Saw this, pretty gritty, love the fact that there's no soundtrack, Javier Bardem was terrifying.....NCFOM thread?
I know they were trying to be original with the ending but it was truly unsatisfying as fuck. Otherwise, it was an exceptional movie, like leaps and bounds better than the dogshit cranked out these days.
my favorite movie
pleb. the entire movie would have made no sense if the ending were any different
it was okay.
Why did sugar shoot the bird?
It's definitely up there with drive...but was the ending supposed to be a nod at the idea of "only in death can I find peace from this gritty fucked up world" ???? Something along those lines...
>"only in death can I find peace from this gritty fucked up world"
The absolute state of plebs on this board, jesus christ.
>It's definitely up there with drive
It's a hell of a lot better than Drive
>it was truly unsatisfying as fuck
You missed the point of the movie.
im a big fan of drive too, but user.....did you drop out of high school or something?
No I go to a university in Rhode Island lmfao???
Literally right
Then what the fuck did it mean oh holy Sup Forums king
Ehhhhhhhhhhh I never let anything beat drive
>you will never be this autistic
Anton was the sheriff's son.
Prove me wrong.
Jesus what the fuck happened to Sup Forums
And don't ramble on and on about,
Honestly does anyone even fucking talk about movies? At least 3-4 replies out of how many??? In this thread were actually related to subject matter...cmon guys
Could you elaborate on that? Like where you drew that conclusion I guess???
You're dumb because you post like and autistic high schooler. The tripcode doesn't help
Well they had different last names and he wasn't a law man. law man runs in the family.
>It's definitely up there with drive
ncfom is very clearly above and beyond your pretentious goose-sucking piece of shit :^)
Above and the place beyond the pines you mean :^)))))
>[I had no idea what the point of the movie was, so the ending was] truly unsatisfying as fuck.
You guys are retards. You can understand what the ending was trying to convey while still thinking it was an unsatisfying ending. It was a great movie, but compared to some of the great endings of other movies you can clearly make an argument that this one was weak.
no, the ending being unsatisfying or incomplete and being the point of the movie makes the ending so potent. if the ending were fulfilling, it would kind of destroy the point of the movie, wouldnt it?
Yeah I think the point of the film was really just
>bad guy got away
>guy who you thought was the hero died in a shitty way in some shootout for some whore at a pool
>old cop retired and didn't have to deal with any of that bullshit
Anyone get any hints that Carla jean died or not?
Also I loved antons character so much, because he wasn't a psychopath to where he would torture people, he'd really just off them with no remorse...
And although the coin toss thing was a little silly it made room for outstanding dialogue, especially at the little shop early on.
>Anyone get any hints that Carla jean died or not?
Jesus fuck... Rewatch the movie at this point user
visiting here from Sup Forums
What were your opinions on the ending?
literally r/eddit: the movie
holy tits just say 9/10 you fucking super-autist
wasn't 9/10 doh
Then call it 8/10
so it was shit?
>up there with drive
GTFO, No Country is way better than Drive. No comparison
To each is own, each movie is on its own level with each person you feel me?
Like to some people toy story could be the greatest film they've ever seen and ever will see, for me it's drive.
Drive is good, but to say it's the best movie you'll ever see suggests you're not quite all there. It's obvious you're obsessed with this movie, and that type of obsession isn't what high-functioning, well-adjusted mind would ever do. I suggest you get yourself sorted, if you can. Good luck.
Carla Jean died. Anton checked his boots after he left her house, just like he does every other time he kills someone and risks getting blood on them.
Kill yourself.
one of the best movies I've ever seen and one of the best of the modern era, only idiots can't see that
Great film, though my favorite is Glengarry Glen Ross.
>no soundtrack
holy shit i didn't even realize it when i watched it the other day
anyway i loved it, something about how tommy lee jones just sort of barely touched the situation but was still a big voice in the movie was interesting to me
the whole thing is kind of unreal and dreamy, great though. love the dialogue and the characters a lot.
I saw No Country For Old Men for the first time recently, and it utterly blew me away. Sometimes the Acadamy Awards botch their Best Picture awards, and most of the time it takes us a while to realize that they have, but almost ten years later and I can still say that they nailed it by giving No Country the award.
For those who enjoy film analysis, I recommend this video which I found fun and interesting. It describes all of the characters as classic Western archetypes. All except one, Anton Chigurh. He is a foreign element introduced into a Western setting, and he runs rampant through it, leaving a path of destruction.
These are my own thoughts now, but based on that previous observation, I am sort of reminded of an invasive species. An ecosystem, through competition and evolution, finds a natural balance, an equilibrium, a certain way that things are "supposed" to go. But introduce a new animal, one that has strengths that other animals haven't had millions of years to defend against, and it can utterly upset the balance of the situation. Creatures that are supposed to thrive, are starved by or directly killed by their new competitors. Anton Chigurh is kind of an invasive species. In a western, the main cowboy is supposed to win. The sheriff, if he is a good guy (sheriffs can go either way), is supposed to either "win" or die tragically/heroically. But when you set Anton Chigurh loose in that movie he upsets that balance. He kills the cowboy. He kills the cowboy's girlfriend. The sheriff manages to live but he is left utterly broken and defeated by the world. And Anton isn't left unscathed, both his body and his world view are damaged, but he still gets to live on. He "destroys" a classic Western movie and that's what makes it so great.
Sauce on the vid?
He loves those boots, even Leweylen however you spell his name held onto his since the hospital
I was so close to watching that today, I like the color grading in it, that office, fast paced work kinda feel
Yeah the no soundtrack is supposed to give a "silence of god" sense to it
>He destroys s classic western movie
I like that little touch you added, kinda wraps his character up good
You're weird
I'm so bullied rn
But please enlighten me on my weirdness
Tommy Lee Jones may very well be the greatest living American actor
>I'm so bullied rn
Hello underage
No if it had ended "satisfyingly" it would go completely against the rest of the movie and retroactively ruin the whole movie. It's not even a boring ending, the speech is pretty powerful on it's own.
That's the joke, I'm 19 and replying from my phone, do you think I really wanna write a lot?
It was just one of those movies that would've been corny if everyone dies, it just keeps you on the edge of your seat death is ever expected...except for Moss'. Only felt unsatisfying because Anton didn't get shot or the shit beaten out of him in the end, he's just really good at what he does, he's almost death itself
Well it's a political movie about how Reagan's policy destroyed America. It's a big leftist turd so no need to wonder why the oscars liked it.
video sauce please. googling and couldnt find it
>Only felt unsatisfying because Anton didn't get shot or the shit beaten out of him in the end, he's just really good at what he does, he's almost death itself
That's the point
Nigga, it's almost universally agreed that reagan's policies were retarded and didn't work, and even then, I didn't see how that was portrayed in the film