they engage in data manipulation. For instance, most of these polls use samples for independents and Republicans, that are FAR lower in number than their actual percentage of the population. One major poll uses about 30% less independents than actually exist. Since Trump is leading by over 20% among independents, that is a MASSIVE ingrained bias against Trump.
You shills thinking our opinions on the polls change depending on whether Trump is in the lead or not are retarded. Our opinion remains constant. There is a bias. If he's winning in SPITE OF, a bias, that doesn't translate to us changing our minds on whether the polls are rigged against him.
No over sampling works one way and its in trumps favor
Polls don't influence my vote
are these posts actually serious? it's hard to tell t b h.
It's not a super secret conspiracy. The polls admitted to reconfigured polls to benefit hillary
The thing is CNN put him in the lead when a lot of other people were saying he was behind, it's really foggy at this point.
You're totally right, but that doesn't mean the polls aren't rigged. We celebrate hard when he's up because to us that means he's up DESPITE the rigging.